The UN/CEFACT D.21B Core Component Library (CCL) |
Generated by EEG7 on 2022-02-16 11:33 |
We now added for each CC the indication of the CCL version of its 1st publication. |
This dictionary consists of several component types (left column), which are: |
ACC | Aggregate Core Component |
BCC | Basic Core Component contained within the ACC |
ASCC | Associated (Aggregate) Core Component, associated with the ACC |
ACC | AccessControlList | A list of permissions attached to an object defining access rights, such as to a party or system. |
ACC | AccompanyingPerson | A person that accompanies another person, such as a mother accompanying her child during a stay in hospital. |
ACC | AccountingAccountBoundary | The lower and upper limits in a series of consecutive accounts. |
ACC | AccountingAccountClassification | A systematic arrangement in classes or categories according to the sector of activities the business is actually running, such as insurance, commercial and industrial, or not for profit. |
ACC | AccountingAccountCreditRisk | The risk of loss due to a debtor's non-payment of due invoices, loan or other line of credit for an accounting account. |
ACC | AccountingAccountDimension | The characteristics template for an aspect of an accounting account which bounds a set of values. |
ACC | AccountingAccountPattern | A template depicting the mask of the structure that forms an accounting account identifier; the structure is arranged in successive parts ; for instance, "AABBBBCC" where AA represents a state, BBBB a product, CC a sales representative. |
ACC | AccountingAccount | A specific account for recording debits and credits to general accounting, cost accounting or budget accounting. |
ACC | AccountingBook | A collection of accounting related data that pertains to specific documents, such as year end report, tax reports, trial balance, or entries. |
ACC | AccountingCharacteristic | Specification of accounting characteristics for a trial balance. |
ACC | AccountingCheck | A set of values providing a validation check of accounting data. |
ACC | AccountingEntryLine | A line included in an accounting entry. |
ACC | AccountingEntry | A posting of monetary values into accounting books that indicates the financial flow for an economic event, the acquisition or consumption of a resource, or the working contribution of an agent. |
ACC | AccountingJournal | A book or file where particularities of transactions of one specific category are recorded. |
ACC | AccountingLineIndex | The identification of a line in a folio of a book or an automated index. |
ACC | AccountingLineMonetaryValue | The material or monetary worth of a thing that is associated with a line that is a part of an accounting entry. |
ACC | AccountingPeriod | A period of time for which accounts are recorded, audited, and reported. |
ACC | AccountingVoucher | A document that proves the reality of an operation, authenticates its conclusion and is used in accounting entry recording and for audit control purposes. |
ACC | AccountsReceivableHistory | A set of characteristics that provide information regarding the history of accounts receivable. |
ACC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactor | A set of characteristics that affect the insurance of accounts receivable. |
ACC | Accreditation | An official recognition awarded to a person, organisation or thing, such as a building or product, to certify that a certain level of attainment has been achieved. |
ACC | ACDRReport | Information pertaining to an Aggregated Catch Data Report (ACDR). |
ACC | Action | The process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. |
ACC | Activity | A thing that a person or group does or has done. |
ACC | AddOnCoverage | A coverage which is added on to a policy but is provided by a different insurer/risk bearer. |
ACC | AdditionalInterest | A concern or stake that a third-party has in an object, such as leasing, mortgage, renting. |
ACC | Additive | A product added to another product in order to maintain or to change the quality of that product. |
ACC | Address | The location at which a particular organization or person may be found or reached. |
ACC | Adjustment | A correction or modification to reflect actual conditions. |
ACC | AgriculturalApplication | Any substance (such as seed, fertilizer, food, water, gas, chemical) applied to a plant or animal. |
ACC | AgriculturalDevice | An object used to perform an agricultural activity. |
ACC | AgriculturalProcess | A practice of cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding and raising livestock or treatment of the produce. |
ACC | AgronomicalObservation | A collection of diagnostic data, visual or technical, for agronomical purposes. |
ACC | AirConditioning | A system to cool and dehumidify indoor air. |
ACC | Airbag | A safety device in a vehicle that inflates rapidly on impact. |
ACC | Alarm | A device that provides a warning that the item which it is protecting is under an imminent threat, such as theft or fire. |
ACC | AllowanceCharge | A component of pricing, such as a service, promotion, allowance or charge. |
ACC | AmountToDate | A set of amounts that have been paid or apply from a previous point in time to the current date. |
ACC | Analysis | A detailed examination of elements and structure. |
ACC | Animal | A living creature which is not a human being. |
ACC | Anti-TheftDevice | A device that provides theft protection to an object. |
ACC | ArchiveParameter | The set of parameters linked with this archive. |
ACC | Area | A part of a surface. |
ACC | Assembly | A number of component pieces fitted together to form a whole. |
ACC | Assertion | A statement that is strongly believed to be true, although it may not have been proven. |
ACC | Assessment | The evaluation of an object with respect to the object's worth or condition. |
ACC | Assignment | Allocation of a task, mission or responsibility between two or more entities. |
ACC | Authentication | A proof that something is genuine. |
ACC | Authorization | An official permission or approval. |
ACC | Autopsy | Characteristics of a post-mortem examination. |
ACC | Availability | Being obtainable or at one's disposal. |
ACC | BalanceOut | Offset information to ensure that debits and credits are equal. |
ACC | BaseAmountCalculation | The calculation of a base amount, such as a base premium, base loading or discount. |
ACC | BasePremium | The amount used as a base for a premium calculation for a policy or specific coverage. |
ACC | Basement | A room or floor which is partly or entirely below ground level. |
ACC | BatchHistoryRecord | A batch which has a parent or child relationship to another batch. |
ACC | Batch | A group of objects, animals, plants, persons considered or dealt with together. |
ACC | Bathroom | A room with a bath. |
ACC | BillOfQuantities | A detailed statement of work, prices, and dimensions. |
ACC | BinaryFile | A computer file or program stored in a binary format. |
ACC | BlanketCoverage | Insurance which encompasses a wide range of risks or properties. |
ACC | BloodAlcoholTest | An examination of the level of alcohol in the blood of a living creature. |
ACC | Booking | A transaction which results in the recording of an entry in an account, such as an entry in a bank account or ordering transport services. |
ACC | BreakdownItem | A part or element of a whole. |
ACC | BreakdownStatement | A detailed statement of work, materials, products, prices, or dimensions. |
ACC | BuildingAccessory | A type of accessory located on the same property as the building. |
ACC | BuildingBlock | A part of a building sharing some common characteristics. |
ACC | BuildingImprovement | An addition or enhancement that has been made to a building over and above the original specification. |
ACC | BuildingInspection | A careful review of a building to assess value and shortcomings. |
ACC | BuildingInsuranceFactor | A set of characteristics or circumstances that affect building insurance. |
ACC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwriting | Money and securities held at a building and subject to coverage by insurance underwriting. |
ACC | Building | A permanent fixed structure, such as a house, factory, hotel, or office building. |
ACC | BundleCollection | Combination of documents and books intended to be stored together in a usable form to conform with regulatory requirements. |
ACC | BusinessAccount | A specific arrangement whereby business transactions are recorded. |
ACC | BusinessProfile | Distinctive features or characteristics of a business such as number of employees, number of operating units, business type. |
ACC | BusinessType | A class or group that specifies the area of business. |
ACC | Calculation | The act, the process or result of a procedure of determining something by mathematical or logical methods. |
ACC | Calendar | A system that defines beginning, ending, length, and sub-divisions of a period of time. |
ACC | CapitalAssetAmortization | The distribution of the cost of a capital asset with respect to its lifetime duration. |
ACC | CapitalAsset | An item of property which is usually held for a long period, such as real estate, equipment. |
ACC | CargoInsurance | The insurance of goods during their transportation. |
ACC | Cargo | Goods being transported. |
ACC | Catch | Information about the species and quantity of fish caught. |
ACC | Category | A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics. |
ACC | CausingParty | A party causing something, such as damages or an accident. |
ACC | Certificate | A legal proof of ownership or worthiness of an item. |
ACC | Certification | The process of ensuring that a certain object, process, or activity has passed performance and quality assurance tests or qualification requirements. |
ACC | Change | An alternation or modification. |
ACC | Characteristic | A prominent attribute or aspect. |
ACC | Checkpoint | The point in an operation where the inspection is performed. |
ACC | ChemicalTreatment | A process of subjecting an object to the action of a chemical, physical, or biological agent. |
ACC | Chemical | Any substance having a defined molecular composition. |
ACC | Cheque | A written order to a bank to pay the stated sum from the drawer's account. |
ACC | Chimney | A channel for the escape of fumes, smoke or heated air from a fireplace, engine or furnace. |
ACC | Circle | A planar surface, defined by one completely round flat shape in the mathematical sense. |
ACC | CircuitPin | The metal extension from an integrated circuit that connects components. |
ACC | Circumstance | An external condition affecting an object or event. |
ACC | ClaimAmountBreakdown | A set of amounts that provide an itemization of the costs of a claim. |
ACC | ClaimFreeRecordEntitlement | An entitlement to a bonus, such as a reduced premium, if there is a proven record of no previous claims for a set period of time. |
ACC | ClaimFreeRecord | Information based upon claims history that is or may be used in a premium pricing mechanism, such as the number of years without claims. |
ACC | ClaimRecovery | Amount of money from a claim that is to be contributed by or recovered from other parties. The recovery procedures may refer to legal requirements or to conventions between parties. |
ACC | ClaimSettlement | An agreement intended to settle a claim. |
ACC | ClaimTransaction | An action that affects an insurance claim, such as initial notification, claim settlement, claim statistics. |
ACC | Claim | A request made by a claimant against a liable party for reparation of losses. |
ACC | Claimant | A party that demands or requests one's due, such as a claim under the terms of an insurance policy. |
ACC | ClaimsMadePolicy | The coverage of claims first made (reported or filed) during the period that the policy is in force for any incidents that occur during that period or any previous period. |
ACC | Classification | A systematic arrangement in classes or categories according to established criteria. |
ACC | Clause | A distinct article or provision in a contract, treaty, will, or other formal or legal written document, which requires compliance. |
ACC | Clearance | The empty space between two objects. |
ACC | CodeSchemeReference | Information to identify a code list. |
ACC | CoinsuranceShare | A share of coverage provided by a single coinsurer or coinsurance agent if the insurance is not provided by a single insurer. |
ACC | Collection | A set of items gathered together, such as a collection of jewellery, a collection of coins, a collection of postage stamps. |
ACC | Colour | The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light. |
ACC | Commission | A remuneration to an agent for the performance of specific duties, such as a payment for services rendered or products sold. |
ACC | Communication | The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behaviour between persons and/or organizations. |
ACC | CompetitorProduct | A rival's equal or comparable product. |
ACC | CompletedWork | Completion of a mental or physical effort to a specific purpose. |
ACC | ComplexDescription | An aggregation of descriptive information consisting of different but related characteristics that together constitute a complex description. |
ACC | ComplexQuantity | An aggregation of quantitative information consisting of different but related characteristics that together constitute a complex quantity. |
ACC | Condition | A state of a person or thing. |
ACC | ConsignmentItem | An item within a consignment of goods separately identified for transport and customs purposes. |
ACC | Consignment | A separately identifiable collection of goods items to be transported or available to be transported from one consignor to one consignee via one or more modes of transport where each consignment is the subject of one single transport contract. |
ACC | ConstructionMaterial | The material used in the building of a structure. |
ACC | ConstructionType | The type of the design or creation through construction of a physical infrastructure such as a building, bridge, highway, power grid. |
ACC | Construction | A man made structure, such as a building. |
ACC | Contact | A person or department that acts as a point of contact with another person or department. |
ACC | Context | A set of circumstances that form the setting for an object, situation, event, statement, or idea. |
ACC | ContractAwardNotice | A notice of the contract award decision by the bid reviewer or procurement entity. |
ACC | ContractBeneficiary | A party designated to receive the benefits provided for in a contract, such as in an insurance policy (or by specific coverage in the policy), if the risk covered actually occurs. |
ACC | ContractCancellation | An action that discontinues a contract. |
ACC | ContractChange | A set of one or more changes made to the scope of a contract after the contract has been initiated. |
ACC | ContractLineItem | A distinct, separately defined line item specified in a contract. |
ACC | ContractReinstatement | The restoration of a contract after it has lapsed or been cancelled. |
ACC | ContractRenewalCondition | A condition which must be met by the client before the contract will be renewed, such as provide a survey. |
ACC | ContractRenewalOption | An option to amend the terms of a contract at renewal. |
ACC | ContractSection | An identifiable part of a contract that has specific contract parameters. |
ACC | Contract | An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written or spoken and enforceable by law. |
ACC | Control | A person or thing used as a standard of comparison, such as for checking the results of a survey or experiment. |
ACC | Conviction | The fact or condition of being legally found guilty of an offence. |
ACC | Convoy | A number of means of transport following each other with a common transport purpose. |
ACC | CoordinateReferenceSystem | A coordinate reference system that is used to describe the relative locations of objects (reference ISO 19111). |
ACC | CoordinateSourceSystem | Properties defining a coordinate source system used in different places around the world to identify locations on the earth. |
ACC | Coordinate | The identification of position relative to one or more axes, such as horizontal, vertical and layer. |
ACC | Copayment | A capped contribution defined in a health insurance policy and paid by an insured person each time a medical service, such as a medical prescription, is accessed. |
ACC | Cost | An effort or loss necessary to achieve a specified goal, including some combination of money, time, materials, and labour. |
ACC | CountrySub-Division | An area of land which is a sub-division within a country, such as a state, a county, a canton, a province, etc. |
ACC | Country | The area of land that belongs to a nation together with its properties such as population, political organization, etc. |
ACC | CourtesyItem | An item or service that is provided as a courtesy to replace or alleviate a need. |
ACC | CoverageHistory | The history of one coverage within a period of prior insurance. |
ACC | CoverageLifeFactor | A set of characteristics or circumstances that affect a life coverage. |
ACC | CoverageLimit | A limit which applies to the coverage terms of an insurance policy. |
ACC | CoverageOption | Additional benefit or supplement that applies to a coverage. |
ACC | CoverageSurrender | The relinquishing of a cover for its cash surrender value by an owner of a cash value policy. |
ACC | CoverageValuation | The statement of worth of a coverage that is designed to return an increasing benefit to the beneficiary, such as an investment in a life insurance product. |
ACC | Coverage | The classification of causes of loss and protection against losses resulting from those causes by insurers, that apply to a specific risk object, party or line of business under an insurance policy. |
ACC | Crew | A body or a class of people who work at a common activity, generally in a structured or hierarchical organization. |
ACC | CrimeUnderwriting | The process of insuring against the risk of burglary, theft and robbery. |
ACC | CropInput | An organic or inorganic substance applied to soil or a crop to improve crop quality. |
ACC | CropMixtureConstituent | A plant species or variety constituting part of a crop mixture. |
ACC | CropProductionCycle | A series of events in the production of a crop. |
ACC | CropProtectionTreatment | A method or substance. such as chemical fertilizers and crop protection products, applied to plant growth whilst managing and controlling diseases and pests. |
ACC | CropResidue | Material that is left after the crop has been harvested or processed. |
ACC | CropStage | A point or step in a process or development of a crop. |
ACC | Crop | One or more cultivated plants or produce from one or more plant species or varieties. |
ACC | CurrencyExchange | The conversion of one currency to another. |
ACC | CurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecord | Information based upon claims history that is used in a premium pricing mechanism for the current coverage. |
ACC | Custody | The control and care of a person or property. |
ACC | CustomerClass | The conditions and requirements of the type of person who may use or purchase a product. |
ACC | CustomsProcedure | Any procedure based on the World Customs Organization (WCO) Kyoto Convention and related to the border crossing of internationally traded goods. |
ACC | CustomsValuation | An assessment of the worth of an object, such as its monetary value, for customs purposes. |
ACC | DamageArea | A specific part of an object that has lost its original capability or condition, such as after an accident. |
ACC | Damage | Loss or harm to persons, animals or the environment resulting from one or more hazards. |
ACC | DangerousGoods | A hazardous or non-hazardous substance which may pose risks to people and/or the environment for which the transportation is regulated by dangerous goods regulations. |
ACC | DataBackup | Information relating to media and data backup practices. |
ACC | DataNode | A single element or node within a data structure, usually a hierarchical structure. |
ACC | DataSet | A collection of data, usually presented in tabular form. |
ACC | DataStructure | A collection of metadata concepts, their structure and usage, when used to collect or disseminate data. |
ACC | DayBook | A book in which the debits and credits which occur day by day are set down. These are ultimately sorted into the ledger. |
ACC | DeclarationRequirement | A set of periodic declarations that have to be made, such as against an insurance policy or coverage to declare updated underwriting data. |
ACC | DeclarationSchedule | The scheduling of periodic declarations that have to be made, such as against an insurance policy. |
ACC | Declaration | An act of notification by formal documentation or action, in any form prescribed or accepted, such as a goods declaration to customs. |
ACC | DeductibleLimit | The limitation on the amount, quantity or duration of a deductible, and how it is to be applied. |
ACC | Deductible | A part of the risk that is deducted from a claim before the insurer becomes liable. |
ACC | Defendant | A party who is required to answer a legal complaint. |
ACC | Deliverable | Specific goods or services expected to be delivered as the result of a contract award or project. The deliverable, or set of deliverables, can be identified in a request or response for bid, proposal, tender or the like. |
ACC | DeliveryTerms | The conditions agreed upon between the parties with regard to the delivery of goods and or services. |
ACC | Delivery | The action of distributing goods or services to their destination. |
ACC | DesignRegistration | The reporting of intellectual property to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or a national organization to protect the design rights. |
ACC | Design | A document, plan or drawing produced to describe the look and function of something before it is built or made. |
ACC | Dimension | A measure of spatial extent, such as length, breadth or height. |
ACC | DirectPositionList | The list of coordinates for a physical location, expressed as a sequence of direct positions. |
ACC | DirectPosition | A physical location described within a coordinate reference system. |
ACC | Directive | The explicit declaration of compliance to one or more compliance directives inclusive of the exceptions to the compliance. |
ACC | Discrepancy | Any deviation or departure from the expected. |
ACC | Disposition | Action to be taken on records, material or assets at a specified time, such as destruction, recycling, or electronic wiping, reformatting, transferring, or permanent retention. |
ACC | DistributionProfilePoint | A point in time or space within a distribution profile. |
ACC | DistributionProfile | A spread curve that defines how an item, such as a resource, is distributed over time or space. |
ACC | Distribution | The way in which something is shared out among a group or spread over an area. |
ACC | DocumentFolder | A directory containing related documents or files. |
ACC | Document | A collection of data for a piece of written, printed or electronic matter that provides information or evidence. |
ACC | DriverCoverageLimitation | A coverage limitation specifying inclusions or exclusions regarding the drivers for the coverage within a policy. |
ACC | Driver | A person that operates a vehicle. |
ACC | DrivingCredit | A discount given for a motor coverage for a certain qualification of the driver. |
ACC | ECIDReport | The Electronic Chip Identification (ECID) reporting of specific parameters. |
ACC | Elevator | A transport device used to move goods or people vertically from one floor to another. |
ACC | Emission | Pollution (including noise, heat, and radiation) discharged into the environment by residential, commercial, or industrial facilities or by a means of transport. |
ACC | EmployeeCount | The number of employees of various classifications for a specific time period. |
ACC | EmployeeInjuryIllness | An injury or illness that happens to an employee at work and for which they may be entitled to worker's compensation. |
ACC | Employee | A person that works for and is paid a salary by another person or organization. |
ACC | Employer | A person or organization that pays someone to do work on a regular or contractual basis. |
ACC | Endorsement | A supplementary or official comment on a document which limits or extends its provisions. |
ACC | Engine | A machine with moving parts that converts power into motion. |
ACC | EngineeringInstructions | The technical data necessary for the processing of a device. |
ACC | EngineeringResult | The specific outcome of a defined cycle of steps or measurements in an engineering process. |
ACC | Envelope | A structure containing a payload of information. |
ACC | EnvironmentalFactor | An environmental hazard or benefit that may affect an object. Also used to express the distance between the risk object and the environmental hazard or benefit, such as the distance between the risk object and the hazardous or beneficial object. |
ACC | Equipment | A necessary item or object for a particular purpose. |
ACC | Error | Something done incorrectly or mistakenly. |
ACC | EventElement | A structure for elements of an event. |
ACC | Event | A significant occurrence or happening related to a person, animal, object or process. |
ACC | ExaminationResult | Results obtained by performing an examination. |
ACC | Exemption | An exclusion from a requirement, such as a regulation or a tax. |
ACC | ExpectedInformation | A single datum or a compilation of data anticipated, such as an amount, percentage, date or comment in a report. |
ACC | ExternalBuildingProtection | The protection, by external means, that a building has against a threat, such as fire. |
ACC | ExternalWork | Work belonging to, situated on, or forming the outside of something. |
ACC | Facet | Specification of the format for the content of a data object, such as the content of a data element when reported in a data or metadata set. |
ACC | Facility | A structure or place that provides a particular service. |
ACC | Factory | A building or buildings with equipment for manufacturing. |
ACC | FailureAnalysis | Logical, systematic examination to determine the nature of a failure. |
ACC | Failure | A breakdown in functionality. |
ACC | Fault | A defect or logical grouping of defects that appear to be related or are showing the same symptoms. |
ACC | Feature | Distinctive or characteristic parts of an object. |
ACC | Fee | A charge that is payable as remuneration, such as for membership in a society. |
ACC | FinancialAccount | A specific business arrangement whereby debits and/or credits arising from transactions are recorded, such as, a financial account with a bank, a financial account with a trading partner etc. |
ACC | FinancialCard | A card used to represent a financial account. |
ACC | FinancialInstitution | An institution, such as a bank, building society, credit union, stock brokerage, or similar business; established primarily to provide financial services and financial transactions. |
ACC | FireExtinguishingSystem | A protection device or system used to extinguish or control fires. |
ACC | Fireplace | An architectural element in a building consisting of a space designed to contain a fire, generally for heating but sometimes also for cooking. |
ACC | ForecastTerms | A set of terms and conditions by which a forecast has been or will be made. |
ACC | FormTemplate | A model or standard for making comparisons for a form. |
ACC | Formality | A compilation of gathered information to be remitted to official data collectors or interested parties, such as a tax or social return, statistical statement, financial report. |
ACC | Fuel | Any material that is burnt or altered in order to obtain energy. |
ACC | Gear | An apparatus that is used for a particular purpose or activity. |
ACC | GeographicUsageLimit | A limitation or limitations on the geographical area within which the use of an object is allowed or disallowed, such as the area within which a vehicle is allowed to be driven. |
ACC | GeographicalCoordinate | A set of geographical coordinates of a specific point such as the longitude, latitude and altitude. |
ACC | GeographicalFeature | Distinctive or characteristic part of a geographical object. |
ACC | GeographicalGrid | The combination of the latitude and longitude forming a graticule, used for specifying the position of any location on the surface of the Earth, without consideration of altitude or depth (reference ISO 19136). |
ACC | GeographicalLine | A connection between two points on the surface of the Earth (reference ISO 19136). |
ACC | GeographicalMulti-Curve | A collection of curves on the surface of the Earth (reference ISO 19136). |
ACC | GeographicalMulti-Point | A collection of points, on the surface of the Earth (reference ISO 19136). |
ACC | GeographicalMulti-Surface | A collection of surfaces on the Earth (reference ISO 19136). |
ACC | GeographicalObjectCharacteristic | An attribute of a geographical object. |
ACC | GeographicalPoint | A point on the surface of the Earth (reference ISO 19136). |
ACC | GeographicalSurface | A figure on the Earth having only two dimensions (reference ISO 19136). |
ACC | GeopoliticalRegion | A collection of countries and/or economies united by a common characteristic, such as political union. |
ACC | GlassSign | Windows and signage inside or outside a building. |
ACC | Glass | Transparent or translucent materials used in a building to allow light into the building or to act as screens within the building. |
ACC | GoodsCharacteristic | A distinguishing feature or quality of goods. |
ACC | Grant | An allocation of funds for a specific purpose. |
ACC | GrossPremium | The amount payable for a contract of insurance. |
ACC | Guarantee | Information about the guarantee of a contractual or financial obligation. |
ACC | GuestArrival | Guest arrival information. |
ACC | HazardRating | The classification and ranking of the hazard or peril. |
ACC | Hazard | A risk or danger that poses a threat to individuals, property, or the environment. |
ACC | HazardousMaterial | Any solid, liquid, or gas, that can harm people, other living organisms, property, or the environment. |
ACC | HealthCareInstitutionAttendance | Proposed, on-going or completed service to an inpatient by a health care institution. |
ACC | HealthCareInstitution | An institution with specialised staff and equipment, such as a hospital, providing patient treatment and optionally longer-term patient care. |
ACC | HealthCareProfessional | A trained, experienced individual who provides services for the maintenance and improvement of personal health. |
ACC | HealthHazard | A threat to health, such as heavy metals, foreign bodies, contaminations, pesticides, biotoxins or residues of pesticides. |
ACC | HealthIndication | Details related to a health related indicator, such as for transportation purposes. |
ACC | HeatingSystem | A device or system used to provide warmth, such as in a building or vehicle. |
ACC | HierarchicalStructure | A hierarchical structure identifies, organizes, and summarizes hierarchical information. |
ACC | IdentifiableArtefact | A construct that contains a structure capable of managing the identification of an artefact. |
ACC | Identity | Information which uniquely identifies a person, organization, animal or object. |
ACC | Illness | A collection of data about an illness or disease. |
ACC | InbuiltComponent | A component built into an existing component, such as a structure or appliance built into a building. |
ACC | IncidentAncillaryObject | An object involved in an incident which is not the primary involved object. |
ACC | IncidentBuilding | The condition of a building that has been involved in an incident. |
ACC | IncidentObject | The condition of an object that has been involved in an incident. |
ACC | IncidentVehicle | The condition of a vehicle that has been involved in an accident or other loss event. |
ACC | Incident | An event or occurrence, such as a car crash or theft of an object. |
ACC | IndexAdjustment | Information used to assist in the application of rate changes due to factors such as rampant inflation in a country. |
ACC | Injury | Physical damage or loss to a person. |
ACC | InspectionResult | Results obtained by performing an inspection. |
ACC | Inspection | The process of performing documented checks, such as on materials, processes, systems, plants, animals or humans, with a focus on discovering deviations, errors or faults related to documented requirements. |
ACC | InstalmentPlan | A plan for paying a total sum of money by several payments made over a period of time. |
ACC | Instructions | Information of an instructive or teaching nature that tells someone how to manage, manipulate, control, or cope with something. |
ACC | InsuranceAccountEntry | An amount of money or set of amounts that is stated in an insurance account held by an insurance party, such as insurer, producer, reinsurer. |
ACC | InsuranceApplicant | A party applying for an insurance product. |
ACC | InsuranceBenefits | Payments to a beneficiary under an insurance policy or coverage. |
ACC | InsuranceClient | A party that requests insurance protection and pays the premium to an insurance company in exchange for the protection provided by a policy. |
ACC | InsuranceCompany | An organization that undertakes, on receipt of a premium, to secure a party against a financial loss by payment, such as in the event of loss, damage, injury. |
ACC | InsuranceHistory | A period of prior insurance and a summary of losses, which are relevant to the current insurance. |
ACC | InsuranceLineItem | The material or monetary worth of an insurance line item that is associated with an insurance account entry. |
ACC | InsuranceObject | General information about an object, such as a vehicle or a building, that affects the underwriting of that object. |
ACC | InsurancePaymentPlan | A plan for the payment of an insurance premium to an insurance company. |
ACC | InsurancePolicy | A contract between an insured and an insurer to provide the insured with coverage against certain specified risks. |
ACC | InsuranceProducer | A party that offers advice and arranges policies for clients. An insurance producer may be either tied - representing one or a limited number of companies - or independent - with no limit on the number of companies with which he can deal. |
ACC | InsuranceProduct | A combination of insurance coverages for selling purposes. |
ACC | InsuranceTransaction | An action that affects any insurance data item as a result of an insurance process, such as for policy: renewal, change of address, for claim: notification, assessment. |
ACC | Insured | A party that is covered by an insurance policy. |
ACC | InteriorFinish | The components and material used to complete and/or beautify the interior of a building such as ceiling finish, wall finish. |
ACC | IntermediarySale | The conditions and commission information that apply to the selling of a product by an entity other than the supplier of the product. |
ACC | Inventory | Material held in stock. |
ACC | Investigation | A systematic or formal inquiry into an incident or allegation so as to establish the truth. |
ACC | InvestigatorActivity | A task performed by a person investigating something, such as an insurance claim. |
ACC | IOTDevice | An object or system made or adapted for an IOT (Internet of Things) purpose such as to collect, report and autonomously transmit digital data especially when connected to a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment. |
ACC | Issue | A topic for debate or resolution. |
ACC | ItemValuation | An item whose value is being estimated, such as for insurance purposes. |
ACC | Itinerary | Schedule and location information for travel. |
ACC | JournalList | A specific list of journals used in an accounting book by an entity. |
ACC | Keyword | A significant word, part of word or phrase that is used to enable indexing of or searching within a textual repository, such as a product catalogue or library. |
ACC | KitchenProtection | The protection that a kitchen has against threats, such as fire. |
ACC | Kitchen | A room used for food preparation. |
ACC | Label | An attachment to an object, person or animal which provides identification information for the object. |
ACC | LanguageProficiency | Skills in any principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture. |
ACC | Leasehold | A contract under which one party allows use of an object, such as land or a dwelling, by another party for a period of time, usually in consideration of rent. |
ACC | Ledger | A book or file containing all accounts of an entity relating to assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditure. |
ACC | LicenceRestriction | A limitation that has been placed on the licence, such as daylight driving only or a restaurant without alcohol. |
ACC | Licence | A permit from an authority to own or use something, do a particular thing, or carry on a trade. |
ACC | LinearRing | An array of points which define a closed loop which is not self intersecting. |
ACC | LoadingDiscount | A factor applied to the insurance base premium to calculate the net premium for a policy or coverage; loadings are added to the premium and discounts are subtracted. |
ACC | Location | A physical location or place. |
ACC | Loss | The fact or process of losing something, such as loss of money by theft, loss of fitness due to injury, loss of full function due to damage. |
ACC | Machine | An apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task or series of tasks. |
ACC | MaintainableArtefact | A construct that contains a structure capable of managing the maintenance of an artefact. |
ACC | ManMachineSystem | A combination of man and machinery which operate as one independently controllable unit. |
ACC | MarketConditions | Characteristics, such as competition, prices, or environmental factors that have an impact on a particular market. |
ACC | Marketplace | An actual or virtual place where buyers and sellers interact, directly or through intermediaries, to trade goods or services. |
ACC | Marking | An inscription, stamp or label such as to indicate date, ownership, quality, manufacture or origin. |
ACC | MaterialComponent | A component of something inanimate that occupies space and possesses mass. |
ACC | Material | Something inanimate that occupies space and possesses mass. |
ACC | Means | A method or object by which a result is achieved. |
ACC | Measurement | An amount, size, or extent as established by measuring. |
ACC | MedicalAid | An item, such as a wheelchair or bandages but excluding medications, that is used to aid a patient. |
ACC | MedicalCondition | A state of health, such as a disease or disability, that may impact an individual's ability to perform tasks. |
ACC | MedicalDiagnosis | The process of determining and documenting the nature of a medical disease or disorder. |
ACC | MedicalEpisode | An incident or event that gives rise to a medical condition. |
ACC | MedicalReimbursement | The compensation by a funding institution, such as a private health insurer, based on a health insurance policy, for the expenses of a medical treatment an insured had to pay. |
ACC | MedicalSuperintendent | A person that is the leader of a hospital or a department within a hospital. |
ACC | MedicalSupplementForm | A form that describes the medical condition of a person. |
ACC | MedicalTest | An examination of part of the body or a body fluid for medical purposes. |
ACC | MedicalTreatment | Medication or therapy, excluding surgery, for the relief or cure of a medical condition. |
ACC | Medication | A medicine, drug or other substance used to prevent or cure disease or to relieve pain. |
ACC | Membership | The state of belonging to a group, such as a club or trade association. |
ACC | MessengerProtection | Protection measures that a messenger has against threats, such as criminal threats. |
ACC | MeterReading | The formal reading of a meter, such as an odometer or horometer, at a specific point in time, such as the time of an incident or for annual declaration. |
ACC | Method | A defined way of performing something. |
ACC | Metrics | Quantitative information about a system of parameters for assessment purposes. |
ACC | MobileHome | A home which can be moved, such as a caravan or trailer, but is not self-propelled or motorised. |
ACC | Modification | A change that has been made to an object, such as to a vehicle or building. |
ACC | MonetaryAllocation | The terms and conditions by which monetary amounts are assigned or distributed, such as an insurance or income revenue scheduled provision. |
ACC | MonetaryInstalment | The arrangement of the payment of a sum of money in fixed proportions at fixed times. |
ACC | MonetarySummation | A collection of monetary amount totals. |
ACC | MonetaryTransfer | The movement of money, such as a transfer between financial accounts. |
ACC | MonetaryValue | The monetary amount that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else, such as an object or a service. |
ACC | MonthlyLeaseholdInterest | Factors that influence the calculation of the monthly interest for a leasehold contract. |
ACC | MultipleIdentifier | A set of identifiers to be used when multiple parties have different identifiers for the same item. |
ACC | NameableArtefact | A construct that contains a structure capable of managing the naming of an artefact. |
ACC | NationalResidency | The country where a person usually lives. |
ACC | NetPremium | The premium derived by applying the loadings and discounts to the base premium, but excluding taxes and fees. |
ACC | Note | A textual or coded description, such as a remark or additional information. |
ACC | Notification | The formal act of giving information about an event from one party to another. |
ACC | ObjectSalvage | The recovery of value of an object following damage to the object, such as a vehicle. |
ACC | Object | Anything that is visible or tangible. |
ACC | ObservationRequestCharacteristic | A prominent attribute or aspect of this observation request. |
ACC | ObservationRequest | A collection of data specifying a request to perform an observation on an object. |
ACC | ObservationResultCharacteristic | An observed prominent attribute or aspect. |
ACC | ObservationResult | A collection of diagnostic data, visual or technical, and processing data, performed on an object. |
ACC | Observation | An act or instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose. |
ACC | Occupancy | The use or intended use of a building or part thereof for the shelter or support of persons, animals or property. |
ACC | Occupation | A person's job or profession. |
ACC | OccupiedFloor | The floor or number of floors occupied in a building. |
ACC | Offence | A punishable breach of law. |
ACC | OnsiteBuildingProtection | Equipment that a building has on the premises to protect against threats, such as fire. |
ACC | Option | A thing that is or may be chosen. |
ACC | OptionalExtra | An item or service that can, if requested, be provided as an addition to the standard specification of an object. |
ACC | Organization | An organized structure set up for a particular purpose, such as a business, government body, department, charity, or financial institution. |
ACC | Ownership | The state or fact of exclusive legal rights and control over something such as property, a vehicle, an organization or intangible items, such as a lease or drilling rights. |
ACC | Package | Any self-contained wrapping or container within which goods can be contained, such as a box or a barrel which can be filled, partially filled or empty. |
ACC | Packaging | Any wrapping or containment, such as a box or a barrel, of goods. |
ACC | Paint | A liquid matter used to colour objects, such as vehicles, walls. |
ACC | Pairing | The process by which two potentially entities are linked. |
ACC | Parameter | A feature that is fixed for the case in question but may be different in other cases. |
ACC | Part | A piece or segment of an object, such as a wheel, paint, screw. |
ACC | PartyGroup | A collection of individuals, such as a group of similar employees, a group of drivers, a group of homeowners, or a travel group. |
ACC | Party | An individual, a group, or a body having a role in a business function. Party has a legal connotation in a business transaction. |
ACC | Patient | A person receiving medical treatment. |
ACC | PayloadInstance | A single occurrence of a set of transmitted data. |
ACC | Payload | Transmitted data that is the actual intended message, separate from metadata. |
ACC | PaymentDiscountTerms | Terms and conditions by which a payment discount is or can be applied to a payable amount. |
ACC | PaymentInstruction | Instructions related to the processing of a payment. |
ACC | PaymentMeans | Details of the means by which the payment will be or has been made. |
ACC | PaymentPenaltyTerms | Terms and conditions by which a payment penalty is or can be applied to a payable amount. |
ACC | PaymentTerms | Terms and conditions by which payment has been or will be made. |
ACC | PaymentTransactionInstruction | Instructions for the movement of funds from one account to another. |
ACC | Payment | Discharge obligations in respect of funds or securities transferred between two or more parties. |
ACC | PenaltyCharge | A charge that may be applied or agreed upon as a penalty for a breach of rule or contract. |
ACC | PerformanceMeasurement | A means of calculating a benefit gained by or penalty against a person or organization, based on predefined criteria. |
ACC | Period | A specific period of time such as the length of time between two known date/time points, from a start date onwards, or up to an end date. |
ACC | Periodicity | The distribution of reference points at regular or reoccurring intervals. |
ACC | PermittedUsage | The permitted use of an object. |
ACC | PersonFinancialSituation | The financial situation of a person, such as income and savings. |
ACC | Person | An individual human being. |
ACC | PersonalEffects | Privately owned articles for personal use by an individual. |
ACC | Picture | A painting, drawing, or photograph represented as a digital image for electronic sharing. |
ACC | Plot | A small piece of land or water. |
ACC | PointOfImpact | A position on an object where it is hit, normally causing damage. |
ACC | Pointer | Reference pointing to a position within an object, such as a document. |
ACC | Policy | A rule or plan of action which is implemented as a procedure or protocol. |
ACC | Polygon | A planar surface, defined by one exterior boundary and zero or more interior boundaries. Each interior boundary defines a hole in the polygon. |
ACC | Porch | A structure attached to a building forming a covered entrance to a vestibule or doorway. |
ACC | PostLossRiskControl | An action that is put into effect after a loss to minimise the consequences. |
ACC | Preference | Precedence, advantage, or choice of one person or thing over another. |
ACC | PriceIndex | A scheme for expressing the value of something compared to a base value. |
ACC | Price | A sum of money for which something is or may be bought or sold. |
ACC | Any text or pattern put on the surface of an object using a specific material such as dye. | |
ACC | Problem | A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. |
ACC | ProcessStep | A stage within a process. |
ACC | Process | A naturally occurring or designed sequence of operations or events. |
ACC | ProcessedEntity | An individual or organization for which an accounting book is prepared. |
ACC | Produce | Products, such as grain, fruits, vegetables, poultry and livestock. |
ACC | ProductFinishingTreatment | Improving measures for manufactured components or products to meet end use requirements. |
ACC | ProductGroup | The grouping of products, such as for catalogue or regulatory purposes. |
ACC | ProductInstance | An instance of an individual product or batch of similar products produced by human or mechanical effort or by a natural process. |
ACC | ProductReturn | An act of sending a product back to its origination point. |
ACC | ProductWarranty | A guarantee or written assurance that some product or service will be provided, such as repair or replacement of a faulty product. |
ACC | Product | Any tangible output or service produced by human or mechanical effort or by a natural process. |
ACC | ProductionCycle | A series of activities related to the conversion of component materials into a finished product. |
ACC | ProductionDevice | A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose in order to perform a production activity, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment. |
ACC | ProductionUnit | A defined set of production utilities under a single management. |
ACC | Production | The process of making or growing something for sale or use. |
ACC | Programme | A set of related measures, activities or projects with a common goal. |
ACC | ProjectDescription | A characteristic or detailed description of a project. |
ACC | ProjectPortfolio | A collection of one or more projects that are tracked together. |
ACC | Project | An endeavour carefully planned to achieve a unique product, service, or other particular aim such as a construction project. |
ACC | ProprietaryUnit | A non-standardized unit. |
ACC | ProtectiveMaterial | Material that protects from a potentially hazardous source, such as a heating system. |
ACC | Proximity | Nearness in space, time, or relationship. |
ACC | Qualification | A condition that must be fulfilled. |
ACC | QualityAnalysis | The data that demonstrate conclusively whether or not the product or process meets a requirement. |
ACC | QuantityAnalysis | The analytic breakdown of a quantity to include its supporting information, such as a complex quantity that consists of multiple pieces of information that together constitute a single quantity. |
ACC | QueryParameter | Information that defines, limits or restricts the scope of a query. |
ACC | Query | A formally raised question or request for information. |
ACC | Questionnaire | A formulated series of questions by which information is sought from a selected or target group, such as for statistical analysis purposes. |
ACC | Quota | The proportional share or part of a whole that is due from, due to, or allocated to a person or group. |
ACC | Quotation | Proposed terms, conditions and costs for a requested contract. |
ACC | RadioactiveIsotope | Any of several species of the same chemical element with different masses whose nuclei are unstable and dissipate excess energy by spontaneously emitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta, or gamma rays. |
ACC | Radionuclide | An atom that has excess nuclear energy, making it unstable. |
ACC | Range | A row, line or series, such as a block of floors in a building. |
ACC | Reason | A motive, cause or justification. |
ACC | Reference | A direction, more or less precise, to related information. |
ACC | Registration | The recording of items or details for a specific purpose. |
ACC | RegistryProduct | The identification of a product in a registry. |
ACC | RegulatedGoods | Articles of trade or commerce which are subject to or controlled by a rule, regulation, or law at a particular point during its lifecycle. |
ACC | Regulation | A principle, rule, or law designed to control or govern. |
ACC | RegulatoryControl | A verification to satisfy a regulation, law or convention, such as by a physical examination of goods. |
ACC | RegulatoryProcedure | A set of formal steps to satisfy a regulation, law or convention. |
ACC | RegulatoryReporting | Reporting that is specifically required for regulatory or legal purposes. |
ACC | RelatedSettlement | Information related to the handling of the remittance information in the transaction processing chain. |
ACC | RepairTask | A service that is performed in the repair of a damaged object. |
ACC | Reparation | The act of renewing, restoring, repairing or compensating, such as the repair of a vehicle or the refunding of costs. |
ACC | Report | A compilation of information which is pertinent to a specific subject or topic, such as an accounting report or financial report. |
ACC | ReportedArea | An area that is reported, such as where a catch has been taken. |
ACC | ReportingThreshold | The trigger point for initiating a reporting action. |
ACC | Representation | The allowable values or formats for a concept, such as a data element. |
ACC | Requirement | An action or item that is imperative. |
ACC | ReservationItem | The item of products or services which is specified in a reservation. |
ACC | ReservationRestriction | A limitation for the booking of a product or service. |
ACC | Reservation | The action or fact of booking something, such as a hotel room, in advance. |
ACC | ResourceAssignment | An assignment of a resource to a particular work task. |
ACC | Resource | A stock or supply of people, materials, or assets. |
ACC | Response | A reply, answer, or additional message that is usually in response to a question or query. |
ACC | Responsibility | The state or fact of being accountable for or to blame for something. |
ACC | RetainedBalance | The balance of payments that are held as credit by the insurer. |
ACC | RevisionMethod | A defined method for adjusting or revising something. |
ACC | RiskAnalysisResult | The results of a risk analysis calculation. |
ACC | RoundingRule | The applicable rule when rounding a numeric value. |
ACC | Route | A way or course taken from one location to another. |
ACC | SafeComponent | A constituent part, such as a wall, floor or ceiling, of a safe. |
ACC | SafeDoor | The characteristics of the door of a safe or vault. |
ACC | Safe | A strong lockable cabinet used to protect money or other valuables against theft or damage, such as a safe or vault. |
ACC | SafetyProgramme | A programme to provide safety to people or property. |
ACC | SalesChannel | A way or route by which the products or services are distributed for sale. |
ACC | SampleType | The type of material, such as animal or plant, a sample contains. |
ACC | Sample | A specimen (small part of the whole) taken for testing or analysis. |
ACC | SampledObject | The physical object from which a sample has been taken. |
ACC | SanitaryMeasure | Details of sanitary measures, such as reported for transportation health purposes. |
ACC | SatelliteIdentification | An identification provided by a satellite service provider. |
ACC | ScheduleTaskRelationship | A schedule task relationship defines the dependencies between schedule tasks. |
ACC | ScheduleTask | A cohesive activity, collection of activities, or milestone with a definite duration or date which is required to achieve a deliverable. |
ACC | Schedule | A series of planned activities or things to be done showing the times or dates when they are intended to happen or be done. |
ACC | Scope | The sphere or area over which an activity operates. |
ACC | Seal | A device used to secure an object and protect from unauthorized entry or tampering such as a seal affixed to a piece of transport equipment. |
ACC | Section | A part separated within or cut off from an object, such as the subdivision of a book or a piece of pipe. |
ACC | SecurityTag | A tag device to protect an object from a peril such as theft. |
ACC | Security | A measure that helps prevent an object, such as a building, from incurring a peril such as theft. |
ACC | Segment | Each of the parts into which something is or may be divided. |
ACC | Sensor | An object which can detect and measure physical properties and which can record, indicate and even transmit such measurements locally. |
ACC | Sentence | The judgement or decision of a court of law of the punishment imposed on a party following a conviction. |
ACC | ServiceCharge | A charge made for services rendered or assessed, such as banking, freight charges, charges for a medical service such as provision of a private room, provision of a television, medical supplies, massage. |
ACC | ServiceOption | A service item that may be chosen. |
ACC | Service | Work or the doing of work for another or community to include utilities and transport. |
ACC | Shareholder | A party that holds share equity of at least 5% in a listed company. |
ACC | ShippingMarks | Physical markings or labels on individual packages or transport units for shipping purposes. |
ACC | Signage | A publicly displayed board giving information or directions, such as within or outside a building. |
ACC | Silage | Fermented, high-moisture feed. |
ACC | SoftwareConfiguration | The internal structure and commands of a computer program which determine the program's behavior. |
ACC | Software | Programs and other operating information used by a computer. |
ACC | SoilOccupation | The use or occupation of soil to grow a crop. |
ACC | SoilSupplement | A material added to soil to improve its quality. |
ACC | Soil | A natural body consisting of layers (soil horizons) of a mix of mineral and organic constituents of variable thicknesses, generally the natural upper layer of the earth surface. |
ACC | Source | A place from which a river, stream, spring or other water originates. |
ACC | SpecialtyRoom | A room of a building designated for special purposes, such as a ballroom or computer room. |
ACC | SpeciesVariety | A sub-division of plants or animals within a species. |
ACC | Staff | Persons employed in a business. |
ACC | StandardConditions | A set of conventions, conditions and restrictions that apply to an agreement. |
ACC | Standard | A norm or requirement that establishes uniform criteria, methods, processes and practices, such as in engineering or technical areas. |
ACC | StatisticalAttributeRelationship | Specifies the type of artefact to which a data attribute can be attached in a data set. |
ACC | StatisticalAttributeSet | A collection of characteristics qualifying a set of observations, a time series or a data set. |
ACC | StatisticalAttribute | A statistical characteristic qualifying observations, time series or data sets, such as title, availability, observation status, unit of measure, title in national language, or source. |
ACC | StatisticalConceptReference | Information to identify a statistical characteristic of a statistical series or a statistical observation. |
ACC | StatisticalConceptSchemeReference | Information to identify a language independent set of letters, numbers or symbols that together represent a statistical concept whose meaning is described in a natural language. |
ACC | StatisticalDimensionGroup | A collection of references each of which identifies a dimension in a data structure. |
ACC | StatisticalDimensionSet | A collection of statistical concepts which together identify a statistical series or a set of observations. |
ACC | StatisticalDimension | A statistical concept used, in combination with other statistical concepts, to identify a statistical series or observation. |
ACC | StatisticalMeasureDimension | A construct that specifies formally the meaning of the measures and which enables multiple measures to be defined and reported in a data set. |
ACC | StatisticalMeasureSet | A collection of metadata concepts which together define the numbers or quantities that record a statistical series or a set of observations. |
ACC | StatisticalMeasure | The metadata concept that is the phenomenon to be measured in a data set. In a data set the instance of the measure is often called the observation. |
ACC | StatisticalTimeDimension | The period of time or point in time to which the measured observation refers when reported in a data set. |
ACC | Status | The information relevant to a condition or a position of an object or event. |
ACC | Stock | A supply or quantity of something accumulated or available for future use. |
ACC | Storage | The location and security arrangements for an object, such as a vehicle. The storage might be for overnight, long periods, off season, etc. |
ACC | Stowaway | A person who hides aboard a ship or other conveyance, such as in order to obtain free passage or elude detection. |
ACC | Subcomponent | A subassembly or portion of a component, such as for an electronic component. |
ACC | Substructure | An underlying or supporting structure. |
ACC | SupplyPlan | Specification of the delivery time and quantity bucket in a demand forecast or supply schedule. |
ACC | SupportCase | Data used to ensure uniqueness in a case management system. |
ACC | Surgery | The medical practice which treats injuries, deformities, and other bodily disorders by physical operation or manipulation. |
ACC | SurroundingArea | The area around a place or thing, such as the area around a building. |
ACC | Survey | A systematic collection and analysis of data relating to the opinions, habits, etc., of a population or the statistics of a thing usually taken from a representative sample, such as a poll. |
ACC | Suspicion | A compilation of information about a suspicion causing one to have the idea or impression that someone or something is questionable, dishonest, or dangerous. |
ACC | SwimmingPool | An artificially enclosed body of water intended for swimming or water-based recreation. |
ACC | Tank | A storage container for bulk materials, such as milk or grain. |
ACC | TargetObject | An entity at which efforts are aimed. |
ACC | Tax | A levy or payment for the support of a government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government. |
ACC | TechnicalCapability | The ability to use the mechanical arts and applied sciences to achieve an objective. |
ACC | Temperature | Measured or perceived degree of heat or cold of a thing, region, etc. |
ACC | TemporaryInsuranceAgreement | An agreement providing temporary insurance coverage prior to issue of a policy. |
ACC | TenderResult | The result of the tender bid opening. |
ACC | TenderSubmission | The submission of a formal written offer to carry out work, supply goods, etc. for a price. |
ACC | Tender | A formal written offer to carry out work, supply goods, etc. for a price. |
ACC | TendererResult | The detailed information of the bid opening for this tenderer. |
ACC | TenderingProcess | The process of a formal offer and response to execute work or supply goods at a stated price. |
ACC | TestCondition | A condition or set of conditions of a specific test. |
ACC | TestConfigurationComponent | Parts of a report of test results and conditions. |
ACC | TestConfiguration | A report of test results and conditions. |
ACC | TestEnvironment | The nature, circumstances, conditions or parameters of a test in which a defined cycle of steps or measurements is conducted. |
ACC | TestMap | The orientation and configuration used by manufacturing test (metrology) equipment. |
ACC | TestParameter | Any factor that defines a test and determines (or potentially limits) its performance. |
ACC | TestSetup | The system control information for setting up a tester. |
ACC | TestSpecificationReport | A report that lists each test, its attributes, wafer sort and final test, such as test name, electrical conditions, or sort number. |
ACC | TestingDevice | A tool used for performing tests. |
ACC | Threshold | The measure of sensitivity such as the minimum or maximum level allowed. |
ACC | TimeStatus | The status of a given point in time, such as current, previous or future. |
ACC | TimingConstraint | A restriction applied to the timing of an activity or event, such as the start or end date of a task within a schedule. |
ACC | Tissue | An aggregate of similar cells and cell products forming a definite kind of structural material with a specific function, in a multicellular organism. |
ACC | Tolerance | Permissible limit or limits of variation that is fixed for the case in question but may be different in other cases. |
ACC | ToolAttachment | A supplementary part or accessory to a tool, such as a probe or hand grip. |
ACC | Total | A summation obtained by a calculation or count. |
ACC | TradeAgreement | The contractual terms of a trade agreement. |
ACC | TradeDelivery | The shipping arrangements and movement of products and or services including despatch and delivery. |
ACC | TradeLineItem | A collection of information specific to an item being used or reported on for trade purposes. |
ACC | TradeSettlement | The information that enables the reconciliation of a financial transaction with the item(s) that the financial transaction is intended to settle, for example a commercial invoice. |
ACC | TradeTransaction | Agreement, contract, exchange, understanding, or transfer of cash or property that occurs between two or more parties. |
ACC | Transmission | A set of gears by which power is transmitted from engine to the drive mechanism in a vehicle. |
ACC | TransportCharter | The reservation of a means of transport, such as an aircraft, boat, or bus. |
ACC | TransportEquipment | A piece of equipment used to hold, protect or secure cargo for transportation purposes. |
ACC | TransportMeans | The device or method used to convey people, goods, animals or other objects from place to place. |
ACC | TransportMode | The mode used to convey people, goods or other objects from place to place. |
ACC | TransportMovement | The conveyance (physical carriage) of people, animals, goods, or other objects from place to place. |
ACC | TransportationHealth | Health indications to be reported for transportation health control purposes. |
ACC | TravelProductComponent | An item that is included in a travel product for which there may or may not be an additional charge. |
ACC | TravelProductSub-Component | An item which is included in a travel product component. |
ACC | TravelProduct | A travel item which may be purchased by a customer. |
ACC | Traveller | A person or group who is travelling or on a journey. |
ACC | TrialBalance | A worksheet listing all accounts at a certain date to ensure that debits are equal to credits. |
ACC | Trip | The act of going to a place and returning to the place of departure. |
ACC | Tyre | A solid, or hollow inflated, rubber ring placed round the wheel of a vehicle to prevent jarring. |
ACC | UnderInsured | Information about an under insurance, where the limit of the primary insurance coverage is less than the value of the insured item or the loss exposure. |
ACC | UnderwritingDecision | Details related to an underwriting decision. |
ACC | UnderwritingFactor | A factor used in the process of examining, accepting, or rejecting insurance risks, and classifying those selected, in order to assign the proper premium for each. |
ACC | UnoccupiedBuilding | A building which has no occupants. |
ACC | UsageCondition | A stipulation or thing upon which the fulfilment of something else depends. |
ACC | Valuation | The act of deciding how much money something might be sold for or the amount of money decided on. |
ACC | VATRegistration | Information on how an entity is recorded with the tax authorities for VAT (Value Added Tax). |
ACC | VehicleDriverRelationship | The nature of the association of one vehicle and one driver. |
ACC | VehicleInsuranceFactor | A set of elements or components that affects the insurance of a vehicle. |
ACC | VehicleInvestigation | The discovery of facts relating to a vehicle, such as for an insurance claim. |
ACC | Vehicle | A means of conveyance, usually with wheels, for transporting people or goods, primarily on roads. |
ACC | Version | A specific issuance of an object, such as a version of software or a message. |
ACC | Voucher | A document exchangeable for products or services by which the payment will be or has been made. |
ACC | WaferBackside | The information about the back of a thin sheet of semiconductor material. |
ACC | Wafer | The individual thin sheet of semiconductor material of a semiconductor manufacturing batch. |
ACC | WaterCraft | A conveyance that transports people or objects on water. |
ACC | WaterLocation | A specification of the type of location and the specification of the water point. |
ACC | WearAndTearDepreciation | A reduction in the value of an item due to use. |
ACC | WeatherCondition | Conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere such as the temperature, wind, clouds, precipitation, humidity. |
ACC | Witness | A person who sees an event take place. |
ACC | WorkCapability | The ability to perform or complete a task. |
ACC | WorkItem | A specific task or set of tasks to be undertaken. |
ACC | WorkShift | Either a period of work that has a predetermined starting and ending time or a regularly scheduled configuration or pattern of work periods and days off, or both. This configuration may repeat itself on a weekly, biweekly, or longer-term basis. |
ACC | WorkflowObject | An object used in the management of the state changes in a business process. |
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in ASCC |
ACC | AccessControlList | Occ | A list of permissions attached to an object defining access rights, such as to a party or system. | D12B | |
BCC | AccessControlListTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type for this access control list. | D12B |
BCC | AccessControlListAccessRightCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the access rights for this access control list. | D12B |
ASCC | AccessControlListIncludedParty | Party | 0..u | A party included in this access control list. | D12B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | AccompanyingPerson | Occ | A person that accompanies another person, such as a mother accompanying her child during a stay in hospital. | D09A | |
BCC | AccompanyingPersonRelationshipToPatientCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the accompanying person's relationship to the patient. | D09A |
ASCC | AccompanyingPersonSpecifiedAsParty | Party | 0..1 | The party specified as an accompanying person. | D09A |
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ACC | AccountingAccountBoundary | Occ | The lower and upper limits in a series of consecutive accounts. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AccountingAccountBoundaryFirstAccountIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the first account in a series for this accounting account boundaries. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountBoundaryLastAccountIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the last account in a series for this accounting account boundaries. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountBoundaryFirstSub-AccountIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the first sub-account in a series for this accounting account boundaries. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountBoundaryLastSub-AccountIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the last sub-account in a series for this accounting account boundaries. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | AccountingAccountRelatedAccountingAccountClassification ProcessedEntitySpecifiedAccountingAccountClassification |
ACC | AccountingAccountClassification | Occ | A systematic arrangement in classes or categories according to the sector of activities the business is actually running, such as insurance, commercial and industrial, or not for profit. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AccountingAccountClassificationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this classification of accounting accounts. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClassificationFirstUseDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the first use for this accounting account classification. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClassificationInternalReferenceText | Text | 0..1 | The internal reference, expressed as text, of this accounting account classification. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClassificationUsingCountryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the country where this accounting account classification is in use or defined. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClassificationCurrencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the currency for this accounting account classification. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClassificationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of accounting account classification, such as general account, payable, receivable, budget account, cost accounting account, job, building site, etc. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClassificationVersionText | Text | 0..1 | The version, expressed as text, of this accounting account classification. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClassificationRevisionText | Text | 0..1 | The revision, expressed as text, of this accounting account classification. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountClassificationRelatedAccountingAccount | AccountingAccount | 0..u | An accounting account related to this accounting account classification. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountClassificationSpecifiedAccountingPeriod | AccountingPeriod | 0..u | An accounting period specified for this accounting account classification. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | AccountingAccountRelatedAccountingAccountCreditRisk |
ACC | AccountingAccountCreditRisk | Occ | The risk of loss due to a debtor's non-payment of due invoices, loan or other line of credit for an accounting account. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AccountingAccountCreditRiskCapLimitationAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the cap limitation for this accounting account credit risk. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountCreditRiskCurrentAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the current amount for this accounting account credit risk. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | AccountingAccountPatternSpecifiedAccountingAccountDimension |
ACC | AccountingAccountDimension | Occ | The characteristics template for an aspect of an accounting account which bounds a set of values. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AccountingAccountDimensionRankingNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The ranking number for this dimension, such as third dimension, in this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountDimensionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this accounting account dimension. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountDimensionNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of this accounting account dimension. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountDimensionFieldLengthNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The length, expressed in a number of characters, of the field for this accounting account dimension. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | AccountingAccountMainAccountingAccountPattern AccountingAccountSubordinateAccountingAccountPattern |
ACC | AccountingAccountPattern | Occ | A template depicting the mask of the structure that forms an accounting account identifier; the structure is arranged in successive parts ; for instance, "AABBBBCC" where AA represents a state, BBBB a product, CC a sales representative. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AccountingAccountPatternIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this accounting account pattern. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountPatternNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of this accounting account pattern. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountPatternCountryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the country for this accounting account pattern (reference ISO 3166). | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountPatternTemplateText | Text | 0..1 | The template, expressed as text, of this accounting account pattern. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountPatternOpeningDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the opening of this accounting account pattern. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountPatternClosingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the closing of this accounting account pattern. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountPatternCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The identifier specifying the country for this accounting account pattern (reference ISO 3166). | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingAccountPatternSpecifiedAccountingAccountDimension | AccountingAccountDimension | 0..u | An accounting account dimension specified for this accounting account pattern. | D09B.1 |
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ACC | AccountingAccount | Occ | A specific account for recording debits and credits to general accounting, cost accounting or budget accounting. | D06B | |
BCC | AccountingAccountIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this accounting account. | D06B |
BCC | AccountingAccountSetTriggerCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a set trigger for the accounting account to be used in response to a specific event or set of events. | D06B |
BCC | AccountingAccountTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of accounting account such as general(main), secondary, cost accounting, budget account. | D06B |
BCC | AccountingAccountAmountTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the amount type for a specific accounting account. | D06B |
BCC | AccountingAccountSubAccountIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this accounting sub account. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingAccountNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of this accounting account. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingAccountAbbreviatedNameText | Text | 0..1 | The abbreviated name, expressed as text, of this accounting account. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingAccountMainAccountsChartIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the main accounts chart for this accounting account. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingAccountMainAccountsChartReferenceIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the main accounts chart reference for this accounting account. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingAccountCostAssignmentReferenceText | Text | 0..1 | The cost assignment reference, expressed as text, for this accounting account. | D08B |
BCC | AccountingAccountCostReferenceDimensionPatternText | Text | 0..1 | The cost reference dimension pattern, expressed as text, for this accounting account. | D09A |
BCC | AccountingAccountStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of this accounting account, such as open, locked, closed, temporarily unusable, pending. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountGroupRankCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the rank or level for grouping a series of accounting accounts. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountOpeningDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the opening of this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountOpeningResponsiblePersonText | Text | 0..1 | The person, expressed as text, responsible for the opening of this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountAggregationNomenclatureIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of an aggregation nomenclature for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountBalanceNormalSignCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the balance normal sign of this accounting account, such as debit or credit (reference UNCL 4405). | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountBalanceReopeningModeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the mode for reopening the balance of this accounting account, such as balance brought forward, open items, debit-credit totals, not reopened. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLockingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the locking of this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLockingResponsiblePersonText | Text | 0..1 | The person, expressed as text, responsible for locking this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClosingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the closing of this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountClosingResponsiblePersonText | Text | 0..1 | The person, expressed as text, responsible for the closing of this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountNatureCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the nature of this accounting account, such as assets, inventory, revenues, expenses, receivables, or payables. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountMandatorySecondaryAccountingIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a secondary accounting account is mandatory for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLatestDebitPostingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the latest debit posting into this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLatestDebitPostingResponsiblePersonText | Text | 0..1 | The person, expressed as text, responsible for posting the latest debit into this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLatestCreditPostingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the latest credit posting into this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLatestCreditPostingResponsiblePersonText | Text | 0..1 | The person, expressed as text, responsible for posting the latest credit into this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountMatchingMarkIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a matching mark is required for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLatestMatchingMarkText | Text | 0..1 | The latest matching mark, expressed as text, used for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountTickingMarkIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a ticking mark is required for this accounting account specification. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLatestTickingMarkText | Text | 0..1 | The latest ticking mark, expressed as text, used for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountLanguageCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the language for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountCurrencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the currency for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountElectronicInvoiceURIIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), such as a web or email address, where electronic invoices can be addressed or located for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingAccountAccountingYearEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the end of an accounting year for this accounting account. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingAccountDerivedReport | Report | 0..u | A report which is derived from values within this accounting account, such as a tax return or financial statement. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingAccountUpdateAuthorizedPerson | Person | 0..u | A person who is authorized to update this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountRelatedAccountingAccountClassification | AccountingAccountClassification | 0..1 | The classification related to this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountRelatedAccountingAccountCreditRisk | AccountingAccountCreditRisk | 0..1 | The credit risk related to this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountSpecifiedTax | Tax | 0..u | A tax specified for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountSpecifiedPaymentInstruction | PaymentInstruction | 0..1 | The payment instruction specified for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountSpecifiedFinancialAccount | FinancialAccount | 0..u | A financial account specified for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountLinkedAccountingAccount | AccountingAccount | 0..u | An accounting account linked to this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountRelatedOrganization | Organization | 0..1 | The organization related to this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountInclusiveAccountingAccountBoundary | AccountingAccountBoundary | 0..u | Inclusive boundaries for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountExclusiveAccountingAccountBoundary | AccountingAccountBoundary | 0..u | Exclusive boundaries for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountMainAccountingAccountPattern | AccountingAccountPattern | 0..1 | The main accounting account pattern for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountSubordinateAccountingAccountPattern | AccountingAccountPattern | 0..u | A subordinate accounting account pattern for this accounting account. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingAccountIncludedAccountingEntryLine | AccountingEntryLine | 0..u | An accounting entry line included in this accounting account. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingAccountFiscalCapitalAsset | CapitalAsset | 0..1 | The fiscal capital asset for this accounting account. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingAccountEconomicCapitalAsset | CapitalAsset | 0..1 | The economic capital asset for this accounting account. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingAccountIFRSCapitalAsset | CapitalAsset | 0..1 | The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) capital asset for this accounting account. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingAccountRelatedAccountingLineMonetaryValue | AccountingLineMonetaryValue | 0..u | An accounting line monetary value related to this accounting account. | D11A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | AccountingBook | Occ | A collection of accounting related data that pertains to specific documents, such as year end report, tax reports, trial balance, or entries. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AccountingBookIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of this accounting book. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingBookTestConditionIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indicator specifying whether or not this accounting book is a test. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingBookSpecifiedProcessedEntity | ProcessedEntity | 1..u | A processed entity specified for this accounting book. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | TrialBalanceDefinedAccountingCharacteristic |
ACC | AccountingCharacteristic | Occ | Specification of accounting characteristics for a trial balance. | D11A | |
BCC | AccountingCharacteristicDescriptionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the description of this accounting characteristic. | D11A |
BCC | AccountingCharacteristicDescriptionValueCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the description value of this accounting characteristic. | D11A |
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in ASCC | AccountingPeriodSpecifiedAccountingCheck |
ACC | AccountingCheck | Occ | A set of values providing a validation check of accounting data. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AccountingCheckDocumentTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of document for this accounting check such as journal, ledger, reporting. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingCheckTotalElementQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The total number of elements in this accounting check. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingCheckTotalDebitAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the total debit in this accounting check. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingCheckTotalCreditAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the total credit in this accounting check. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingCheckExcludedAccountingAccountBoundary | AccountingAccountBoundary | 0..u | An accounting account boundary excluded for this accounting check. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingCheckIncludedAccountingAccountBoundary | AccountingAccountBoundary | 0..u | An accounting account boundary included for this accounting check. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | AccountingAccountIncludedAccountingEntryLine AccountingEntryDetailedAccountingEntryLine |
ACC | AccountingEntryLine | Occ | A line included in an accounting entry. | D08A | |
BCC | AccountingEntryLineCommentText | Text | 0..1 | The comment, expressed as text, for this accounting entry line. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryLineCategoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the category of this accounting entry line, such as opening balance, normal, simulation, paid commercial paper not yet due from a prior period, not matched line in a prior period, or not reconciled line in a prior period. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryLineSourceCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the source of this accounting entry line, such as year to date, import, or manual input. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryLineLastChangeDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the last change to this accounting entry line. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryLineLastChangeResponsiblePersonNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name or initials of the person, expressed as text, responsible for the last change to this accounting entry line. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryLineActualQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The actual quantity for this accounting entry line. | D08B |
BCC | AccountingEntryLineDocumentReferenceIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique document reference identifier for this accounting entry line. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccountingEntryLineNatureText | Text | 0..u | A nature, expressed as text, of an accounting entry line, such as a product or service description. | D13A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryLineSpecifiedAccountingLineIndex | AccountingLineIndex | 0..u | A specified accounting line index for this accounting entry line. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryLineRepeatedMonetaryAllocation | MonetaryAllocation | 0..u | A repeated monetary allocation for this accounting entry line. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryLineRepeatedMonetaryInstalment | MonetaryInstalment | 0..u | A repeated monetary instalment for this accounting entry line. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryLineRelatedQuantityAnalysis | QuantityAnalysis | 0..1 | The quantity analysis related to this accounting entry line. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryLineRelatedAccountingLineMonetaryValue | AccountingLineMonetaryValue | 0..u | An accounting line monetary value related to this accounting entry line. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryLineRelatedTax | Tax | 0..u | A tax related to this accounting entry line. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryLineConnectedAccountingEntry | AccountingEntry | 0..u | An accounting entry to which this accounting entry line is connected. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingEntryLineRepeatedPayment | Payment | 0..u | A payment repeated for this accounting entry line. | D13A |
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in ASCC | AccountingEntryLineConnectedAccountingEntry AccountingJournalIncludedAccountingEntry DocumentJustifiedAccountingEntry |
ACC | AccountingEntry | Occ | A posting of monetary values into accounting books that indicates the financial flow for an economic event, the acquisition or consumption of a resource, or the working contribution of an agent. | D08A | |
BCC | AccountingEntryIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this accounting entry. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryProcessingStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the processing status for this accounting entry, such as validated, not validated, proposed, simulated, deferred, or removed. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryJournalIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the journal for this accounting entry. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryValueDateDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the value date of this accounting entry. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryRemovalIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this accounting entry must be removed. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryUnbalancedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the debit and credit amounts of this accounting entry are unbalanced. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryRelatedEntryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of an entry related to this accounting entry. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryCategoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the category of this accounting entry, such as financial accounting, budget, comparison, standard, recurring, or reordered. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryPurposeText | Text | 0..1 | The purpose, expressed as text, for this accounting entry. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryCaptureDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the capture of this accounting entry. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryReversalDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the reversal of this accounting entry. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingEntryValidationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value for the validation of this accounting entry. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryDetailedAccountingEntryLine | AccountingEntryLine | 0..u | A detailed accounting line entry for this accounting entry. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingEntryJustificationDocument | Document | 0..u | A document that provides the justification for this accounting entry. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingEntrySpecifiedAccountingJournal | AccountingJournal | 0..u | A journal specified for this accounting entry. | D13A |
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in ASCC | AccountingEntrySpecifiedAccountingJournal DayBookIncludedAccountingJournal JournalListIncludedAccountingJournal |
ACC | AccountingJournal | Occ | A book or file where particularities of transactions of one specific category are recorded. | D10A | |
BCC | AccountingJournalIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The identifier for this accounting journal. | D10A |
BCC | AccountingJournalNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of this accounting journal. | D10A |
BCC | AccountingJournalTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of this accounting journal such as financial, cost, budget. | D10A |
BCC | AccountingJournalCategoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the category of this accounting journal such as purchase, sales, cash, miscellaneous. | D10A |
BCC | AccountingJournalOpeningDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the opening of this accounting journal. | D10A |
BCC | AccountingJournalClosingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the closing of this accounting journal. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingJournalOpeningResponsibleContact | Contact | 0..1 | The contact responsible for opening this accounting journal. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingJournalClosingResponsibleContact | Contact | 0..1 | The contact responsible for closing this accounting journal. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingJournalOffsettingAccountingAccount | AccountingAccount | 0..u | An offsetting accounting account for this accounting journal. | D10A |
ASCC | AccountingJournalIncludedAccountingEntry | AccountingEntry | 0..u | An accounting entry included in this journal. | D16B |
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in ASCC | AccountingEntryLineSpecifiedAccountingLineIndex |
ACC | AccountingLineIndex | Occ | The identification of a line in a folio of a book or an automated index. | D08A | |
BCC | AccountingLineIndexLineNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of the line for this accounting line index. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineIndexFolioNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of the folio for this accounting line index. | D08A |
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in ASCC | AccountingAccountRelatedAccountingLineMonetaryValue AccountingEntryLineRelatedAccountingLineMonetaryValue |
ACC | AccountingLineMonetaryValue | Occ | The material or monetary worth of a thing that is associated with a line that is a part of an accounting entry. | D08A | |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueLocalAccountingCurrencyAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the accounting line in the accounting currency local to where the accounting records are required. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueVoucherCurrencyAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the accounting line in the voucher currency. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueAlternateCurrencyAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the accounting line in another currency, such as a reporting currency, a consolidation currency, or the euro transition period. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueAlternateCurrencyAmountTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of the alternate currency amount, such as payment amount or Euro transition conversion amount, for this accounting line monetary value. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueDebitCreditCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the accounting sign of the accounting line monetary value (Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 4405 code list). | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueMatchingIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique matching identifier for this accounting line monetary value, used to associate the amount of an accounting line with the opposite signed amount of another line in the same account. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueTickingIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique ticking identifier for this accounting line monetary value, used to associate the amount of an accounting line with the amount of a line into another account. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueApplicationNumberIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique application number identifier for this accounting line monetary value, used for applying it to the corresponding line of the amount of this accounting line. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueAchievedWorkCategoryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the achieved category of work for this accounting line monetary value. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueDistributionKeyIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the distribution key of this accounting line monetary value. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValuePerquisiteCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of perquisite for this accounting line monetary value, such as food, accommodation or car. | D10A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueRefundMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the method of refunding for this accounting line monetary value, such as contractual allowance, direct refunding or entity reimbursement. | D10A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueRemunerationTypeIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for the type of remuneration for this accounting line monetary value. | D10A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueAmountQualifierCode | Code | 0..1 | The code qualifying the amount of the accounting line monetary value such as balance, total of entries amount. | D11A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueBalanceQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The balance quantity for this accounting line monetary value. | D11A |
BCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueMatchingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date or date time or other date time value at which this accounting line monetary value was matched. | D13B |
ASCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueBookingAccountingAccount | AccountingAccount | 0..u | An accounting account to which this accounting line monetary value is booked. | D08A |
ASCC | AccountingLineMonetaryValueSpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period specified for this accounting line monetary value. | D11A |
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ACC | AccountingPeriod | Occ | A period of time for which accounts are recorded, audited, and reported. | D09B.1 | |
ASCC | AccountingPeriodSpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period specified for this accounting period. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AccountingPeriodSpecifiedAccountingCheck | AccountingCheck | 0..1 | The accounting check specified for this accounting period. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | DayBookIncludedAccountingVoucher DocumentReferencedAccountingVoucher |
ACC | AccountingVoucher | Occ | A document that proves the reality of an operation, authenticates its conclusion and is used in accounting entry recording and for audit control purposes. | D08A | |
BCC | AccountingVoucherStorageLocationText | Text | 0..1 | The storage location, expressed as text, for his accounting voucher. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingVoucherReceivingDepartmentText | Text | 0..1 | The receiving department, expressed as text, for this accounting voucher. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingVoucherIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this accounting voucher. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingVoucherMediumCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the medium for this accounting voucher, such as VAN, Internet, Optical Disk, DVD, CD-Rom, USB Key, EDI, ebXML, or paper. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingVoucherTaxPointDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the tax point for this accounting voucher. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingVoucherImportedFileIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the imported file containing this accounting voucher, such as in the case of an accounting system migration. | D08A |
BCC | AccountingVoucherAttachmentBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | A binary object that is attached or otherwise appended to this accounting voucher. | D08B |
ASCC | AccountingVoucherRelatedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document related to this accounting voucher. | D08A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | AccountsReceivableHistory | Occ | A set of characteristics that provide information regarding the history of accounts receivable. | D17A | |
BCC | AccountsReceivableHistoryDeferredPaymentsPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of accounts receivable where there is a deferred payment plan in place within this accounts receivable history. | D17A |
BCC | AccountsReceivableHistoryOutstandingAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the outstanding items for this accounts receivable history. | D17A |
BCC | AccountsReceivableHistoryUncollectibleAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the uncollectible items for this accounts receivable history. | D17A |
ASCC | AccountsReceivableHistorySpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period specified for this accounts receivable history. | D17A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactor | Occ | A set of characteristics that affect the insurance of accounts receivable. | D17A | |
BCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorAverageLastYearAmount | Amount | 0..u | An average monetary value over the last year of the accounts receivable used as an accounts receivable insurance factor. | D17A |
BCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorRiskClassCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the risk class used as an accounts receivable insurance factor. | D17A |
BCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorRiskClassSharePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of accounts receivable of the specific risk class used as an accounts receivable insurance factor. | D17A |
BCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorDuplicateRecordsKeptIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not duplicate records are kept used as an accounts receivable insurance factor. | D17A |
BCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorDuplicateRecordsKeptPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of records for which duplicates are kept used as an accounts receivable insurance factor. | D17A |
BCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorDuplicateRecordsKeptDurationMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the duration that duplicate records are kept used as an accounts receivable insurance factor. | D17A |
ASCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorSpecifiedCustody | Custody | 0..u | A custody specified for this accounts receivable insurance factor. | D17A |
ASCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorSpecifiedValuation | Valuation | 0..u | A valuation specified for this accounts receivable insurance factor. | D17A |
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in ASCC | BuildingQualityAccreditation PersonSpecificAccreditation PersonAttainedAccreditation |
ACC | Accreditation | Occ | An official recognition awarded to a person, organisation or thing, such as a building or product, to certify that a certain level of attainment has been achieved. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AccreditationCategoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the category of the accreditation, such as driving, academic. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccreditationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of accreditation. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccreditationObtainedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the accreditation was obtained. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccreditationAccreditingBodyNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name of the accrediting body that awarded the qualification, expressed as text. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccreditationDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the accreditation. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AccreditationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this accreditation. | D13A |
BCC | AccreditationAuthenticationMethodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an authentication method for this accreditation. | D13A |
BCC | AccreditationExpiryDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when this accreditation expires. | D13A |
BCC | AccreditationVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this accreditation. | D14A |
BCC | AccreditationEvaluationScoreValue | Value | 0..u | A value of an evaluation score for this accreditation. | D14A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ACDRReport | Occ | Information pertaining to an Aggregated Catch Data Report (ACDR). | D13B | |
BCC | ACDRReportRegionalAreaCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a regional area covered by this ACDR report. | D13B |
BCC | ACDRReportRegionalSpeciesCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a regional species covered by this ACDR report. | D13B |
BCC | ACDRReportFishingCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a fishing category in this ACDR report. | D13B |
BCC | ACDRReportFishingGearCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying fishing gear covered by this ACDR report. | D13B |
BCC | ACDRReportTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of this ACDR Report. | D14B |
ASCC | ACDRReportSpecifiedTransportMeans | TransportMeans | 0..u | Transport means specified in this ACDR report. | D13B |
ASCC | ACDRReportSpecifiedReportedArea | ReportedArea | 0..u | A reported area specified in this ACDR report. | D13B |
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in ASCC | InspectionResultApplicableAction |
ACC | Action | Occ | The process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. | D21A | |
BCC | ActionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of action. | D21A |
BCC | ActionTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type, expressed as text, for this action. | D21A |
BCC | ActionDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description for this action. | D21A |
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in ASCC | ActivityRelatedActivity DocumentSpecifiedActivity ProductOriginActivity ReportSpecifiedActivity |
ACC | Activity | Occ | A thing that a person or group does or has done. | D15B | |
BCC | ActivityIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this activity. | D15B |
BCC | ActivityTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of activity. | D15B |
BCC | ActivityOccurrenceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value when this activity occurs or has occurred. | D15B |
BCC | ActivityReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a reason for this activity. | D15B |
BCC | ActivityRelatedActivityCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an activity related to this activity. | D15B |
BCC | ActivityTargetCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a target of this activity. | D15B |
BCC | ActivityOperationsQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of operations for this activity. | D15B |
BCC | ActivityDurationMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a time duration for this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedCatch | Catch | 0..u | A catch specified for this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivityRelatedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location related to this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedProblem | Problem | 0..u | A problem specified for this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic specified for this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedGear | Gear | 0..u | Gear specified for this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivitySourceCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic of the source of this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivityDestinationCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic of the destination of this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivityRelatedActivity | Activity | 0..u | An activity related to this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document specified for this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period specified for this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedTrip | Trip | 0..u | A trip specified for this activity. | D15B |
ASCC | ActivityRelatedTransportMeans | TransportMeans | 0..u | A transport means related to this activity. | D15B |
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in ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedAddOnCoverage |
ACC | AddOnCoverage | Occ | A coverage which is added on to a policy but is provided by a different insurer/risk bearer. | D08A | |
BCC | AddOnCoverageInsurerClassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the insurer class of the add-on coverage, such as legal expense insurer, assistance company. | D08A |
BCC | AddOnCoveragePolicyIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the policy for this add-on coverage. | D08A |
BCC | AddOnCoverageInsurerIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the insurer for this add-on coverage. | D08A |
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ACC | AdditionalInterest | Occ | A concern or stake that a third-party has in an object, such as leasing, mortgage, renting. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AdditionalInterestInterestTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestFinancialLevelPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The financial level, expressed as a percentage, of the additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestFinancialLevelAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the financial level of additional interest, such as the value of a mortgage. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestAccidentalDamageCoverageRequiredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not accidental damage coverage is required for the object which is the subject of the additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestAgreementIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for an agreement between a party that has an additional interest in an object and the party that uses the object, such as lease contract number, mortgage number. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestRankNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The value of the ranking of this additional interest when multiple additional interests are associated with the same object. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestPayorIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the party holding the additional interest is to be the payor. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestBillFrequencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the frequency that the party holding the additional interest requires a copy of the bill. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestCertificateFrequencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the frequency that the party holding the additional interest requires a copy of the certificate. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestCertificateFrequencyDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the frequency that the party holding the additional interest requires a copy of the certificate. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestCertificateNextRequiredDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value that the certificate is next required by the party holding the additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestCertificateLastIssuedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value that the certificate was last issued to the party holding the additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestPolicyNextRequiredDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value that the policy is next required by the party holding the additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestPolicyLastIssuedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value that the policy was last issued to the party holding the additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestPolicyFrequencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the frequency that the party holding the additional interest requires a copy of the policy. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestPolicyFrequencyDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the frequency that the party holding the additional interest requires a copy of the policy. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the end of this additional interest. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AdditionalInterestInformationalBillingIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the bill to the party holding the additional interest is for information only. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AdditionalInterestHoldingParty | Party | 0..1 | The party that holds the additional interest. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | SampledObjectAppliedAdditive |
ACC | Additive | Occ | A product added to another product in order to maintain or to change the quality of that product. | D12B | |
BCC | AdditiveNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this additive. | D12B |
BCC | AdditiveDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this additive, such as a name identifying the type and characteristics for the product. | D12B |
BCC | AdditiveTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type for this additive. | D12B |
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ACC | Address | Occ | The location at which a particular organization or person may be found or reached. | D06A | |
BCC | AddressIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressFormatCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the format of this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressPostcodeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the postcode of the address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressPostOfficeBoxText | Text | 0..1 | The unique identifier, expressed as text, of a container commonly referred to as a box, in a post office or other postal service location, assigned to a person or organization, where postal items may be kept for this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressBlockNameText | Text | 0..1 | The block name, expressed as text, for an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings for this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressBuildingNumberText | Text | 0..1 | The number or alphanumeric designation, expressed as text, of a building or house at this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressBuildingNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of a building, a house or other structure on a street at this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressRoomIdentificationText | Text | 0..1 | The identification, expressed as text, of a room, suite, office or apartment as part of an address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressDepartmentNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of a department within this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressFloorIdentificationText | Text | 0..1 | The identification by name or number, expressed as text, of the floor in a building as part of an address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressIn-HouseMailText | Text | 0..u | An in-house mail location, expressed as text, for this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressLineOneText | Text | 0..1 | The first free form line, expressed as text, of an address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressLineTwoText | Text | 0..1 | The second free form line, expressed as text, of an address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressLineThreeText | Text | 0..1 | The third free form line, expressed as text, of an address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressLineFourText | Text | 0..1 | The fourth free form line, expressed as text, of an address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressLineFiveText | Text | 0..1 | The fifth free form line, expressed as text, of an address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressPlotIdentificationText | Text | 0..1 | The textual expression of the unique identifier for the piece of land on which this address is located such as a plot number. | D06A |
BCC | AddressStreetNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of a street or thoroughfare. | D06A |
BCC | AddressCityNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the city, town or village of this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressAttentionOfText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of a person or department in the organization to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as 'for the attention of' or 'FAO' or 'ATTN' for this address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressCareOfText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of a person or organization at this address to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as 'care of' or 'C/O'. | D06A |
BCC | AddressCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of a country for this address (Reference ISO 3166 and UN/ECE Rec 3). | D06A |
BCC | AddressTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of this address such as business address or home address. | D06A |
BCC | AddressCitySub-DivisionNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of a sub-division of a city for this address, for example a district or borough. | D06A |
BCC | AddressCountryNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the country for this address. | D06B |
BCC | AddressCountrySub-DivisionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of the country sub-division for this address. | D06B |
BCC | AddressCountrySub-DivisionNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the sub-division of a country for this address. | D06B |
BCC | AddressDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this address. | D06B |
BCC | AddressLineSixText | Text | 0..1 | The sixth free form line, expressed as text, of an address. | D08A |
BCC | AddressStreetTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the category or type of street. | D08A |
BCC | AddressCityIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the city for this address, such as United Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE). | D08A |
BCC | AddressTownshipNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of a township within which this address falls. A township is a geographic area that contains one or more cities, towns and villages. | D08A |
BCC | AddressReturnedMailIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not mail has been returned from this address. | D08A |
BCC | AddressLegalAddressIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this address is a legal address. | D08A |
BCC | AddressBarCodeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a barcode is included with the address. | D08A |
BCC | AddressPreventOverrideIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not automatic override should be prevented for this address. For example some systems based on post office addresses will override local names with official names. | D08A |
BCC | AddressStaircaseNumberText | Text | 0..1 | The number, expressed as text, of a staircase for this address. | D09A |
BCC | AddressFreeFormText | Text | 0..u | A free form representation of this address, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | AddressOperationCentreText | Text | 0..1 | The operation centre, expressed as text, for this address. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AddressStreetPrefixCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the street prefix of this address. | D14B |
BCC | AddressStreetSuffixCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the street suffix of this address. | D14B |
BCC | AddressPostalAreaText | Text | 0..u | A postal area, expressed as text, for this address. | D16B |
BCC | AddressPostcodeText | Text | 0..u | A postcode, expressed as text, for this address. | D19A |
ASCC | AddressCountryIdentificationCountry | Country | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the country for this address. | D06A |
ASCC | AddressCountryIdentificationCountrySub-Division | CountrySub-Division | 0..u | An identification of a country sub-division of this address such as a state or county in the US or county in the UK or a department in France. | D06A |
ASCC | AddressGeo-CoordinateIdentificationGeographicalCoordinate | GeographicalCoordinate | 0..u | An identification of a set of geographical coordinates for this address. | D06A |
ASCC | AddressUsagePreference | Preference | 0..1 | The preference for the usage of this address. | D06A |
ASCC | AddressSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location specified for this address. | D08A |
ASCC | AddressSpecifiedTimeStatus | TimeStatus | 0..1 | The time status for this address, such as current, previous, future, specified for this address. | D08A |
ASCC | AddressApplicablePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period applicable for this address. | D08A |
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in ASCC | MonetarySummationSpecifiedAdjustment TenderSpecifiedAdjustment TradeDeliverySpecifiedAdjustment TradeSettlementSpecifiedAdjustment |
ACC | Adjustment | Occ | A correction or modification to reflect actual conditions. | D06B | |
BCC | AdjustmentReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a reason for the adjustment. | D06B |
BCC | AdjustmentReasonText | Text | 0..u | A reason, expressed as text, for the adjustment. | D06B |
BCC | AdjustmentActualAmount | Amount | 0..u | An actual monetary amount added or subtracted as a result of this adjustment. | D06B |
BCC | AdjustmentActualQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | An actual quantity added or subtracted as a result of this adjustment. | D08B |
BCC | AdjustmentActualDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | An actual date, time, date time, or other date time value of this adjustment. | D08B |
BCC | AdjustmentIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this adjustment. | D14A |
BCC | AdjustmentVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this adjustment. | D14A |
BCC | AdjustmentPriceIndexIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a price index for this adjustment. | D14A |
BCC | AdjustmentDirectionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the direction for this adjustment. | D19B |
ASCC | AdjustmentReferenceDocument | Document | 0..u | A referenced document for this adjustment. | D06B |
ASCC | AdjustmentRelatedParty | Party | 0..u | A party related to this adjustment. | D12B |
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ACC | AgriculturalApplication | Occ | Any substance (such as seed, fertilizer, food, water, gas, chemical) applied to a plant or animal. | D17A | |
BCC | AgriculturalApplicationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this agricultural application. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified for this agricultural application. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationAppliedArea | Area | 0..u | An area applied to an agricultural application. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationSpecifiedBatch | Batch | 0..u | A batch specified for this agricultural application. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationAppliedCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate applied to an agricultural application. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationSpecifiedPlot | Plot | 0..u | A plot specified for this agricultural application. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this agricultural application. | D21A |
ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationAppliedChemicalTreatment | ChemicalTreatment | 0..u | A chemical treatment applied to this agricultural application. | D21A |
ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationAppliedMaterial | Material | 0..u | Material applied by this agricultural application. | D21A |
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in ASCC | AgriculturalDeviceCombinedAgriculturalDevice AgriculturalProcessUsedAgriculturalDevice |
ACC | AgriculturalDevice | Occ | An object used to perform an agricultural activity. | D08A | |
BCC | AgriculturalDeviceIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this agricultural device. | D08A |
BCC | AgriculturalDeviceTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of agricultural device. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalDeviceOwnerParty | Party | 0..u | A party that owns this agricultural device. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalDeviceCombinedAgriculturalDevice | AgriculturalDevice | 0..u | An agricultural device combined with this agricultural device into a single (temporary) working unit. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalDeviceSpecifiedManMachineSystem | ManMachineSystem | 0..u | A man machine system specified for this agricultural device. | D17A |
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in ASCC | CropProductionCycleApplicableAgriculturalProcess CropApplicableAgriculturalProcess ManMachineSystemSpecifiedAgriculturalProcess PlotApplicableAgriculturalProcess |
ACC | AgriculturalProcess | Occ | A practice of cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding and raising livestock or treatment of the produce. | D08A | |
BCC | AgriculturalProcessIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this agricultural process. | D08A |
BCC | AgriculturalProcessTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of agricultural process. | D08A |
BCC | AgriculturalProcessDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this agricultural process. | D08A |
BCC | AgriculturalProcessStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for the start of this agricultural process. | D17A |
BCC | AgriculturalProcessEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for the end of this agricultural process. | D17A |
BCC | AgriculturalProcessStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status for this agricultural process. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessOccurrencePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period within which this agricultural process occurs. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessPerformedWorkItem | WorkItem | 0..u | A work item performed within this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessSpecifiedReason | Reason | 0..u | A reason specified for this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessOperatorParty | Party | 0..u | A party which is an operator for this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessUsedAgriculturalDevice | AgriculturalDevice | 0..u | An agricultural device used in this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessOccurrenceArea | Area | 0..u | An area within which this agricultural process occurs. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessUsedCropInput | CropInput | 0..u | Crop input used in this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessHarvestedProduce | Produce | 0..u | A harvested produce in this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessSpecifiedTargetObject | TargetObject | 0..u | A target object specified for this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessSpecifiedCropStage | CropStage | 0..u | A crop stage specified for this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessSpecifiedCondition | Condition | 0..u | A condition specified for this agricultural process. | D08A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessHarvestedBatch | Batch | 0..u | A batch harvested in this agricultural process. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessAppliedAgriculturalApplication | AgriculturalApplication | 0..u | An agricultural application applied to an agricultural process. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessAllocatedManMachineSystem | ManMachineSystem | 0..u | A man machine system allocated to this agricultural process. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessSpecifiedCrop | Crop | 0..u | A crop specified for this agricultural process. | D17A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessProductionWasteInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Production waste instructions for this agricultural process. | D21A |
ASCC | AgriculturalProcessReportedMaterial | Material | 0..u | Material reported for this agricultural process. | D21A |
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in ASCC | CropSpecifiedAgronomicalObservation |
ACC | AgronomicalObservation | Occ | A collection of diagnostic data, visual or technical, for agronomical purposes. | D11A | |
BCC | AgronomicalObservationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this agronomical observation. | D11A |
BCC | AgronomicalObservationCollectionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this agronomical observation is collected. | D11A |
BCC | AgronomicalObservationCommentText | Text | 0..u | A comment, expressed as text, for this agronomical observation. | D11A |
BCC | AgronomicalObservationStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status for this agronomical observation. | D11A |
ASCC | AgronomicalObservationOccurrenceLocation | Location | 0..u | A location where this agronomical observation occurs. | D11A |
ASCC | AgronomicalObservationSpecifiedTargetObject | TargetObject | 0..u | A target object specified for this agronomical observation. | D11A |
ASCC | AgronomicalObservationSubjectCrop | Crop | 0..u | A crop that is a subject of this agronomical observation. | D11A |
ASCC | AgronomicalObservationSpecifiedContact | Contact | 0..u | A contact specified for this agronomical observation. | D11A |
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in ASCC | BuildingInstalledAirConditioning |
ACC | AirConditioning | Occ | A system to cool and dehumidify indoor air. | D09A | |
BCC | AirConditioningTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of air conditioning system. | D09A |
BCC | AirConditioningTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type of air conditioning system, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | AirConditioningChemicalAgentCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the chemical agent used in the air conditioning system. | D09A |
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in ASCC | VehicleInstalledAirbag |
ACC | Airbag | Occ | A safety device in a vehicle that inflates rapidly on impact. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AirbagPositionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the position of the airbag in the vehicle, such as driver, door. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AirbagStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the airbag, such as following an accident. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | Anti-TheftDeviceApplicableAlarm BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedAlarm MachineSpecifiedAlarm SafeProvidedAlarm |
ACC | Alarm | Occ | A device that provides a warning that the item which it is protecting is under an imminent threat, such as theft or fire. | D09A | |
BCC | AlarmTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of alarm, such as central station, monitoring station, or local alarm. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type of alarm, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmRingTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying how and where the alarm sounds, such as central station with keys, central station without keys, or local gong with keys. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmMethodTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the method type for this alarm, such as heat sensor, humidity, or hold-up. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmMaintenanceContractIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a maintenance contract is in place for this alarm. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmProtectionExtentCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the extent of protection offered by this alarm. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmProtectionExtentText | Text | 0..1 | The extent of protection offered by the alarm, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmProtectionExtentGradeDifferentialCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the protection extent grade differential of the alarm, such as specifying the extent of above or below grade alarm protection. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmEmergencyServiceDirectLinkIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not the alarm has a direct link to an emergency service, such as to police or fire department. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmLineProtectedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the alarm line is protected. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmInstallationLevelCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the installation level of the alarm. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmMonitoringCompanyNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name of the monitoring company name for this alarm, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmInstallerText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the installer of this alarm. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmCommunicationLineTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of communication line for this alarm. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmCommunicationLineTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type of communication line, expressed as text, for this alarm. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmMonitoringServiceTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of monitoring service for this alarm. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmMonitoringServiceTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type of monitoring service for this alarm, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | AlarmCertifiedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the alarm is certified by an official authority. | D09A |
ASCC | AlarmUnderwritersLaboratoryCertificate | Certificate | 0..1 | The underwriters laboratory certificate for this alarm. | D09A |
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ACC | AllowanceCharge | Occ | A component of pricing, such as a service, promotion, allowance or charge. | D06A | |
BCC | AllowanceChargeIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this allowance charge. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this allowance charge. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeCalculationPercent | Percent | 0..u | A percentage applied to calculate the allowance charge. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the reason for this allowance charge. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeBasisAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value that is the basis on which the allowance or charge is calculated. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeBasisQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The quantity on which the allowance or charge is based. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeCalculationNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The factor expressed as a number applied to calculate the allowance charge such as 1.1. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeAppliedDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value when the allowance charge is applied. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeActualAmount | Amount | 0..u | An actual monetary value of an allowance charge. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeChargeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the allowance charge is a charge. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The sequence number for applying the allowance or charge. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargePrepaidIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the allowance charge is prepaid. | D06A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeReasonText | Text | 0..1 | The reason for this allowance charge, expressed as text. | D08B |
BCC | AllowanceChargeDeductionAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value to be deducted from this allowance or charge. | D09A |
BCC | AllowanceChargeTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of allowance charge. | D10A |
ASCC | AllowanceChargeActualCurrencyExchange | CurrencyExchange | 0..u | An actual currency exchange for this allowance charge. | D06A |
ASCC | AllowanceChargeCategoryTax | Tax | 0..u | A tax category of this allowance or charge. | D06A |
ASCC | AllowanceChargeIdentifiedPaymentMeans | PaymentMeans | 0..u | A payment means identified for this allowance charge. | D06A |
ASCC | AllowanceChargeValidityPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period for which this allowance charge is valid. | D06A |
ASCC | AllowanceChargeSpecifiedAccountingAccount | AccountingAccount | 0..u | An accounting account specified for this allowance charge. | D08B |
ASCC | AllowanceChargeAppliedTax | Tax | 0..u | A tax that is applied to this allowance or charge. | D14A |
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ACC | AmountToDate | Occ | A set of amounts that have been paid or apply from a previous point in time to the current date. | D08A | |
BCC | AmountToDateFromAnniversaryAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the amount to date from the last anniversary, such as last renewal. | D08A |
BCC | AmountToDateFromIssueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the amount to date from issue, such as issue of the policy or issue of the coverage. | D08A |
BCC | AmountToDateFromMonthStartAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the amount to date from the beginning of the month, such as current policy month. | D08A |
BCC | AmountToDateFromYearStartAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the amount to date from the start of the current year, such as current policy year. | D08A |
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in ASCC | PlotSoilAnalysis SampledObjectConductedAnalysis |
ACC | Analysis | Occ | A detailed examination of elements and structure. | D08A | |
BCC | AnalysisSamplingDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of a sampling for this analysis. | D08A |
BCC | AnalysisMethodText | Text | 0..u | A method, expressed as text, for this analysis. | D13B |
BCC | AnalysisAppliedTreatmentText | Text | 0..u | A treatment, expressed as text, applied during this analysis. | D13B |
BCC | AnalysisCorroborativeResultCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a corroborative result for this analysis, such as confirmed or not confirmed. | D13B |
BCC | AnalysisSampleQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of samples for this analysis. | D13B |
ASCC | AnalysisResultDocument | Document | 0..u | A result document for this analysis. | D08A |
ASCC | AnalysisExecutionParty | Party | 0..u | A party executing this analysis. | D08A |
ASCC | AnalysisDetectedHealthHazard | HealthHazard | 0..u | A health hazard detected by this analysis. | D13B |
ASCC | AnalysisSpecifiedObservationResult | ObservationResult | 0..1 | The observation result specified for this analysis. | D13B |
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in ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedAnimal LocationSpecifiedAnimal PartySpecifiedAnimal ProductRelatedAnimal SampledObjectSpecifiedAsAnimal TradeDeliveryIncludedAnimal TradeLineItemIncludedAnimal |
ACC | Animal | Occ | A living creature which is not a human being. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | AnimalIdentifyingMarksText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of identifying marks on the animal. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalGivenNameText | Text | 0..1 | The given name of the animal expressed as text. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of animal, such as horse, dog, bull. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalBreedText | Text | 0..1 | The breed of the animal expressed as text. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the animal. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalBirthDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for the birth of this animal. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalGenderCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the gender of the animal. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalIdentifyingBrandsText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of identifying brands or symbols on the animal. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalCurrentOwnerAcquisitionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value on which the animal was acquired by the current owner. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalCurrentOwnerPurchaseDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value on which the animal was purchased by the current owner. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalCurrentlyInGoodHealthIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the animal is currently in good health. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalPreviouslyInGoodHealthIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the animal was previously in good health. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AnimalIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this animal. | D10A |
BCC | AnimalDeathDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for the death of this animal. | D10A |
BCC | AnimalMotherIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of the mother of this animal. | D10A |
BCC | AnimalLocationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a location for this animal. | D10A |
BCC | AnimalFatherIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of the father of this animal. | D12B |
BCC | AnimalHolderNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the holder of this animal. | D12B |
ASCC | AnimalApplicableRegistration | Registration | 0..1 | The registration applicable to the animal. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedAdditionalInterest | AdditionalInterest | 0..u | An additional interest specified for this animal. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AnimalApplicableClassification | Classification | 0..u | A classification applicable to this animal. | D10A |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedIdentity | Identity | 0..u | Identifying information specified for this animal. | D10A |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified for this animal. | D10A |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | A transport movement specified for this animal. | D10A |
ASCC | AnimalAssociatedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document associated with this animal. | D10A |
ASCC | AnimalAwardedGrant | Grant | 0..u | A grant awarded for this animal. | D10A |
ASCC | AnimalFeedlotParty | Party | 0..u | A party operating a facility for animal feeding. | D10A |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate specified for this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedProduction | Production | 0..u | Information about the production specified for this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedProduct | Product | 0..u | Information about the product specified for this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalHolderResponsibleParty | Party | 0..u | A party, the holder, responsible for this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalApplicableTradeDelivery | TradeDelivery | 0..u | A trade delivery applicable for this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalRelatedConsignment | Consignment | 0..u | A consignment related to this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedBatch | Batch | 0..1 | The specification of the batch for this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period specified for this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalSpecifiedAnimal | Animal | 0..u | An animal specification for this animal. | D15B |
ASCC | AnimalRelatedLocation | Location | 0..u | A related location for this animal. | D15B |
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in ASCC | VehicleSpecifiedAnti-TheftDevice |
ACC | Anti-TheftDevice | Occ | A device that provides theft protection to an object. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | Anti-TheftDeviceTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of anti-theft device, such as alarm, window engraving, active disabling. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | Anti-TheftDeviceApplicableProduct | Product | 0..1 | The product details applicable to this anti-theft device. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | Anti-TheftDeviceApplicableAlarm | Alarm | 0..1 | The alarm applicable to the anti-theft device. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | BundleCollectionLifeCycleArchiveParameter DocumentSpecifiedArchiveParameter |
ACC | ArchiveParameter | Occ | The set of parameters linked with this archive. | D11A | |
BCC | ArchiveParameterInputDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the input of this archive parameter. | D11A |
BCC | ArchiveParameterScheduledDestructionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The scheduled destruction date, time, date time, or other date time value for this archive parameter. | D11A |
BCC | ArchiveParameterPrescriptionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The prescription date, time, date time, or other date time value for this archive parameter. | D11A |
BCC | ArchiveParameterDestructionAuthorizationLevelIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The identifier of the authorization level for the destruction for this archive parameter. | D11A |
ASCC | ArchiveParameterInputResponsibleParty | Party | 0..1 | The archive parameter for the party responsible for input. | D11A |
ASCC | ArchiveParameterDestructionResponsibleParty | Party | 0..1 | The archive parameter for the party responsible for destruction. | D11A |
ASCC | ArchiveParameterTrustedThirdPartyAuthentication | Authentication | 0..u | An authentication of the trusted third party for this archive parameter. | D11A |
ASCC | ArchiveParameterAgentAuthentication | Authentication | 0..u | An authentication of the agent for this archive parameter. | D11A |
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ACC | Area | Occ | A part of a surface. | D08A | |
BCC | AreaTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of area. | D08A |
BCC | AreaActualMeasure | Measure | 0..u | An actual measure of this area. | D08A |
BCC | AreaStreetFrontageMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the street frontage of this area. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AreaIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this area. | D15B |
BCC | AreaNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this area. | D15B |
BCC | AreaDesignatedSectionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of a designated section of this area. | D17A |
ASCC | AreaBoundaryGeographicalCoordinate | GeographicalCoordinate | 0..u | A geographical coordinate of the boundary for this area. | D08A |
ASCC | AreaSpecifiedInsuranceObject | InsuranceObject | 0..1 | The insurance object as which this area is specified. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AreaApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this area. | D11A |
ASCC | AreaSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified for this area. | D14B |
ASCC | AreaActualGeographicalCoordinate | GeographicalCoordinate | 0..u | An actual geographical coordinate for this area. | D15B |
ASCC | AreaSubordinateArea | Area | 0..u | An area subordinate to this area. | D17A |
ASCC | AreaHarvestedProduce | Produce | 0..u | Produce harvested from this area. | D17A |
ASCC | AreaSpecifiedPlot | Plot | 0..u | A plot specified for this area. | D17A |
ASCC | AreaAppliedAgriculturalApplication | AgriculturalApplication | 0..u | An agricultural application applied to this area. | D17A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Assembly | Occ | A number of component pieces fitted together to form a whole. | D09A | |
BCC | AssemblyComponentNumberIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of the component number for this assembly. | D09A |
BCC | AssemblyKeywordText | Text | 0..u | A keyword or keywords, expressed as text, for the assembly, such as a significant word or phrase. | D09A |
BCC | AssemblyPrimaryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A primary identifier for this assembly. | D09A |
BCC | AssemblyLocationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for the location of this assembly. | D09A |
BCC | AssemblyDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description for this assembly. | D09A |
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ACC | Assertion | Occ | A statement that is strongly believed to be true, although it may not have been proven. | D21A | |
BCC | AssertionDescriptionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a description for this assertion. | D21A |
BCC | AssertionDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this assertion. | D21A |
BCC | AssertionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of this assertion. | D21A |
BCC | AssertionStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status of this assertion. | D21A |
ASCC | AssertionApplicableStandard | Standard | 0..u | A standard applicable to this assertion. | D21A |
ASCC | AssertionRelatedPolicy | Policy | 0..u | A policy related to this assertion. | D21A |
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ACC | Assessment | Occ | The evaluation of an object with respect to the object's worth or condition. | D10A | |
BCC | AssessmentRequestorAllocatedIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the assessment as allocated by the party requesting the assessment. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentAssessorAllocatedIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the assessment as allocated by the party providing the assessment. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the assessment, such as estimate, quotation, final quotation. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis of the assessment, such as based on the object itself, based on pictures of the object. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentInstructionTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of instruction for the assessment. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentInstructionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual instruction for the assessment. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentInstructionGivenDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the instruction to make the assessment was given. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentInstructionReceivedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the instruction to make the assessment was received, such as by the assessor. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentPriorityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the priority with which the assessment is to be treated. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentDueDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the assessment is due. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the assessment will be or was started. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the assessment ended. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentPerformerTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying who performed the assessment, such as an assessor or a garage. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentReportTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of assessment report, such as administrative or full. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentReportStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the assessment report, such as preliminary, final, awaiting second opinion. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentReportDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the assessment report. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentCalculationSoftwareIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the software used to perform the assessment calculation. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentClaimSettlementAuthorityIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the assessor has been delegated claim settlement authority for this assessment. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentFeeCalculationMannerCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the manner of the assessment fee calculation, such as fixed charge, per hour. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentFeeCalculationMannerText | Text | 0..1 | The manner of the assessment fee calculation, expressed as text. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentFirstContactDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the first contact under this assessment. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentObjectStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the object being assessed, such as before repair, during repair, after repair. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentInspectionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the inspection under this assessment. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentVisitDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the visit by the assessor to the location of the object being assessed. | D10A |
BCC | AssessmentReasonCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the reason for this assessment, such as total loss expectation or fraud suspicion. | D14A |
BCC | AssessmentReasonText | Text | 0..1 | The reason, expressed as text, for this assessment, such as total loss expectation or fraud suspicion. | D14A |
BCC | AssessmentResultCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the result of this assessment. | D14A |
BCC | AssessmentReportDeliveredDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the assessment report was delivered. | D14B |
BCC | AssessmentTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of assessment. | D17A |
BCC | AssessmentIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this assessment. | D21B |
BCC | AssessmentCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a category of this assessment. | D21B |
BCC | AssessmentNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this assessment. | D21B |
BCC | AssessmentSelfAssessedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this assessment is self assessed. | D21B |
BCC | AssessmentVerifiedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this assessment is verified. | D21B |
BCC | AssessmentAssuranceLevelCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an assurance level for this assessment. | D21B |
ASCC | AssessmentPerformedLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location where the assessment was performed. | D10A |
ASCC | AssessmentApplicableNote | Note | 0..u | A note applicable to the assessment. | D10A |
ASCC | AssessmentAssessorParty | Party | 0..1 | The party providing the assessment. | D10A |
ASCC | AssessmentRequestorParty | Party | 0..1 | The party requesting the assessment. | D10A |
ASCC | AssessmentVerifierParty | Party | 0..u | A verifier party for this assessment. | D21B |
ASCC | AssessmentApplicableStandard | Standard | 0..u | A standard applicable to this assessment. | D21B |
ASCC | AssessmentAssessedObject | Object | 0..u | An object assessed for this assessment. | D21B |
ASCC | AssessmentRelatedTradeTransaction | TradeTransaction | 0..u | A trade transaction related to this assessment. | D21B |
ASCC | AssessmentAssociatedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file associated with this assessment. | D21B |
ASCC | AssessmentApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this assessment. | D21B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Assignment | Occ | Allocation of a task, mission or responsibility between two or more entities. | D06B | |
BCC | AssignmentDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this assignment. | D06B |
BCC | AssignmentIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this assignment. | D06B |
BCC | AssignmentVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this assignment. | D14A |
ASCC | AssignmentDelegatedOrganization | Organization | 0..u | An organization to which this assignment is delegated. | D06B |
ASCC | AssignmentDelegatingOrganization | Organization | 0..u | An organization which delegates this assignment. | D06B |
ASCC | AssignmentEffectivePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period for which this assignment is effective. | D06B |
ASCC | AssignmentLimitedProject | Project | 0..u | A project to which this assignment is limited. | D06B |
ASCC | AssignmentAssignerParty | Party | 0..u | A party which assigns this assignment. | D14A |
ASCC | AssignmentAssignedParty | Party | 0..u | A party assigned to this assignment. | D14A |
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in ASCC | ArchiveParameterTrustedThirdPartyAuthentication ArchiveParameterAgentAuthentication ChemicalTreatmentResultAuthentication DocumentSignatoryAuthentication TradeLineItemAssertedAuthentication |
ACC | Authentication | Occ | A proof that something is genuine. | D08A | |
BCC | AuthenticationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of authentication. | D08A |
BCC | AuthenticationActualDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The actual date, time, date time, or other date time value of this authentication. | D08A |
BCC | AuthenticationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this authentication. | D08A |
BCC | AuthenticationStatementText | Text | 0..u | A statement, expressed as text, for this authentication. | D08A |
BCC | AuthenticationStatementCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a statement for this authentication. | D08A |
BCC | AuthenticationInformationText | Text | 0..u | Information, expressed as text, for this authentication. | D08A |
BCC | AuthenticationRepresentationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of representation of the authentication provider, such as direct or indirect. | D08B |
BCC | AuthenticationSignatoryText | Text | 0..u | A signatory, expressed as text, for this authentication. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AuthenticationImageBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | A binary object of an image for this authentication. | D18A |
BCC | AuthenticationCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a category for this authentication. | D18A |
ASCC | AuthenticationProviderParty | Party | 0..u | A party providing this authentication. | D08A |
ASCC | AuthenticationIssueLocation | Location | 0..u | An issue location for this authentication. | D08A |
ASCC | AuthenticationLocationProviderParty | Party | 0..u | A party providing the location for this authentication. | D08A |
ASCC | AuthenticationIncludedClause | Clause | 0..u | A clause included in this authentication. | D08A |
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in ASCC | HealthCareInstitutionAttendanceSpecifiedAuthorization MedicalTreatmentSpecifiedAuthorization ReparationGivenAuthorization |
ACC | Authorization | Occ | An official permission or approval. | D09A | |
BCC | AuthorizationGrantedIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not this authorization is granted. | D09A |
BCC | AuthorizationConditionText | Text | 0..u | A condition, expressed as text, for this authorization. | D09A |
BCC | AuthorizationObjectionText | Text | 0..u | An objection, expressed as text, to this authorization. | D09A |
BCC | AuthorizationDecisionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value of a decision for this authorization. | D09A |
BCC | AuthorizationSubjectIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of a subject of this authorization. | D09A |
BCC | AuthorizationMeansTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of means by which this authorization is granted, such as by signature, general contract, letter. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AuthorizationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this authorization. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AuthorizationDecisionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying an authorization decision, such as refused, authorized, authorized at revised figures. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AuthorizationEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The effective date, time, date time, or other date time value of this authorization. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AuthorizationInformationText | Text | 0..1 | Information, expressed as text, for this authorization, such as a special instruction, an explanation of revised figures. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AuthorizationRefusalReasonText | Text | 0..1 | The reason for refusal, expressed as text, of this authorization. | D09B.1 |
BCC | AuthorizationBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis of this authorization, such as assessment report, quotation. | D10A |
BCC | AuthorizationMaximumAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The maximum monetary value authorized under this authorization. | D10A |
BCC | AuthorizationItemCostPayablePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of the costs of the item being authorized that the authorizer agrees to pay, such as for a vehicle repair. | D10A |
ASCC | AuthorizationAuthorityOrganization | Organization | 0..u | An authority organization for this authorization. | D09A |
ASCC | AuthorizationValidityPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period within which this authorization is valid. | D09A |
ASCC | AuthorizationAuthorizerParty | Party | 0..1 | The party that is the authorizer for this authorization. | D11A |
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in ASCC | SampleTypeSpecifiedAutopsy |
ACC | Autopsy | Occ | Characteristics of a post-mortem examination. | D12B | |
BCC | AutopsyTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type, expressed as text, of this autopsy. | D12B |
BCC | AutopsyProcedureText | Text | 0..u | A procedure, expressed as text, for this autopsy. | D12B |
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in ASCC | ProductSupplyAvailability TravelProductSub-ComponentSpecifiedAvailability TravelProductApplicableAvailability |
ACC | Availability | Occ | Being obtainable or at one's disposal. | D09A | |
BCC | AvailabilityStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying an availability status. | D09A |
BCC | AvailabilityUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of units available. | D09A |
BCC | AvailabilityDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of an availability. | D09A |
BCC | AvailabilityIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this availability. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | AvailabilityApplicablePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period applicable to an availability. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BalanceOutBreakdownBalanceOut MonetarySummationApplicableBalanceOut |
ACC | BalanceOut | Occ | Offset information to ensure that debits and credits are equal. | D15B | |
BCC | BalanceOutIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this balance out. | D15B |
BCC | BalanceOutDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this balance out. | D15B |
BCC | BalanceOutReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the reason for this balance out. | D15B |
BCC | BalanceOutReasonDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of the reason for this balance out. | D15B |
BCC | BalanceOutOccurrenceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of this balance out. | D15B |
BCC | BalanceOutCalculatedAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value calculated for this balance out. | D15B |
ASCC | BalanceOutBreakdownBalanceOut | BalanceOut | 0..u | A balance out breakdown for this balance out. | D15B |
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in ASCC | BasePremiumSpecifiedBaseAmountCalculation |
ACC | BaseAmountCalculation | Occ | The calculation of a base amount, such as a base premium, base loading or discount. | D09A | |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationBeforeIndexAppliedAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the amount before applying an index, used in this base amount calculation. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationIndexPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The index percentage used in this base amount calculation. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationSumInsuredPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the sum insured used in this base amount calculation. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationTariffDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the tariff, used in base amount calculation. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationBasisUnitAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the basis unit used in this base amount calculation, such as if the rate is normally expressed as 5 euro cents per 100 pounds this attribute contains 100 pounds. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationBasisUnitRateAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the basis unit rate used in this base amount calculation, such as if the premium rate is expressed as 5 euro cents per 100 pounds, this attribute contains 0.05 euro. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationPremiumRateBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the premium rate basis used in this base amount calculation. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationAdjustmentRate | Rate | 0..1 | The adjustment rate used in this base amount calculation. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationAdjustmentRateBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the adjustment rate basis used in this base amount calculation. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationPremiumBasisQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of premium basis units used in this base amount calculation. | D09A |
BCC | BaseAmountCalculationTotalIncomePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the total income used in this base amount calculation. | D14B |
ASCC | BaseAmountCalculationSpecifiedUnderwritingFactor | UnderwritingFactor | 0..u | An underwriting factor specified for this base amount calculation. | D09A |
ASCC | BaseAmountCalculationUsedRoundingRule | RoundingRule | 0..1 | The rounding rules used in this base amount calculation. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | BasePremium | Occ | The amount used as a base for a premium calculation for a policy or specific coverage. | D09A | |
BCC | BasePremiumApplicabilityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the applicability of this base premium. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumActualAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The actual monetary value of the base premium. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumTermCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the term for the base premium, such as a year or a month. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumCommissionIncludedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not commission has been included in the base premium. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumLoadingsDiscountsIncludedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the base premium includes loadings and discounts. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumBasisTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis type for the base premium, such as receipts or payroll. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumBasisTypeDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of basis type for this base premium. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the base premium, such as estimated, actual. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the country to which this base premium applies. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumCountrySub-DivisionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the country sub-division to which this base premium applies, such as state or province. | D09A |
BCC | BasePremiumMinimumPremiumIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the minimum premium applies for this base premium. | D14B |
ASCC | BasePremiumSpecifiedBaseAmountCalculation | BaseAmountCalculation | 0..u | A base amount calculation specified for this base premium. | D09A |
ASCC | BasePremiumApplicablePeriod | Period | 0..1 | The applicable period for this base premium. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BuildingWithinBasement |
ACC | Basement | Occ | A room or floor which is partly or entirely below ground level. | D09A | |
BCC | BasementTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of basement. | D09A |
BCC | BasementFoundationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of foundation of this basement. | D09A |
BCC | BasementFloorAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the floor area of this basement. | D09A |
BCC | BasementGroundFloorPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of the ground floor below which this basement lies. | D09A |
BCC | BasementDaylightIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this basement has daylight, such as through a window. | D09A |
BCC | BasementConstructionQualityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the construction quality of this basement. | D09A |
BCC | BasementFinishedPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of the total basement that is finished. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BatchSpecifiedBatchHistoryRecord |
ACC | BatchHistoryRecord | Occ | A batch which has a parent or child relationship to another batch. | D15B | |
BCC | BatchHistoryRecordIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this batch history record. | D15B |
BCC | BatchHistoryRecordBatchIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A batch identifier for this batch history record. | D15B |
BCC | BatchHistoryRecordCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for the country for this batch history record. | D15B |
BCC | BatchHistoryRecordStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the status for this batch history record. | D15B |
ASCC | BatchHistoryRecordRelatedBatch | Batch | 0..u | A related batch for this batch history record. | D15B |
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ACC | Batch | Occ | A group of objects, animals, plants, persons considered or dealt with together. | D08A | |
BCC | BatchIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this batch. | D08A |
BCC | BatchWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the weight (mass) of this batch. | D08A |
BCC | BatchTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of batch. | D09A |
BCC | BatchNominalSizeNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A value of the nominal size for this batch. | D09A |
BCC | BatchProductNameText | Text | 0..u | A product name of the batch, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | BatchTechnologyText | Text | 0..u | A technology for this batch, expressed as text, such as the tools or crafts used to produce an item. | D09A |
BCC | BatchSpecifiedQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity specified for this batch. | D09A |
BCC | BatchCreationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of creation of this batch. | D15B |
BCC | BatchBreakUpDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the break up of this batch. | D15B |
BCC | BatchSaleDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the sale of this batch. | D15B |
BCC | BatchSalesNoteIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for the sales note of this batch. | D15B |
BCC | BatchSizeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A size, expressed as a measure, for this batch. | D15B |
BCC | BatchUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number, expressed as a quantity, for this batch. | D15B |
BCC | BatchAppliedTreatmentText | Text | 0..u | A treatment, expressed as text, applied to this batch. | D17A |
BCC | BatchDescriptionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a description of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchGrossVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the gross volume of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchGrossWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the gross weight of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchNetVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the net volume of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchNetWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the net weight of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchMassRatioMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A mass measure of this batch expressed as a ratio to another mass. | D21A |
BCC | BatchMassMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a mass of this batch. | D21A |
BCC | BatchProductionModeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a production mode for this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this batch. | D08A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedProduct | Product | 0..u | A product specified for this batch. | D09A |
ASCC | BatchNumberIdentity | Identity | 0..u | An identity of a number for this batch. | D09A |
ASCC | BatchSubBatchIdentity | Identity | 0..u | An identity of a sub batch for this batch. | D09A |
ASCC | BatchTotalPrice | Price | 0..u | A total price for this batch. | D15A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedCatch | Catch | 0..u | A specified catch within this batch. | D15B |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period specified for this batch. | D15B |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedBatchHistoryRecord | BatchHistoryRecord | 0..u | A batch history record specified for this batch. | D15B |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic specified for this batch. | D15B |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedProduce | Produce | 0..u | A produce specified for this batch. | D17A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate specified for this batch. | D17A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedObservationResult | ObservationResult | 0..u | An observation result specified for this batch. | D17A |
ASCC | BatchAppliedAgriculturalApplication | AgriculturalApplication | 0..u | An agricultural application applied to this batch. | D17A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedProduction | Production | 0..u | Production information specified for this batch. | D18A |
ASCC | BatchApplicablePackaging | Packaging | 0..u | Packaging applicable to this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchApplicableInspection | Inspection | 0..u | An inspection applicable to this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified for this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchApplicableCertification | Certification | 0..u | A certification applicable to this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedAssertion | Assertion | 0..u | An assertion specified for this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedProcess | Process | 0..u | A process specified for this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchApplicablePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period applicable to this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchApplicableFault | Fault | 0..u | A fault applicable to this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchApplicableInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Instructions applicable to this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedNote | Note | 0..u | A note specified for this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchAppliedChemicalTreatment | ChemicalTreatment | 0..u | A chemical treatment applied to this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchAppliedProductFinishingTreatment | ProductFinishingTreatment | 0..u | A product finishing treatment applied to this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document specified for this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified for this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchSpecifiedPicture | Picture | 0..u | A picture specified for this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchComponentBatch | Batch | 0..u | A batch component of this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchComponentMaterial | Material | 0..u | A material component of this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchComponentProduct | Product | 0..u | A product component of this batch. | D21A |
ASCC | BatchApplicableAssessment | Assessment | 0..u | An assessment applicable to this batch. | D21B |
ASCC | BatchApplicableCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate applicable to this batch. | D21B |
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in ASCC | BuildingWithinBathroom |
ACC | Bathroom | Occ | A room with a bath. | D09A | |
BCC | BathroomTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of bathroom. | D09A |
BCC | BathroomCountQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of bathrooms. | D09A |
BCC | BathroomQualityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the quality of the bathroom. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | BillOfQuantities | Occ | A detailed statement of work, prices, and dimensions. | D06B | |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesCommentText | Text | 0..u | A comment, expressed as text, about this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesCreationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the creation of this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesCurrencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a currency for this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesLanguageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a language for this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesReferenceFileBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | A reference file binary object related to this Bill Of Quantities. | D06B |
BCC | BillOfQuantitiesStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status of this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
ASCC | BillOfQuantitiesCreationSoftware | Software | 0..u | A software program or software used to create this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
ASCC | BillOfQuantitiesItemWorkItem | WorkItem | 0..u | An item of work in this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
ASCC | BillOfQuantitiesTotalPrice | Price | 0..u | A total price for this Bill of Quantities. | D06B |
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ACC | BinaryFile | Occ | A computer file or program stored in a binary format. | D09A | |
BCC | BinaryFileIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileTitleText | Text | 0..u | A title, expressed as text, for this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileAuthorNameText | Text | 0..u | An author name, expressed as text, of this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique version identifier for this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileFileNameText | Text | 0..u | A file name, expressed as text, of this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileURIIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileMIMECode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type for this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileEncodingCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the encoding of this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileCharacterSetCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the character set for this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileIncludedBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | An included binary object for this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileAccessText | Text | 0..u | Access information, expressed as text, for this binary file such as security and download parameters. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileSizeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the size of this binary file. | D09A |
BCC | BinaryFileTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of binary file, such as photo, spreadsheet. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BinaryFileNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this binary file. | D14A |
BCC | BinaryFileEmbeddedBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | A binary object embedded in this binary file. | D14A |
BCC | BinaryFileLicenceIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a licence for this binary file. | D14A |
ASCC | BinaryFileAccessAvailabilityPeriod | Period | 0..u | An access availability period of this binary file. | D09A |
ASCC | BinaryFileValidityPeriod | Period | 0..u | A validity period of this binary file. | D21A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | BlanketCoverage | Occ | Insurance which encompasses a wide range of risks or properties. | D14B | |
BCC | BlanketCoverageIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The identifier for this blanket coverage. | D14B |
BCC | BlanketCoverageTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of blanket coverage. | D14B |
BCC | BlanketCoverageAgreedValueStipulationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not an agreed value stipulation applies to this blanket coverage. | D14B |
BCC | BlanketCoverageOwnerInsuredObjectIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the objects insured are owned by the insured for this blanket coverage. | D17A |
BCC | BlanketCoverageReportingFrequencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the reporting frequency for this blanket coverage. | D17A |
ASCC | BlanketCoverageSpecifiedCoverage | Coverage | 0..1 | The basic coverage information specified for this blanket coverage. | D14B |
ASCC | BlanketCoverageApplicableDeductible | Deductible | 0..u | A deductible applicable for this blanket coverage. | D14B |
ASCC | BlanketCoverageApplicableIndexAdjustment | IndexAdjustment | 0..u | An index adjustment applicable for this blanket coverage. | D14B |
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in ASCC | ConvictionAssociatedBloodAlcoholTest |
ACC | BloodAlcoholTest | Occ | An examination of the level of alcohol in the blood of a living creature. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | BloodAlcoholTestAlcoholTestTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of blood alcohol test, such as blood, urine. breath. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BloodAlcoholTestAlcoholLevelMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the level of blood alcohol found during the test. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | DocumentRelatedBooking |
ACC | Booking | Occ | A transaction which results in the recording of an entry in an account, such as an entry in a bank account or ordering transport services. | D19B | |
BCC | BookingActualDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | An actual date, time, date time or other date time value for this booking. | D19B |
BCC | BookingCreditDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A credit date, time, date time or other date time value for this booking. | D19B |
BCC | BookingDebitDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A debit date, time, date time or other date time value for this booking. | D19B |
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in ASCC | BreakdownItemIncludedBreakdownItem BreakdownStatementIncludedBreakdownItem |
ACC | BreakdownItem | Occ | A part or element of a whole. | D14A | |
BCC | BreakdownItemIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a classification of this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemCommentText | Text | 0..u | A comment, expressed as text, of this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemIndexText | Text | 0..u | An index, expressed as text, for this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemRequestedActionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a requested action for this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemContractualLanguageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the contractual (legally binding) language of this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemValuationPercent | Percent | 0..u | A percentage applied to calculate a valuation of this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemOrderFulfilmentLeadTimeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the expected time interval between the receipt of an order and its fulfilment of this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemReferencedItemIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of an item referenced for this breakdown item. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownItemReferencedItemQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity of an item referenced for this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemActualComplexDescription | ComplexDescription | 0..u | An actual complex description of this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemActualComplexQuantity | ComplexQuantity | 0..u | An actual complex quantity for this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemUnitPrice | Price | 0..u | A unit price for this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemTotalPrice | Price | 0..u | A total price for this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemIncludedBreakdownItem | BreakdownItem | 0..u | A breakdown item included in this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemChangedStatus | Status | 0..u | A changed status of this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemReferencedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file that is referenced for this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemSpecifiedProduct | Product | 0..u | A product specified by this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemDesignatedClassification | Classification | 0..u | A classification designated for this breakdown item. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownItemStipulatedRevisionMethod | RevisionMethod | 0..u | A revision method stipulated for this breakdown item. | D14A |
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in ASCC | ContractActualBreakdownStatement |
ACC | BreakdownStatement | Occ | A detailed statement of work, materials, products, prices, or dimensions. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | BreakdownStatementCommentText | Text | 0..u | A comment, expressed as text, for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementCreationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the creation of this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementCurrencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a currency for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementLanguageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a language for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementRequestedActionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a requested action for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementContractualLanguageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the contractual (legally binding) language for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BreakdownStatementVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this breakdown statement. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownStatementMeasurementMethodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a measurement method for this breakdown statement. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownStatementBaseDate | Date | 0..u | A base date for this breakdown statement. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownStatementValuationPercent | Percent | 0..u | A percentage applied to calculate a valuation of this breakdown statement. | D14A |
BCC | BreakdownStatementOrderFulfilmentLeadTimeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the expected time interval between the receipt of an order and its fulfilment of this breakdown statement. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownStatementItemWorkItem | WorkItem | 0..u | A work item in this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BreakdownStatementTotalPrice | Price | 0..u | A total price for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BreakdownStatementCreationBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file used to create this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BreakdownStatementReaderBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file used to read this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BreakdownStatementChangedStatus | Status | 0..u | A changed status for this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BreakdownStatementReferencedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file that is referenced by this breakdown statement. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BreakdownStatementIncludedBreakdownItem | BreakdownItem | 0..u | A breakdown item included in this breakdown statement. | D14A |
ASCC | BreakdownStatementStipulatedRevisionMethod | RevisionMethod | 0..u | A revision method stipulated for this breakdown statement. | D14A |
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in ASCC | BuildingRelatedBuildingAccessory |
ACC | BuildingAccessory | Occ | A type of accessory located on the same property as the building. | D09A | |
BCC | BuildingAccessoryTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of building accessory. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingAccessoryTypeQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of a type of building accessory. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingAccessoryPlayingSurfaceTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of playing surface if this building accessory is a sports court or playing facility. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingAccessorySurfaceAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the surface area of this building accessory. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingAccessoryHandrailLengthMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the length of the handrail of this building accessory. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BuildingIncludedBuildingBlock |
ACC | BuildingBlock | Occ | A part of a building sharing some common characteristics. | D14A | |
BCC | BuildingBlockIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this building block. | D14A |
BCC | BuildingBlockVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this building block. | D14A |
BCC | BuildingBlockTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of building block. | D14A |
BCC | BuildingBlockRankingNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A numeric order of the ranking of this building block with respect to other building blocks. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingBlockActualComplexQuantity | ComplexQuantity | 0..u | An actual complex quantity for this building block. | D14A |
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in ASCC | BuildingAppliedBuildingImprovement |
ACC | BuildingImprovement | Occ | An addition or enhancement that has been made to a building over and above the original specification. | D09A | |
BCC | BuildingImprovementExteriorPaintedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the building exterior was improved by being painted. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementExteriorPaintTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of paint used when the building exterior was improved by being painted. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementHeatingExtentCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying that the heating in the building has been improved and the extent of the improvement. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementHeatingSystemDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the heating system in the building was improved. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementPlumbingExtentCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying that the plumbing in the building has been improved and the extent of the improvement. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementPlumbingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the plumbing in the building was improved. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementRoofingExtentCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying that the roofing of the building has been improved and the extent of the improvement. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementRoofingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the roofing of the building was improved. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementWiringExtentCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying that the wiring in the building has been improved and the extent of the improvement. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementWiringDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the wiring in the building was improved. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementEarthquakeRetrofitTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying what type of improvement have been made to an existing building to protect against earthquake damage, such as cripple walls bracing, foundation anchoring. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingImprovementExteriorConstructionPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the construction for this building improvement taking place on the exterior of the building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingImprovementInteriorConstructionPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the construction for this building improvement taking place in the interior of the building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingImprovementExteriorInsulationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the exterior insulation was applied to this building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingImprovementExteriorInsulationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of exterior insulation that was applied to this building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingImprovementOccupiedDuringConstructionIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building will be occupied during this building improvement. | D14B |
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in ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedBuildingInspection |
ACC | BuildingInspection | Occ | A careful review of a building to assess value and shortcomings. | D09A | |
BCC | BuildingInspectionConstructionStylePeriodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the construction style period of the building such as pre 1940, as determined by the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionBuildingValuationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the building valuation was determined by the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionEstimatedReplacementCostAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the estimated replacement cost for this building, without depreciation, as determined by the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionReplacementCostEvaluationMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the replacement cost evaluation method used for the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionReplacementCostValuationProviderCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the provider of the replacement cost valuation for the building required for the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionPhysicalShapeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the physical shape of the building as determined by the building inspection, such as a square or rectangle. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionGroundFloorAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the ground floor area of the building as determined by the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionCornerQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of corners in the structure as determined by the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionSeparateFamilyUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of separate family units in the building as determined by the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionActualDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the actual inspection of the building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionInspectionReportSourceCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the source of the building inspection report, such as taxation measure, independent survey, survey of insurer. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionMarketValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary market value of the building as determined by the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionMarketValueDeterminationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the market value was determined by the building inspection. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInspectionPhotographObtainedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a photograph was obtained of the structure during the building inspection. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInspectionSpecifiedItemValuation | ItemValuation | 0..u | A specified item for valuation following the building inspection. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BuildingApplicableBuildingInsuranceFactor |
ACC | BuildingInsuranceFactor | Occ | A set of characteristics or circumstances that affect building insurance. | D09A | |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorOccupiedByInsuredFloorAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the floor area of the building or part of the building that is owned or occupied by the insured party, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSingleRoomMaximumFloorAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the maximum floor area for a room of a building to be considered a single room, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorMaintenanceAgreementIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is a maintenance agreement in force, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorDisabledOccupantIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not any occupant of the building is disabled, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorOccupantWithMedicalAdviceIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not any occupant of the building has medical/surgical alert advice, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorNeighbourhoodWatchIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building is covered by a neighbourhood watch scheme, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorGroundMovementDamageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is any ground movement (subsidence, landslip or heave) damage to the building or nearby property, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorGroundMovementRepairIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building has any repairs for ground movement (subsidence, landslip or ground heave), used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorRentalDurationMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the duration of a rental of this building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorPrivateResidenceRoomUsedForBusinessQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of rooms in a private residence used for business, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorBuildingBusinessUseText | Text | 0..1 | The business use of a building, expressed as text, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSolelyClericalUseIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the business use of the property is solely clerical, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorGoodsStoredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not goods are stored at the property, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorBusinessVisitorIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not business clients visit the property, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorPayingGuestsMaximumQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The maximum number of paying guests allowed in the building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorBedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of beds in the building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorResidentWardenIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the property has a resident warden or superintendent, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorActualVehicleGaragedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The actual number of vehicles garaged, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorUnoccupiedMoreThanSpecifiedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building is unoccupied more than specified on the application form, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSharedFacilityIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building has shared facilities, such as bathroom or kitchen, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSeparateLockableEntranceIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building has a separate lockable entrance, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorNonFamilyKeyholderIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building has any non family keyholders, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorFurnishedAsSpecifiedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building is furnished as specified, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorHighHazardOccupancyIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not any occupant is involved in a high hazard occupation, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorNotOccupiedByInsuredAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the area of the premises not occupied by the insured, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorBuildingUseText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the usage of the building, such as storage of farming implements and machinery, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorMinimumDistanceFromBlastMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the minimum distance the object is from the blast site, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorExistingDefectsIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building has any existing defects, such as glass or signs having any scratches or cracks, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorManufacturingFloorAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the floor area of the building which is used for manufacturing purposes, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorMercantileFloorAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the floor area of the building which is used for mercantile purposes, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorInsurerAssignedConstructionClassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the construction class assigned to this building by the insurer which indicates the general quality of construction for the structure, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorCondominiumWallCoverageCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying how coverage for a condominium applies to walls, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorPrincipalUnitAtRiskIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this building is the principal unit at risk, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorOilStorageTankLocationCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the location of an oil storage tank, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorHousekeepingConditionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the housekeeping condition of the building i.e. an evaluation of the interior upkeep of the building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorOtherStructuresQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of other structures being insured, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorOtherStructureTotalValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The total monetary value of the other structures being insured, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorInsuredAdditionalResidenceIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not an additional residence(s) is owned, occupied or rented by the insured, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorFullTimeEmployeesAtResidenceQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of full-time employees that are employed at the residence, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorPartTimeEmployeesAtResidenceQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of part-time employees that are employed at the residence, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorDogTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type/breed of dog that resides in the household, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorPublicOfficeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not an office open to the public is contained on the property, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorHoodAndDuctContractExpirationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the hood and duct maintenance contract expires, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorStateStatisticalAreaCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the state statistical area for this building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorRatingTerritoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the rating territory for this building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorDivingBoardQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of diving boards on the premises, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorStandardSecurityMeasuresMetIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not standard security measures have been met for this building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorBusinessUsePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of business use for this building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorApplicantAndFamilySoleUseIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the building is used solely by the applicant and family, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorOldestPersonBirthDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date of birth of the oldest person in the building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorWiringLastInspectedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the wiring was last inspected, used as a factor of building insurance. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorAnyAreaLeasedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not any area in the building is leased, used as a factor of building insurance. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorContentEarthquakeSusceptibilityGradeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the earthquake susceptibility grade for content, used as a factor of building insurance. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorGuestRoomQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of guest rooms in this building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorOriginalUseText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the original usage of the building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSeatingCapacityQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The seating capacity of the building, used as a factor of building insurance. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSolventLocationDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the location in which cleaning solvents are stored, used as a factor of building insurance. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSolventLocationLockedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not cleaning solvents are stored in a locked location, used as a factor of building insurance. | D14B |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedAlarm | Alarm | 0..u | An alarm device specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedUnoccupiedBuilding | UnoccupiedBuilding | 0..u | A period of unoccupancy for the building specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedBuildingInspection | BuildingInspection | 0..1 | The building inspection specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedCrimeUnderwriting | CrimeUnderwriting | 0..1 | The crime related underwriting information specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedEnvironmentalFactor | EnvironmentalFactor | 0..u | An environmental factor specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedExternalBuildingProtection | ExternalBuildingProtection | 0..1 | The external building protection specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedBuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwriting | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwriting | 0..1 | Building money and securities underwriting specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedInsuranceObject | InsuranceObject | 0..1 | The insurance object specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedOccupancy | Occupancy | 0..u | An occupancy of the building specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedOccupiedFloor | OccupiedFloor | 0..u | A floor or number of floors occupied in a building specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedOnsiteBuildingProtection | OnsiteBuildingProtection | 0..1 | The onsite building protection that the building has against threats, such as fire, specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorBuildingOwnership | Ownership | 0..1 | The ownership of the building as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedSafe | Safe | 0..u | A safe in the building specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedSecurity | Security | 0..u | Security specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedSpecialtyRoom | SpecialtyRoom | 0..u | A specialty room specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedSurroundingArea | SurroundingArea | 0..1 | The area surrounding the building specified as a building insurance factor. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorBusinessPermittedUsage | PermittedUsage | 0..u | A permitted business use for the building which is a factor affecting the insurance of the building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorPriorOccupancy | Occupancy | 0..u | An occupancy prior to the current occupancy of the building specified as a building insurance factor. | D14B |
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in ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedBuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwriting |
ACC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwriting | Occ | Money and securities held at a building and subject to coverage by insurance underwriting. | D09A | |
BCC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwritingCashDuringDayAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of cash held during the day, to be covered by the money and securities underwriting for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwritingSecuritiesOtherThanPayrollChequesAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of securities, other than payroll cheques, to be covered by the money and securities underwriting for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwritingChequesAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of cheques, excluding retail cheques, to be covered by the money and securities underwriting for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwritingPayrollChequesAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of payroll cheques to be covered by the money and securities underwriting for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwritingCashOvernightAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of cash held overnight, to be covered by the money and securities underwriting for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwritingSecuritiesInBankAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of securities left in a bank/safe deposit, to be covered by the money and securities underwriting for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwritingAccountsPayableChequesAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of accounts payable cheques to be covered by the money and securities underwriting for this building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingMoneySecuritiesUnderwritingMaximumCashAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the maximum cash amount to be covered by the money and securities underwriting for this building. | D14B |
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in ASCC | BuildingAdditionalBuilding IncidentBuildingActualBuilding |
ACC | Building | Occ | A permanent fixed structure, such as a house, factory, hotel, or office building. | D06B | |
BCC | BuildingSubstantialImprovementDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when this building was substantially improved. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingConstructionDate | Date | 0..u | A date of construction for this building. | D06B |
BCC | BuildingDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description for this building. | D06B |
BCC | BuildingIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this building. | D06B |
BCC | BuildingNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this building. | D06B |
BCC | BuildingRenovationDate | Date | 0..u | A date of renovation of this building. | D06B |
BCC | BuildingStyleText | Text | 0..1 | The style, expressed as text, of this building. | D06B |
BCC | BuildingTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of building, such as an apartment, a mobile home, or a detached house. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingConstructionMaterialTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of construction material for this building, such as brick veneer or concrete. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingFlatRoofPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the roof area of this building which is flat. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingStoreyQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of storeys (floors) in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingApartmentQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of apartments (separate living units) in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingBedroomQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of bedrooms in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingRoomQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of rooms in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingFireplaceQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of fireplaces in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingHistoricalStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the historical status of this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingConstructionCompletionPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of completion of the construction of this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingConstructionCompletionDegreeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the degree of completion of this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingDrainLengthMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the length of the drains connecting this building to the public drainage system. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingEstimatedConstructionCompletionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The estimated date, time, date time, or other date time value when the construction of this building will be completed. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingElevatorQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of elevators in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingRoofDesignCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the roof design of this building, such as flat or gabled. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingConstructionPrefabricationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the construction prefabrication type of this building, such as heavy concrete or precast concrete. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingFloorMaterialCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the floor material used in this building, such as wood or concrete. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingModifiedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this building has been modified or extended. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingStructuralDamageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this building has any signs of structural damage. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingNeonSignAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the area of neon signs in or on this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingMaximumVehicleQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The maximum number of vehicles that can be held in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingSituationCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the situation of this building to the main building, such as attached, detached or integral. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingGroundFloorAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the ground floor area of this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type of this building, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingElectricalPanelTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of electrical panel in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingWiringTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of wiring in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingWiringElectricalCapacityMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the electrical capacity of the wiring in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingPlumbingTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of plumbing in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingConditionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the condition of this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingRoofTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of roof for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingRoofTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type of roof for this building, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingConstructionStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the start of the construction of this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingConstructionCostAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the construction costs of this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingConstructionRegulatoryGradeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the construction regulatory grade for this building, such as Building Code Effectiveness Grade (BCEG). | D09A |
BCC | BuildingAboveGroundFloorAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the floor area of this building, counting all storeys above ground. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingBasementQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of basements in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingEarthquakeGroundConditionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the condition of the ground, with respect to earthquakes, where this building is situated. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingExteriorWallMasonryVeneerPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of the exterior wall made of masonry veneer for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingStormProtectionTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of storm protection for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingHurricaneResistiveGlassIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not hurricane resistive glass is used in this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingLandAreaMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the land area on which the building is located. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingHillsideInclinePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of the hillside incline for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingSubtypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the subtype of this building, such as for a garage type building, built in, basement or carport. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingBasementIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this building has a basement. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingTypeQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of buildings of the same type as this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingWindResistanceCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the wind resistance of this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingSwimmingPoolQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of swimming pools belonging to this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingRealEstateTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of real estate for this building. | D09A |
BCC | BuildingVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this building. | D14A |
BCC | BuildingFunctionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a function of this building. | D14A |
BCC | BuildingProjectIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a project for this building. | D14A |
BCC | BuildingAttachedAntennaIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this building has an attached antenna. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingAttachedSatelliteDishIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this building has an attached satellite dish. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingCapacityMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the capacity of this building, such as the number of horses in a stable or the amount of grain in a silo. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingConstructionPermitDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the construction permit for this building was issued. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingEarthquakeResistanceCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the earthquake resistance of this building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingEmergencyLightingDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the emergency lighting system in this building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingEscalatorQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of escalators in this building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingOpenSidesQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of open sides on this building. | D14B |
BCC | BuildingStairwayIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this building has any stairways. | D14B |
ASCC | BuildingActualPicture | Picture | 0..u | An actual picture of this building. | D06B |
ASCC | BuildingDistinctiveFeature | Feature | 0..u | A feature that is a distinctive characteristic of this building. | D06B |
ASCC | BuildingInstalledAirConditioning | AirConditioning | 0..1 | The air conditioning installed in this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingWithinBathroom | Bathroom | 0..u | A bathroom within this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingRelatedBuildingAccessory | BuildingAccessory | 0..u | A building accessory related to this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingAppliedBuildingImprovement | BuildingImprovement | 0..u | A building improvement applied to this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingUsedInbuiltComponent | InbuiltComponent | 0..u | An inbuilt component used in this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingUsedConstructionMaterial | ConstructionMaterial | 0..u | Material used in the construction of this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingSpecifiedDimension | Dimension | 0..1 | The specified dimensions of this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingWithinElevator | Elevator | 0..u | An elevator within this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingWithinFireplace | Fireplace | 0..u | A fireplace within this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingInstalledHeatingSystem | HeatingSystem | 0..u | A heating system installed in this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingAppliedInteriorFinish | InteriorFinish | 0..1 | The interior finish applied in this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingWithinKitchen | Kitchen | 0..u | A kitchen within this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingSpecifiedMobileHome | MobileHome | 0..1 | The mobile home specified as this building (dwelling). | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingAppliedModification | Modification | 0..u | A modification that has been applied to this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingAttachedPorch | Porch | 0..u | A porch attached to this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingSupportingSubstructure | Substructure | 0..u | A supporting substructure for this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingWithinBasement | Basement | 0..u | A basement within this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingRelatedSwimmingPool | SwimmingPool | 0..u | A swimming pool related to the building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingAdditionalBuilding | Building | 0..u | An additional building located on the same premises, which may or may not be attached to this building. | D09A |
ASCC | BuildingSpecifiedAdditionalInterest | AdditionalInterest | 0..u | An additional interest specified for this building. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BuildingApplicableBuildingInsuranceFactor | BuildingInsuranceFactor | 0..1 | The set of building insurance factors applicable to this building. | D11A |
ASCC | BuildingReferencedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file referenced for this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingQualityAccreditation | Accreditation | 0..u | An accreditation of the quality of this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingApplicableDesign | Design | 0..u | A design applicable to this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingCompleteDesign | Design | 0..u | A complete design for this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingPartialDesign | Design | 0..u | A partial design for this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingApplicableCost | Cost | 0..u | A cost applicable to this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingComponentCost | Cost | 0..u | A component cost for this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingPhysicalLocation | Location | 0..u | A physical location of this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingActualComplexQuantity | ComplexQuantity | 0..u | An actual complex quantity for this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingIncludedBuildingBlock | BuildingBlock | 0..u | A building block included in this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingSpecifiedOwnership | Ownership | 0..1 | The ownership specified for this building. | D14A |
ASCC | BuildingSpecifiedGlass | Glass | 0..u | An information about glass specified for this building. | D14B |
ASCC | BuildingSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location specified for this building. | D14B |
ASCC | BuildingSpecifiedSignage | Signage | 0..u | An information about signage specified for this building. | D14B |
ASCC | BuildingUtilityService | Service | 0..u | A utility service for this building. | D14B |
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in ASCC | ProcessedEntitySpecifiedBundleCollection |
ACC | BundleCollection | Occ | Combination of documents and books intended to be stored together in a usable form to conform with regulatory requirements. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | BundleCollectionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this bundle collection. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BundleCollectionCommentText | Text | 0..1 | The comment, expressed as text, for this bundle collection. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BundleCollectionAgentAssignedArchiveIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The archive identifier assigned by the agent for this bundle collection. | D11A |
BCC | BundleCollectionAgentArchiveDeliveryDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the delivery of the archive by the agent for this bundle collection. | D11A |
BCC | BundleCollectionOwnerAssignedArchiveIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The archive identifier assigned by the owner for this bundle collection. | D11A |
BCC | BundleCollectionOwnerArchiveDeliveryDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the delivery of the archive by the owner for this bundle collection. | D11A |
ASCC | BundleCollectionSpecifiedAccountingPeriod | AccountingPeriod | 0..u | An accounting period specified for this bundle collection. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BundleCollectionLifeCycleArchiveParameter | ArchiveParameter | 0..1 | The archive parameter for the life cycle of this bundle collection. | D11A |
ASCC | BundleCollectionIncludedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document included in this bundle collection. | D11A |
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in ASCC | PartySpecifiedBusinessAccount |
ACC | BusinessAccount | Occ | A specific arrangement whereby business transactions are recorded. | D10A | |
BCC | BusinessAccountIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of this business account. | D10A |
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in ASCC | BusinessProfileRelatedBusinessProfile MachineSpecifiedBusinessProfile OccupancyAssociatedBusinessProfile PartySpecifiedBusinessProfile PartyNotPerformedBusinessProfile |
ACC | BusinessProfile | Occ | Distinctive features or characteristics of a business such as number of employees, number of operating units, business type. | D06A | |
BCC | BusinessProfileOperatingYearsQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of years that the business in this profile has been in operation. | D06A |
BCC | BusinessProfileClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a classification of the business in this profile. | D06A |
BCC | BusinessProfileEmployeeQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of employees for this business profile. | D06A |
BCC | BusinessProfileCountryNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the country for this business profile. | D06B |
BCC | BusinessProfileManufacturerIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this business profile is for a manufacturer. | D06B |
BCC | BusinessProfileTradingTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of trading performed by the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileInventoryAccountingMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the inventory accounting method used to calculate inventory valuation for this business profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileAnnualGrossReceiptsAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the annual gross sales or receipts for the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileAnnualNetReceiptsAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the annual net sales or receipts for the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileAnnualTurnoverAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the annual turnover of the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileAnnualTotalSalaryAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the annual total salary for the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileImportExportAnnualTotalAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the annual total of imports and exports for the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileVisitorQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of people that visit the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileRoomQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of rooms that are used by the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileAreaUsedMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the area used by the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileMachineryPowerUsedMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of machinery power used when performing the work of the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the current owners purchased or started the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileOperationsDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the operations performed by the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileGeneralLiabilityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the general liability nature of business for the business in this profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileFarmRanchTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the primary nature of the business in this profile where the business is a farm or ranch. | D09B.1 |
BCC | BusinessProfileIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this business profile. | D14A |
BCC | BusinessProfileVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this business profile. | D14A |
BCC | BusinessProfileAverageEmploymentDurationMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of average employment duration for employees in this business profile. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileDomesticLocationQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of domestic locations used by this business profile. Domestic locations are those situated within the business profile's country of incorporation. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileForeignLocationQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of foreign locations used by this business profile. Foreign locations are those outside the business profile's country of incorporation. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileFranchisedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the operations of the business in this profile are franchised. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileFullTimeEmployeeQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of employees working full time for the business in this profile. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfilePartTimeEmployeeQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of employees working part time for the business in this profile. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileOffPremisesActivityPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of activity performed outside the main premises of the business in this profile. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileSeasonalIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the operations of the business in this profile are seasonal. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileSubsidiarySharePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent a subsidiary represents as part of the total business of the parent organization for this business profile. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileWorkersCompensationCoverageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not workers compensation coverage is in place for the employees working for the business in this profile. | D14B |
BCC | BusinessProfileTradingSubTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the sub type of trading performed by the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileSubjectToContractIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the business in this profile is subject to a contract. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileInstructionsProvidedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not instructions are provided for the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileCertifiedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the business in this profile is certified, such as ISO9000. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileTimeUnitPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of time units for the business in this profile as a percentage of all business profiles for a certain organization. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileBuildingTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of building on which the business in this profile is carried out, such as building or engineering work. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileNonResidentsAdmittedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not non residents are admitted to activities associated with the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileEntranceFeeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not an entrance fee for activities associated with the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileFarmingMethodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the method of farming for the business in this profile, such as farming under glass or open field, organic farming. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileWasteDisposalIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not waste is disposed off as part of the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileAirCompressionIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not air compression is used in the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileHazardousGoodsStorageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not hazardous goods are stored as part of the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileHazardousGoodsStorageDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of any hazardous goods stored as part of the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileTotalLocationQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The total number of locations used by the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileEmployeeOversightRadiusMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the employee oversight radius for the business in this profile. | D15A |
BCC | BusinessProfileBusinessOwnerRiskPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the risk held by the business owner for the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileThirdPartyRiskPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the risk held by a third party which is not the business owner for the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileOperationTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the operations type used by the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileOperationStartedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not operations have been started for the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileAverageInProgressWorkUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The measure of the average number of work units in progress performed by the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileMaximumInProgressWorkUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The measure of the maximum number of work units in progress performed by the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileCompletedWorkUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The measure of the number of work units completed for the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileContractAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the contract for the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileMaterialCostPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the contract amount that comprises material costs for the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileItemsInTransitAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the items in transit for the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileInventoryAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the inventory for the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileReceiptsSharePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of receipts for the business in this profile as a percentage of all business profiles. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileReportingTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the reporting type used by the business in this profile. | D17A |
BCC | BusinessProfileReportingBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the reporting basis for the business in this profile, such as 'scheduled' or 'per job'. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileApplicationWorkCapability | WorkCapability | 0..u | Work capabilities of an organization that can be applied to its business profile. | D06A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileNationalityCountry | Country | 0..u | Country specifying nationality for this business profile. | D06A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileExperienceCompletedWork | CompletedWork | 0..u | Completed work experience of the business in this profile. | D06B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileOwnedFactory | Factory | 0..u | A factory owned by the business in this profile. | D06B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileReportingPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The reporting period for this business profile. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BusinessProfileOperatingPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The operating period, since inception of the business, for this business profile. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | BusinessProfileConsignmentDistributionCountry | Country | 0..u | A distribution country for consignments of the business in this profile. | D13B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileReferencedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document referenced for this business profile. | D13B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileAccountingFormality | Formality | 0..u | A formality giving accounting figures for this business profile. | D14B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileAppliedSafetyProgramme | SafetyProgramme | 0..u | A safety programme applied to this business profile. | D14B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileOperatingHoursPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period of operating hours of the business in this profile. | D14B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileRecoveryPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period of time which begins with the date of direct loss or physical damage and ends on the date on which the property should reasonably be repaired, rebuilt or replaced, or the date on which the business is resumed (whichever comes first) for the business in this profile. | D14B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileExperiencePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period of experience of the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileMarketedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period during which a product of the business in this profile has been marketed or sold. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileProductLifeSpanPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The life span (period) of a product of the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileRelatedBusinessProfile | BusinessProfile | 0..u | A profile of a business related to the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfilePerformedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location where the business in this profile is performed. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfilePerformingParty | Party | 0..u | A party that performs the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileBeneficiaryParty | Party | 0..u | A party benefiting from the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedHealthCareProfessional | HealthCareProfessional | 0..u | A health care professional specified for the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileRelatedContract | Contract | 0..u | A contract related to the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedCertification | Certification | 0..u | A certification specified for the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileProvidedInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Instructions provided for the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileApplicableStorage | Storage | 0..u | A storage arrangement applicable to the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedUnderwritingFactor | UnderwritingFactor | 0..u | An underwriting factor specified for this business profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileRelevantDimension | Dimension | 0..u | A dimension relevant to the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedHazard | Hazard | 0..u | A hazard specified for the business in this profile. | D15A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileUsedMachine | Machine | 0..u | A machine used by the business in this profile. | D15B |
ASCC | BusinessProfileApplicableSecurity | Security | 0..u | Security applicable to the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileConductedGeographicUsageLimit | GeographicUsageLimit | 0..u | A geographic usage limit within which the business is conducted for this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileProducedProduct | Product | 0..u | A product produced by the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileRiskExposureValuation | Valuation | 0..u | A valuation of the risk exposure for the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedCustody | Custody | 0..u | A custody specified for the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedDriver | Driver | 0..u | A driver specified for the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedInventory | Inventory | 0..u | Inventory specified for the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedRange | Range | 0..u | A range specified for the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | A transport movement specified for the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedValuation | Valuation | 0..u | A valuation specified for the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileUsedGlass | Glass | 0..u | A glass object used by the business in this profile. | D17A |
ASCC | BusinessProfileUsedVehicle | Vehicle | 0..u | A vehicle used by the business in this profile. | D17A |
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in ASCC | BusinessTypeAvailableBusinessType BusinessTypeSubordinateBusinessType TechnicalCapabilityApplicableBusinessType |
ACC | BusinessType | Occ | A class or group that specifies the area of business. | D06B | |
BCC | BusinessTypeClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a classification of the business such as survey or consulting. | D06B |
BCC | BusinessTypePreferenceOrderNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | An order of preference when multiple business types are identified. | D06B |
BCC | BusinessTypeRegistrationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this business type is registered. | D06B |
BCC | BusinessTypeIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this business type. | D14A |
BCC | BusinessTypeVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this business type. | D14A |
ASCC | BusinessTypeAvailableBusinessType | BusinessType | 0..u | An available business type for this business type. | D06B |
ASCC | BusinessTypeAvailableLocation | Location | 0..u | An available location for this business type. | D06B |
ASCC | BusinessTypeSubordinateBusinessType | BusinessType | 0..u | A subordinate business type for this business type. | D14A |
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in ASCC | ServiceChargeAppliedCalculation |
ACC | Calculation | Occ | The act, the process or result of a procedure of determining something by mathematical or logical methods. | D06A | |
BCC | CalculationFormulaText | Text | 0..1 | The formula, expressed as text, for the calculation. | D06A |
BCC | CalculationApplicableRate | Rate | 0..u | A rate applicable to this calculation such as the ratio between two amounts or quantities. | D06A |
BCC | CalculationDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this calculation. | D06A |
ASCC | CalculationApplicablePeriod | Period | 0..u | Period information applicable to this calculation. | D06A |
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in ASCC | ProjectBaselineCalendar ResourceAssignmentScheduleCalendar ResourceScheduleCalendar ScheduleTaskRelationshipLagTimeCalendar ScheduleTaskScheduleCalendar |
ACC | Calendar | Occ | A system that defines beginning, ending, length, and sub-divisions of a period of time. | D07A | |
BCC | CalendarIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this calendar. | D07A |
BCC | CalendarNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this calendar. | D07A |
BCC | CalendarDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this calendar. | D07A |
BCC | CalendarStartDate | Date | 0..u | A date on which this calendar starts. | D07A |
BCC | CalendarEndDate | Date | 0..u | A date on which this calendar ends. | D07A |
BCC | CalendarHolidayDate | Date | 0..u | A date which is a holiday for this calendar. | D07A |
ASCC | CalendarSpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A specified period within this calendar. | D07A |
ASCC | CalendarAssociatedWorkShift | WorkShift | 0..u | A work shift associated with this calendar. | D07A |
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in ASCC | CapitalAssetSpecifiedCapitalAssetAmortization |
ACC | CapitalAssetAmortization | Occ | The distribution of the cost of a capital asset with respect to its lifetime duration. | D10A | |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationLifetimeDurationMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the lifetime duration of this capital asset amortization, such as a number of months or years. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationBasisAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the capital asset that is the basis for its amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the method of capital asset amortization, such as straight-line, decreasing charge or softy. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationMethodLegalReferenceIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The identifier of the legal reference of the method of this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationMethodLegalReferenceText | Text | 0..1 | The legal reference, expressed as text, of the method of this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationCalculationParameterAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value used as the calculation parameter for this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationCalculationParameterNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number used as the calculation parameter for this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationCalculationParameterPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage used as the calculation parameter for this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationResidualValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value specifying the residual value of the asset in this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationLifetimeEndCostAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The cost relating to the end of the lifetime of the asset in this capital asset amortization, such as the disassembly or recycling cost. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationLifetimeEndCostTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of cost related to the end of lifetime of the asset in this capital asset amortization, such as disassembly, recycling or rehabilitation. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationBasisReductionAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The decrease of the basis amount of this capital asset amortization, expressed as a monetary value. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationBasisReductionPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The decrease of the basis amount of this capital asset amortization, expressed as a percentage. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationMaintenanceCostAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value specifying the maintenance cost of the asset in this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationLifetimeProductionCapacityQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The lifetime production capacity quantity for this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationPeriodProductionQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The production quantity for the capital asset amortization period. | D10A |
ASCC | CapitalAssetAmortizationSpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period specified for this capital asset amortization. | D10A |
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in ASCC | AccountingAccountFiscalCapitalAsset AccountingAccountEconomicCapitalAsset AccountingAccountIFRSCapitalAsset |
ACC | CapitalAsset | Occ | An item of property which is usually held for a long period, such as real estate, equipment. | D10A | |
BCC | CapitalAssetAcquisitionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the acquisition of this capital asset, such as the date of purchasing or the date of construction completion. | D10A |
BCC | CapitalAssetValueSplitNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of value splits for this capital asset, such as for amortization purposes. | D10A |
ASCC | CapitalAssetSpecifiedCapitalAssetAmortization | CapitalAssetAmortization | 0..u | A capital asset amortization specified for this capital asset. | D10A |
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in ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableCargoInsurance |
ACC | CargoInsurance | Occ | The insurance of goods during their transportation. | D08A | |
BCC | CargoInsuranceCoverageCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the coverage of this cargo insurance. | D08A |
BCC | CargoInsuranceCoverageDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the coverage of this cargo insurance. | D08A |
BCC | CargoInsuranceContractGeneralConditionsText | Text | 0..1 | The general conditions, expressed as text, of a contract for this cargo insurance. | D08A |
ASCC | CargoInsuranceCoverageParty | Party | 0..u | A coverage party for this cargo insurance. | D08A |
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in ASCC | ConsignmentItemNatureIdentificationCargo ConsignmentNatureIdentificationCargo SampledObjectSpecifiedCargo |
ACC | Cargo | Occ | Goods being transported. | D08A | |
BCC | CargoIdentificationText | Text | 0..u | An identification, expressed as text, of this cargo that is sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes. | D08A |
BCC | CargoTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code, such as UNECE Recommendation 21 single digit codes, specifying a type of cargo. | D08A |
BCC | CargoOperationalCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an operational category for this cargo, such as obnoxious or military. | D08A |
BCC | CargoStatisticalClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a statistical classification for this cargo. | D08A |
BCC | CargoNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this cargo. | D12B |
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in ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedCatch BatchSpecifiedCatch EventRelatedCatch ProcessUsedCatch ReportRelatedCatch ReportedAreaSpecifiedCatch TransportMeansSpecifiedCatch |
ACC | Catch | Occ | Information about the species and quantity of fish caught. | D13B | |
BCC | CatchSpeciesCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a species for this catch. | D13B |
BCC | CatchUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity of fish according to the unit used to declare catches. | D13B |
BCC | CatchWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the weight of this catch. | D13B |
BCC | CatchUsageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a usage of this catch, such as commercial or discard. | D13B |
BCC | CatchWeighingMeansCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a means of weighing for this catch. | D15A |
BCC | CatchDistributionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a distribution of this catch. | D15A |
BCC | CatchTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of catch. | D15B |
BCC | CatchIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this catch. | D15B |
BCC | CatchToleranceMarginNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A numerical value specifying a margin of tolerance applicable to this catch. | D17B |
ASCC | CatchSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified for this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchSpecifiedReportedArea | ReportedArea | 0..u | A reported area specified for this catch. | D15A |
ASCC | CatchRelatedTrip | Trip | 0..u | A trip related to this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchSpecifiedDistribution | Distribution | 0..u | A distribution specified for this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchRelatedStock | Stock | 0..u | A stock related to this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchAppliedProcess | Process | 0..u | A process applied to this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchRelatedBatch | Batch | 0..u | A batch related to this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchUsedGear | Gear | 0..u | Gear used for this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchDestinationLocation | Location | 0..u | A destination location for this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchSpecifiedTransportMeans | TransportMeans | 0..u | A specified transport means for this catch. | D15B |
ASCC | CatchSpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A specified period for this catch. | D15B |
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in ASCC | DocumentRelatedCategory |
ACC | Category | Occ | A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics. | D15A | |
BCC | CategoryTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of category. | D15A |
BCC | CategoryMethodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a method, such as a fishing method, for this category. | D15A |
BCC | CategoryMethodText | Text | 0..u | A method, expressed as text, for this category. | D15A |
BCC | CategoryAreaCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an area for this category. | D15A |
BCC | CategoryAreaText | Text | 0..u | An area, expressed as text, for this category. | D15A |
BCC | CategorySpecialConditionText | Text | 0..u | A special condition, expressed as text, for this category. | D15A |
ASCC | CategoryAuthorizedGear | Gear | 0..u | A gear authorized for this category. | D15A |
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in ASCC | IncidentIdentifiedCausingParty |
ACC | CausingParty | Occ | A party causing something, such as damages or an accident. | D14A | |
BCC | CausingPartyInsuranceIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is insurance for this causing party. | D14A |
ASCC | CausingPartySpecifiedAsParty | Party | 0..1 | The party specified as the causing party. | D14A |
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ACC | Certificate | Occ | A legal proof of ownership or worthiness of an item. | D09A | |
BCC | CertificateIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for a certificate. | D09A |
BCC | CertificateIssueDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this certificate was issued. | D09A |
BCC | CertificateExpiryDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this certificate expires. | D09A |
BCC | CertificateIssueReasonCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the reason why the certificate was issued. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CertificateTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of certificate. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CertificateRequestedEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The requested effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this certificate. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CertificateActualEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The actual effective date, time, date time or other date time value for this certificate. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CertificateSoftwareOperatingSystemText | Text | 0..1 | The software operating system, expressed as text, for which this certificate is produced. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CertificateDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this certificate. | D13B |
BCC | CertificateObjectCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an object, such as item, animal, person or organization for this certificate. | D17A |
BCC | CertificatePurposeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a purpose of this certificate. | D17A |
BCC | CertificatePartyIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this certificate party. | D17A |
BCC | CertificateNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this certificate. | D21B |
BCC | CertificateStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the status of this certificate. | D21B |
BCC | CertificateAssuranceLevelCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the assurance level for this certificate. | D21B |
BCC | CertificateAliasNameCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an alias name of this certificate. | D21B |
BCC | CertificateCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a category for this certificate. | D21B |
BCC | CertificateSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A sequence number for this certificate. | D21B |
BCC | CertificateValidIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this certificate is valid. | D21B |
BCC | CertificateEndorsementDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | An endorsement date, time, date time or other date time value for this certificate. | D21B |
BCC | CertificateValidityExtendedUntilDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value until which this certificate will remain valid under the terms of an approved extension period. | D21B |
ASCC | CertificateApplicableDocument | Document | 0..1 | The document applicable to this certificate. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | CertificateApplicableAssertion | Assertion | 0..u | An assertion applicable to this certificate. | D21A |
ASCC | CertificateApplicableCertification | Certification | 0..u | A certification applicable to this certificate. | D21A |
ASCC | CertificateApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this certificate. | D21A |
ASCC | CertificateApplicableStandard | Standard | 0..u | A standard applicable to this certificate. | D21A |
ASCC | CertificateAttachedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file attached to this certificate. | D21A |
ASCC | CertificateCertifiedObject | Object | 0..u | An object certified by this certificate. | D21B |
ASCC | CertificateRelatedTradeTransaction | TradeTransaction | 0..u | A trade transaction related to this certificate. | D21B |
ASCC | CertificateCertifiedParty | Party | 0..u | A party certified by this certificate. | D21B |
ASCC | CertificateIssuanceLocation | Location | 0..u | An issuance location for this certificate. | D21B |
ASCC | CertificateReportedStatus | Status | 0..u | A reported status for this certificate. | D21B |
ASCC | CertificateApplicableClause | Clause | 0..u | A clause applicable to this certificate. | D21B |
ASCC | CertificateIssuerParty | Party | 0..u | An issuer party for this certificate. | D21B |
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ACC | Certification | Occ | The process of ensuring that a certain object, process, or activity has passed performance and quality assurance tests or qualification requirements. | D10A | |
BCC | CertificationResponsibleAgencyText | Text | 0..u | An agency, expressed as text, responsible for this certification. | D10A |
BCC | CertificationAssertionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an assertion for this certification. | D10A |
BCC | CertificationAssertionText | Text | 0..u | An assertion, expressed as text, for this certification. | D10A |
BCC | CertificationStandardText | Text | 0..u | A standard, expressed as text, for this certification. | D10A |
ASCC | CertificationSpecifiedAssertion | Assertion | 0..u | An assertion specified for this certification. | D21A |
ASCC | CertificationRelatedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location related to this certification. | D21A |
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in ASCC | DocumentAmendmentChange |
ACC | Change | Occ | An alternation or modification. | D09A | |
BCC | ChangeCategoryText | Text | 0..u | A category for this change, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | ChangeDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this change. | D09A |
BCC | ChangeImpactText | Text | 0..u | An impact of this change, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | ChangeReasonText | Text | 0..u | A reason for this change, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | ChangeSubjectText | Text | 0..u | A subject of this change, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | ChangeReasonCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the reason for a change. | D10A |
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ACC | Characteristic | Occ | A prominent attribute or aspect. | D08A | |
BCC | CharacteristicIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this characteristic. | D08A |
BCC | CharacteristicTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of characteristic. | D08A |
BCC | CharacteristicDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this characteristic. | D08A |
BCC | CharacteristicValueMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a value for this characteristic. | D08A |
BCC | CharacteristicMeasurementMethodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a measurement method for this characteristic. | D08A |
BCC | CharacteristicValueText | Text | 0..u | A value for this characteristic, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | CharacteristicValueCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a value of this characteristic. | D10A |
BCC | CharacteristicValueDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A value for this characteristic expressed as a date, time, date time, or other date time value. | D10A |
BCC | CharacteristicValueIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | A value for this characteristic expressed as an indicator. | D10A |
BCC | CharacteristicVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this characteristic. | D14A |
BCC | CharacteristicValueQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A value, expressed as a quantity, for this characteristic. | D15A |
BCC | CharacteristicCertificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the certification for this characteristic. | D15B |
BCC | CharacteristicLicenceText | Text | 0..u | A licence, expressed as text, for this characteristic. | D15B |
BCC | CharacteristicConstructionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of construction of this characteristic. | D15B |
BCC | CharacteristicRenovationDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of renovation of this characteristic. | D15B |
BCC | CharacteristicDescriptionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the description for this characteristic. | D15B |
BCC | CharacteristicValueNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The value, expressed as a number, for this characteristic. | D17B |
BCC | CharacteristicInspectionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an inspection of this characteristic. | D19B |
BCC | CharacteristicAccuracyMeasure | Measure | 0..u | Accuracy, expressed as a measure, for this characteristic. | D21A |
BCC | CharacteristicCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a category of this characteristic. | D21A |
BCC | CharacteristicComparisonOperatorCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an operator, such as less than, for comparing this characteristic with one or more other characteristics. | D21A |
BCC | CharacteristicConditionText | Text | 0..u | A condition, expressed as text, for this characteristic. | D21A |
BCC | CharacteristicRangeText | Text | 0..u | A range, expressed as text, for this characteristic. | D21A |
BCC | CharacteristicResultCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a result for this characteristic. | D21A |
BCC | CharacteristicShareableIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this characteristic is shareable. | D21A |
BCC | CharacteristicValueAmount | Amount | 0..u | A value, expressed as an amount, for this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicApplicableCondition | Condition | 0..u | A condition applicable to this characteristic. | D10A |
ASCC | CharacteristicApplicableStandard | Standard | 0..u | A standard that is applicable to this characteristic. | D10A |
ASCC | CharacteristicValueBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A value for this characteristic expressed in a binary file. | D10A |
ASCC | CharacteristicSpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified for this characteristic. | D15B |
ASCC | CharacteristicRelatedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document related to this characteristic. | D16B |
ASCC | CharacteristicSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified for this characteristic. | D16B |
ASCC | CharacteristicValueMethod | Method | 0..u | A method for a value of this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicValueParameter | Parameter | 0..u | A parameter for a value of this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicValueRange | Range | 0..u | A range for a value of this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicValueTolerance | Tolerance | 0..u | A tolerance for a value of this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicValuePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period for a value of this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicApplicableInspectionResult | InspectionResult | 0..u | An inspection result applicable to this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicApplicableParameter | Parameter | 0..u | A parameter applicable to this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicComponentMaterial | Material | 0..u | A material component of this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicApplicableMethod | Method | 0..u | A method applicable to this characteristic. | D21A |
ASCC | CharacteristicApplicableCountry | Country | 0..u | A country applicable to this characteristic. | D21A |
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in ASCC | MetricsSpecifiedCheckpoint |
ACC | Checkpoint | Occ | The point in an operation where the inspection is performed. | D09A | |
BCC | CheckpointDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description for this checkpoint. | D09A |
BCC | CheckpointInputQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of inputs at this checkpoint. | D09A |
BCC | CheckpointOutputQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of outputs at this checkpoint. | D09A |
BCC | CheckpointRejectsQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of rejects at this checkpoint. | D09A |
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in ASCC | AgriculturalApplicationAppliedChemicalTreatment BatchAppliedChemicalTreatment ProcessAppliedChemicalTreatment ProductAppliedChemicalTreatment RegulatoryProcedureRequiredChemicalTreatment |
ACC | ChemicalTreatment | Occ | A process of subjecting an object to the action of a chemical, physical, or biological agent. | D10A | |
BCC | ChemicalTreatmentNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this chemical treatment. | D10A |
BCC | ChemicalTreatmentMethodNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the method of this chemical treatment. | D10A |
BCC | ChemicalTreatmentOccurrenceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value of an occurrence of this chemical treatment. | D10A |
BCC | ChemicalTreatmentChemicalConcentrationMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the chemical concentration of this chemical treatment. | D10A |
BCC | ChemicalTreatmentIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of this chemical treatment. | D21A |
BCC | ChemicalTreatmentTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of chemical treatment. | D21A |
BCC | ChemicalTreatmentDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this chemical treatment. | D21A |
ASCC | ChemicalTreatmentUsedChemical | Chemical | 0..u | A chemical used during this chemical treatment. | D10A |
ASCC | ChemicalTreatmentAppliedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period during which this chemical treatment is applied. | D10A |
ASCC | ChemicalTreatmentApplicableTemperature | Temperature | 0..u | A temperature applicable for this chemical treatment. | D10A |
ASCC | ChemicalTreatmentResultAuthentication | Authentication | 0..u | An authentication of the results of this chemical treatment. | D10A |
ASCC | ChemicalTreatmentResultNote | Note | 0..u | A note describing the results of this chemical treatment. | D10A |
ASCC | ChemicalTreatmentApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this chemical treatment. | D21A |
ASCC | ChemicalTreatmentSpecifiedCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate specified for this chemical treatment. | D21A |
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in ASCC | ChemicalTreatmentUsedChemical CropInputComponentChemical MaterialSpecifiedChemical MaterialUsedChemical ProductSpecifiedChemical RegulatedGoodsComponentChemical SubcomponentSpecifiedChemical |
ACC | Chemical | Occ | Any substance having a defined molecular composition. | D07B | |
BCC | ChemicalIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this chemical. | D07B |
BCC | ChemicalNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this chemical. | D07B |
BCC | ChemicalWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the weight of this chemical. | D07B |
BCC | ChemicalTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of chemical. | D07B |
BCC | ChemicalDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this chemical. | D07B |
BCC | ChemicalPresencePercent | Percent | 0..u | A percent of the presence of this chemical. | D08A |
BCC | ChemicalMassMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of mass of this chemical. | D21A |
BCC | ChemicalMassRatioMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A mass measure of this chemical, expressed as a ratio to another mass. | D21A |
BCC | ChemicalVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of volume of this chemical. | D21A |
BCC | ChemicalVolumeRatioMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A volume measure of this chemical, expressed as a ratio to another volume. | D21A |
ASCC | ChemicalPresenceMeasurement | Measurement | 0..u | A measurement of the presence of this chemical. | D07B |
ASCC | ChemicalApplicableRegulation | Regulation | 0..u | A regulation applicable to this chemical. | D07B |
ASCC | ChemicalApplicableInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | An instruction that is applicable for this chemical. | D07B |
ASCC | ChemicalApplicableHazardousMaterial | HazardousMaterial | 0..u | Hazardous material information that is applicable for this chemical. | D07B |
ASCC | ChemicalApplicableCondition | Condition | 0..u | A condition applicable for this chemical. | D09A |
ASCC | ChemicalApplicableRadioactiveIsotope | RadioactiveIsotope | 0..u | A radioactive isotope applicable for this chemical. | D09A |
ASCC | ChemicalApplicableMaterial | Material | 0..u | An applicable material for this chemical. | D09A |
ASCC | ChemicalApplicableThreshold | Threshold | 0..u | An applicable threshold for this chemical. | D09A |
ASCC | ChemicalApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this chemical. | D21A |
ASCC | ChemicalSpecifiedCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate specified for this chemical. | D21A |
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in ASCC | PaymentMeansApplicableCheque |
ACC | Cheque | Occ | A written order to a bank to pay the stated sum from the drawer's account. | D08A | |
BCC | ChequeTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of cheque. | D08A |
BCC | ChequeNumberText | Text | 0..1 | The number, expressed as text, of this cheque. | D08A |
BCC | ChequeDeliveryMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the delivery method for this cheque. | D08A |
BCC | ChequeDeliveryMethodText | Text | 0..1 | The delivery method, expressed as text, for this cheque. | D08A |
BCC | ChequeInstructionPriorityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the instruction priority for this cheque, such as the urgency or order of importance for the processing of the cheque. | D08A |
BCC | ChequeMaturityDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this cheque reaches maturity. | D08A |
BCC | ChequeLayoutDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the layout for this cheque, such as a description of the company logo and digitized signature printed on the cheque. | D08A |
BCC | ChequeMemoFieldText | Text | 0..1 | The memo field, expressed as text, on this cheque. | D08A |
BCC | ChequeClearingRegionText | Text | 0..1 | The clearing region, expressed as text, for this cheque. | D08A |
BCC | ChequePrintLocationText | Text | 0..1 | The print location, expressed as text, for this cheque. | D08A |
ASCC | ChequeIssuanceOrderingParty | Party | 0..1 | The party that orders the issuance of this cheque. | D08A |
ASCC | ChequeDeliverToParty | Party | 0..1 | The party to whom this cheque should be delivered. | D08A |
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in ASCC | HeatingSystemSpecifiedChimney |
ACC | Chimney | Occ | A channel for the escape of fumes, smoke or heated air from a fireplace, engine or furnace. | D14B | |
BCC | ChimneyInstallationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the installation type of this chimney. | D14B |
BCC | ChimneyPositionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the position of this chimney, such as inside or outside a building. | D14B |
BCC | ChimneyGroundLevelIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this chimney is built from the ground level. | D14B |
BCC | ChimneyStovePipeTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of stove pipe used in this chimney. | D14B |
BCC | ChimneyLiningTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of lining in this chimney. | D14B |
BCC | ChimneyPipeVentStyleCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the style of the pipe vent of this chimney. | D14B |
BCC | ChimneyThimbleInstalledIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a thimble is installed in this chimney. | D14B |
ASCC | ChimneyActualDimension | Dimension | 0..u | An actual dimension of this chimney. | D14B |
ASCC | ChimneyFlueFeature | Feature | 0..u | A feature of the flue of this chimney. | D14B |
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in ASCC | GeographicalFeatureIncludedCircle |
ACC | Circle | Occ | A planar surface, defined by one completely round flat shape in the mathematical sense. | D20A | |
BCC | CircleRadiusMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the radius for this circle. | D20A |
ASCC | CircleCentreGeographicalPoint | GeographicalPoint | 0..1 | The geographical point which defines the centre of this circle. | D20A |
ASCC | CircleAssociatedGeographicalObjectCharacteristic | GeographicalObjectCharacteristic | 0..u | A geographical object characteristic associated with this circle. | D20A |
ASCC | CircleAssociatedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location associated with this circle. | D20A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | CircuitPin | Occ | The metal extension from an integrated circuit that connects components. | D09A | |
BCC | CircuitPinChannelQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of channels for this circuit pin. | D09A |
BCC | CircuitPinChipPinNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the chip pin for the circuit pin. | D09A |
BCC | CircuitPinModulePinNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the module pin for the circuit pin. | D09A |
BCC | CircuitPinPositionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for the position of the circuit pin. | D09A |
BCC | CircuitPinSignalText | Text | 0..u | A signal of this circuit pin, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | CircuitPinTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type, expressed as text, of this circuit pin. | D09A |
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in ASCC | IncidentSurroundingCircumstance |
ACC | Circumstance | Occ | An external condition affecting an object or event. | D10A | |
BCC | CircumstanceTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of circumstance affecting the specified object or event, such as road or weather conditions affecting an accident. | D10A |
BCC | CircumstanceSpecificTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the specifics of the circumstance affecting the specified object or event, such as thick fog or rain. | D10A |
BCC | CircumstanceDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the circumstance. | D10A |
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in ASCC | ClaimCostClaimAmountBreakdown CoverageRelatedClaimAmountBreakdown |
ACC | ClaimAmountBreakdown | Occ | A set of amounts that provide an itemization of the costs of a claim. | D10A | |
BCC | ClaimAmountBreakdownTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of claim amount breakdown, such as probable, paid, reserved. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAmountBreakdownProportionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the proportion value of this claim amount breakdown relative to the whole claim, such as 100%, cedent share, recipient share. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAmountBreakdownBeforeRetentionIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this claim amount breakdown is before retention. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAmountBreakdownLossAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value specified for reparation of losses within this claim amount breakdown. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAmountBreakdownExpenseAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value specified for expenses incurred by claim handling within this claim amount breakdown. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAmountBreakdownFeeAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value specified for fees incurred by claim handling within this claim amount breakdown. | D10A |
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in ASCC | CoverageHistoryArisingClaimFreeRecordEntitlement |
ACC | ClaimFreeRecordEntitlement | Occ | An entitlement to a bonus, such as a reduced premium, if there is a proven record of no previous claims for a set period of time. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordEntitlementClaimFreeYearQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of claim free years from which the claim free record entitlement is derived. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordEntitlementReasonCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the reason why a claim free record entitlement has been allowed, such as earned through claim free years, company car experience, second car. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordEntitlementPreviousInsurancePremiumFreeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not previous insurance was free of premium to the policyholder in this claim free record entitlement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordEntitlementEarnedCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the country where the claim free record entitlement was earned. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordEntitlementCoveredObjectEarnedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the claim free record entitlement was earned on the object being covered. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | CurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecordSpecifiedClaimFreeRecord |
ACC | ClaimFreeRecord | Occ | Information based upon claims history that is or may be used in a premium pricing mechanism, such as the number of years without claims. | D08A | |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordPremiumDiscountPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of premium discount for this claim free record. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordLevelCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the level of this claim free record. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordBaseYearDate | Date | 0..1 | The base year date for this claim free record. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordSchemeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the scheme for this claim free record. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordProvenIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this claim free record is proven. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordProtectedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this claim free record is protected. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordContinuousYearsProtectedNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of years of continuous protection for this claim free record. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimFreeRecordDiscountTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of discount for this claim free record. | D08A |
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in ASCC | CostSpecifiedClaimRecovery |
ACC | ClaimRecovery | Occ | Amount of money from a claim that is to be contributed by or recovered from other parties. The recovery procedures may refer to legal requirements or to conventions between parties. | D10A | |
BCC | ClaimRecoveryTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of claim recovery, such as betterment, subrogation, salvage, coinsurance convention. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimRecoveryStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the claim recovery, such as made or potential recovery. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimRecoveryActualAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The actual monetary value of this claim recovery. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimRecoveryPartyClaimLiabilityPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the claim for which the insurer or party from whom recovery is to be made, is liable. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimRecoveryConventionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the convention which applies to this claim recovery. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimRecoveryContributingParty | Party | 0..1 | The party that is contributing to this claim recovery. | D10A |
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in ASCC | ClaimantActualClaimSettlement |
ACC | ClaimSettlement | Occ | An agreement intended to settle a claim. | D10A | |
BCC | ClaimSettlementTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of claim settlement, such as by agreement, by dispute resolution, by convention. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimSettlementBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis of the claim settlement, such as by invoice, on assessment, by actual replacement. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimSettlementStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the claim settlement, such as agreed, recommended, disputed. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimSettlementStatusDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the status of the claim settlement. | D10A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ClaimTransaction | Occ | An action that affects an insurance claim, such as initial notification, claim settlement, claim statistics. | D10A | |
BCC | ClaimTransactionClaimActionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the action being performed on a claim by this claim transaction, such as closing or reopening it. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimTransactionInitialAdviceIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the claim transaction is an initial advice. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimTransactionClaimVoidIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the claim referenced in this claim transaction is now void. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimTransactionReplacementIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the claim transaction is a replacement. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimTransactionLossReportedToCedentDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the loss was reported to the ceding company for this claim transaction. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimTransactionLossInformationReceivedFromCedentDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the loss information was received from the ceding company for this claim transaction. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimTransactionCedentClaimPreparationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the cedent prepared information relevant to this claim transaction. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimTransactionValidDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when this claim transaction is valid. | D10A |
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in ASCC | ClaimRelatedClaim LossRelatedClaim |
ACC | Claim | Occ | A request made by a claimant against a liable party for reparation of losses. | D10A | |
BCC | ClaimClassificationCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the classification of the claim, such as motor without additional property damage, motor with additional property damage. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimFormCompletedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the claim form was completed, which may be different from the notification date, for this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimFileOpenedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the claim file was opened. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimFileReopenedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the claim file was reopened. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimFileLastChangeDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the last change to the claim file. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimFileClosedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the claim file was closed. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimLimitationPeriodEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the end of the limitation period, after which the claim cannot be reopened. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAgreementDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the claim was agreed with the claimant. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimFinalPaymentDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the final payment was made for this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the claim, such as new, opened, closed with refusal, closed with settlement, reopened. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimStatusEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the status of the claim became effective. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimFullySettledIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the claim has been fully settled. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimHandlingResponsibilityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying who is responsible for handling the claim, such as insurer, producer, claim handler. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimConventionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the convention which applies to this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimSettlementBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the settlement basis for this claim, such as claims made or occurrence. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimSettlementTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of settlement of the claim, such as by agreement, by dispute resolution, by convention. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimSettlementSubtypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the subtype of settlement of the claim, such as new for old, repair, replacement. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAddresseeForCorrespondenceCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the addressee for correspondence relating to the claim, such as producer, client or producer and client. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimRefusedReasonCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the reason why the claim was refused. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimRefusedReasonText | Text | 0..1 | The reason, expressed as text, why the claim was refused. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAgainstPartyTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of party against whom the claim is made, such as a claim against insurer or a claim against freight forwarder (carriers liability). | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAgainstPartyReplyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the reply from the party against whom the claim is made, such as acceptance, reject or go to court. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAgainstPartyReplyText | Text | 0..1 | The reply, expressed as text, of the party against whom the claim is made. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimIncidentCausedByCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the party who caused the incident that gave rise to the claim, such as claimant, insured or other. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimClaimFreeRecordEntitlementAffectedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the claim free record entitlement is affected by the claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimGeneralAverageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this is a general average claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimCoverageDisputedReasonText | Text | 0..1 | The reason, expressed as text, why coverage is disputed for this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimCausedContractCancellationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the insurance contract was cancelled as a result of the claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAgreedPre-IncidentValuePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the pre-incident value, as per the convention in the contract, to be paid for this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimThirdPartyUninsuredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the third party involved in the incident leading to the claim is uninsured. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimLiabilityDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of who is liable (at fault) for the incident leading to this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimCessionFormSignedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the policyholder has signed a cession form which allows direct payment of the claim to another party, such as the garage. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimSettlementToInterestedPartyIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the settlement of this claim is to be made to an interested party, such as a leasing company. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimClaimantRentedCarIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not, for this claim, the claimant has rented a car in place of the damaged or stolen vehicle. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimRentedCarCostAcceptedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the insurer will accept the cost of a rented replacement car as part of the claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimRepairCostAcceptedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the insurer will accept the cost of repair required by the claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimReinsuranceForCommonAccountIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the claim is subject to reinsurance through a common account. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimAdditionalClaimIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not additional claims are being made in association with this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimCurrentRetroactiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the current retroactive date for this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimExtendedReportingDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value marking the end of the extended reporting period for this claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimFullTailIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not full tail coverage was in effect at the time of the incident for which the claim is made. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimLitigationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not current or previous litigation is applicable to the claim, including if a lawsuit has been filed. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimLitigationStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of any litigation applicable to the claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimDefenceCostAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value paid to defend the claim. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimPolicyInRenewalIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the policy applicable to the claim was in renewal status at the time of the loss. | D10A |
BCC | ClaimGuaranteeFundIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is a guarantee fund for this claim. | D14A |
BCC | ClaimIdentifiableLiabilityIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is an identifiable liability for this claim. | D14A |
BCC | ClaimInsurancePremiumPaidIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the insurance premium is paid for the policy underlying this claim. | D14A |
BCC | ClaimLossCoverageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is loss coverage for this claim. | D14A |
BCC | ClaimOtherInsuranceCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying any other insurance apart from the policy underlying this claim. | D14A |
BCC | ClaimInsuredDisputeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the insured disagrees with this claim. | D14B |
ASCC | ClaimClaimHandlerParty | Party | 0..u | A party which is a claim handler for this claim. | D14A |
ASCC | ClaimApplicableCoverage | Coverage | 0..u | An applicable coverage for this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimActualClaimant | Claimant | 0..u | An actual claimant for this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimRelatedParty | Party | 0..u | A party related to the claim, such as a claims handler, claim assistance provider, lawyer. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimUnderlyingInsurancePolicy | InsurancePolicy | 0..1 | The underlying insurance policy for this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimRelatedClaim | Claim | 0..u | A claim related to this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimActualNotification | Notification | 0..1 | The actual notification of this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimApplicableNote | Note | 0..u | A note applicable to the claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimProvidedMultipleIdentifier | MultipleIdentifier | 0..1 | The multiple identifiers for the claim provided by different parties related to this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimCostClaimAmountBreakdown | ClaimAmountBreakdown | 0..u | A claim amount breakdown of the costs of this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimQuestionableIssue | Issue | 0..u | A questionable issue concerning this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimProvidedCourtesyItem | CourtesyItem | 0..u | A courtesy item provided for this claim. | D10A |
ASCC | ClaimEstimatedHandlingDurationPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period of the estimated handling duration of this claim. | D14A |
ASCC | ClaimProvidedIdentity | Identity | 0..u | An identification provided for this claim. | D14A |
ASCC | ClaimRelatedInsurancePolicy | InsurancePolicy | 0..u | An insurance policy related to this claim, such as a policy by a different insurer, special policy for specific objects. | D14A |
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in ASCC | ClaimActualClaimant |
ACC | Claimant | Occ | A party that demands or requests one's due, such as a claim under the terms of an insurance policy. | D09A | |
BCC | ClaimantLawsuitFiledIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this claimant has filed a lawsuit. | D09A |
BCC | ClaimantClaimInvolvementDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the claimant's involvement in the accident, incident, loss, occurrence, injury or illness. | D09A |
BCC | ClaimantAuthorizedRepresentativeTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of authorized representative for this claimant, such as attorney. | D09A |
BCC | ClaimantClaimExpectedRecoveryPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the claim that the claimant is expected to recover. | D09A |
ASCC | ClaimantSpecifiedAsParty | Party | 0..1 | Basic information for the party in the role of a claimant. | D09A |
ASCC | ClaimantActualClaimSettlement | ClaimSettlement | 0..1 | The actual claim settlement for this claimant. | D10A |
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in ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedClaimsMadePolicy InsurancePolicySpecifiedClaimsMadePolicy |
ACC | ClaimsMadePolicy | Occ | The coverage of claims first made (reported or filed) during the period that the policy is in force for any incidents that occur during that period or any previous period. | D08A | |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyUnlimitedPriorActsCoverageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not unlimited prior acts coverage applies to this claims made policy. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyRetroactiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The retroactive date, time, date time, or other date time value for this claims made policy. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyProposedRetroactiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The proposed retroactive date, time, date time, or other date time value for this claims made policy. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyContinuousCoverageStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The start date, time, date time, or other date time value of continuous coverage for this claims made policy. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyDiscoveryPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of discovery for this claims made policy. Discovery is the percentage of the total premium amount that the insurance company will retain In the event of a cancellation. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyDiscoveryAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the discovery for this claims made policy. Discovery is the amount of premium that the insurance company will retain in the event of a cancellation. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyKnownAccidentsExcludedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not known accidents are excluded from this claims made policy. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyDeemedClaimsYearDate | Date | 0..1 | The year that claims are deemed to have been made for this claims made policy. | D08A |
BCC | ClaimsMadePolicyRetroactiveCoverageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not retroactive coverage is being provided for this claims made policy. | D14B |
ASCC | ClaimsMadePolicyExtendedReportingPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The extended period of time in which claims can be reported for this claims made policy. | D08A |
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ACC | Classification | Occ | A systematic arrangement in classes or categories according to established criteria. | D08A | |
BCC | ClassificationSystemIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of the classification system. | D08A |
BCC | ClassificationSystemNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of a classification system. | D08A |
BCC | ClassificationClassCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a class for this classification. | D08A |
BCC | ClassificationClassNameText | Text | 0..u | A class name, expressed as text, for this classification. | D08A |
BCC | ClassificationCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A country identifier for this classification. | D10A |
BCC | ClassificationDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this classification. | D15A |
BCC | ClassificationTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of classification. | D21A |
BCC | ClassificationDescriptionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a description for this classification. | D21A |
ASCC | ClassificationClassCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A class characteristic of this classification. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ClassificationApplicableStandard | Standard | 0..u | A standard that is applicable to this classification. | D10A |
ASCC | ClassificationRelatedClassification | Classification | 0..u | A classification related to this classification. | D10A |
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in ASCC | AuthenticationIncludedClause CertificateApplicableClause ContractApplicableClause CoverageSpecifiedClause DocumentContractualClause |
ACC | Clause | Occ | A distinct article or provision in a contract, treaty, will, or other formal or legal written document, which requires compliance. | D08A | |
BCC | ClauseIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this clause. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseVersionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of the version of the clause. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseBasicTermsVariationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basic terms variation type of this clause, such as a restriction or an extension of use. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseContentText | Text | 0..u | Content, expressed as text, of the clause. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseBreachExplanationText | Text | 0..1 | The textual explanation of the breach of the clause. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseBreachIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this clause has been breached. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseWordingNonStandardIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the wording of this clause is non-standard. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseParametricStandardWordingIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the standard wording of this clause is parametric. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseMetIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this clause has been met. | D08A |
BCC | ClauseVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this clause. | D14A |
BCC | ClauseTitleText | Text | 0..u | A title, expressed as text, of this clause. | D14A |
BCC | ClauseURLIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the web location of this clause. | D19B |
ASCC | ClauseSpecifiedParameter | Parameter | 0..u | A parameter specified within this clause. | D08A |
ASCC | ClauseAssociatedMeasurement | Measurement | 0..u | A measurement associated with this clause. | D10A |
ASCC | ClauseAssociatedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period of time associated with this clause. | D10A |
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in ASCC | ProximitySpecifiedClearance |
ACC | Clearance | Occ | The empty space between two objects. | D14B | |
BCC | ClearanceDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of this clearance. | D14B |
BCC | ClearanceDirectionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the direction of this clearance. | D14B |
BCC | ClearanceDistanceMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the distance of this clearance. | D14B |
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in ASCC | RepresentationIdentifiedCodeSchemeReference |
ACC | CodeSchemeReference | Occ | Information to identify a code list. | D12A | |
BCC | CodeSchemeReferenceCodeSchemeIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The identifier of a code scheme in this code scheme reference. | D12A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | CoinsuranceShare | Occ | A share of coverage provided by a single coinsurer or coinsurance agent if the insurance is not provided by a single insurer. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | CoinsuranceShareProvidedPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage share of coinsurance provided by the coinsurer or coinsurance agent. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoinsuranceShareProvidedAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the share of coinsurance provided by the coinsurer or coinsurance agent. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoinsuranceShareAmountBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis of the monetary coinsurance share amount, such as sum insured, probable maximum loss. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoinsuranceShareEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when this coinsurance share became or is to become effective. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoinsuranceShareIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this coinsurance share. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoinsuranceShareLeadIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this coinsurance share is the lead coinsurance share. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoinsuranceShareSlipOrderPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the slip order to which this coinsurance share applies. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoinsuranceShareSlipOrderDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the slip order for this coinsurance share. | D10A |
ASCC | CoinsuranceShareHoldingInsuranceCompany | InsuranceCompany | 0..1 | The insurance company holding this coinsurance share. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Collection | Occ | A set of items gathered together, such as a collection of jewellery, a collection of coins, a collection of postage stamps. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | CollectionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the collection. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CollectionItemQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of individual items that make up the collection. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CollectionItemMaximumValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the most valuable item within the collection. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CollectionLocationMaximumQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The maximum number of items within this collection kept at one location. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CollectionLocationMaximumValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The maximum total monetary value of the items within this collection kept at one location. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | CollectionSpecifiedInsuranceObject | InsuranceObject | 0..1 | The insurance object information specified for this collection. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | ProductSpecifiedColour VehicleSpecifiedColour |
ACC | Colour | Occ | The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | ColourActualColourCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an actual colour. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ColourDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this colour. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ColourIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of this colour. | D21A |
BCC | ColourNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this colour. | D21A |
BCC | ColourTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of colour. | D21A |
BCC | ColourPresencePercent | Percent | 0..u | A percentage of presence of this colour. | D21A |
BCC | ColourTestIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this colour is a test. | D21A |
BCC | ColourLightSourceCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a light source for this colour. | D21A |
BCC | ColourMeasureCoefficientNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A measure coefficient number for this colour. | D21A |
ASCC | ColourApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this colour. | D21A |
ASCC | ColourApplicableMethod | Method | 0..u | A method applicable to this colour. | D21A |
ASCC | ColourApplicableStandard | Standard | 0..u | A standard applicable to this colour. | D21A |
ASCC | ColourRelatedParty | Party | 0..u | A party related to this colour. | D21A |
ASCC | ColourSpecifiedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document specified for this colour. | D21A |
ASCC | ColourApplicableMaterial | Material | 0..u | Material applicable to this colour. | D21A |
ASCC | ColourApplicableMachine | Machine | 0..u | A machine applicable to this colour. | D21A |
ASCC | ColourApplicableProductionDevice | ProductionDevice | 0..u | A production device applicable to this colour. | D21A |
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in ASCC | ContractApplicableCommission |
ACC | Commission | Occ | A remuneration to an agent for the performance of specific duties, such as a payment for services rendered or products sold. | D09A | |
BCC | CommissionTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of commission, such as a broker's commission or salesperson's commission. | D09A |
BCC | CommissionBasisAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value that is the basis on which the commission is calculated. | D09A |
BCC | CommissionRatePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The rate of commission expressed as a percentage. | D09A |
BCC | CommissionDeterminationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of determination for this commission, such as fixed, flat, sliding. | D09A |
BCC | CommissionActualAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The actual monetary value of the commission. | D09A |
BCC | CommissionCreditIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this commission is a credit. | D09A |
BCC | CommissionPointsAccruedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of points accrued for this commission. | D09A |
BCC | CommissionPaymentMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the payment method for this commission. | D09A |
ASCC | CommissionOverridePeriod | Period | 0..1 | The override period for the commission, such as when the period is different from the period of an insurance premium invoice line. | D09A |
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ACC | Communication | Occ | The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behaviour between persons and/or organizations. | D06A | |
BCC | CommunicationURIIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this communication, such as a web or an email address. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationChannelCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the channel or manner in which a communication can be made, such as telephone or email. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationLocalNumberText | Text | 0..1 | The communication number, expressed as text and not including country access code or the area number code, for this communication. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationCompleteNumberText | Text | 0..u | A text string of characters that make up the complete number for this communication. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationCountryNumberCode | Code | 0..1 | The country access code for this communication number such as 44, 1, 353 etc. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationExtensionNumberText | Text | 0..1 | The extension number, expressed as text, assigned to this communication number to enable a caller to reach a specific party. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationAreaNumberCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the area number for this communication. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationAccessText | Text | 0..u | Access information, expressed as text, for the mode of communication such as 9 or *70 for a telephone network. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationUseCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the use of this communication, such as for business purposes or private. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationHTMLPreferredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not HTML format is preferred by the recipient for email communications. | D06A |
BCC | CommunicationSpecialDeviceTypeText | Text | 0..u | A special device type, expressed as text, for this communication, such as a device for the hearing impaired. | D07B |
BCC | CommunicationInvalidIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the address or number for this communication is invalid, such as a phone number has been disconnected or an email address is an undeliverable address. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CommunicationEmailAttachmentAllowedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the recipient party can receive an attachment for email communications. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CommunicationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this communication. | D14A |
BCC | CommunicationVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this communication. | D14A |
ASCC | CommunicationContactAddress | Address | 0..1 | Contact address information for this communication. | D06A |
ASCC | CommunicationUsagePreference | Preference | 0..u | A preference for the usage of this communication method. | D06A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | CompetitorProduct | Occ | A rival's equal or comparable product. | D09A | |
BCC | CompetitorProductNameText | Text | 0..u | A name of the competitor product, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | CompetitorProductCommentText | Text | 0..u | A comment about this competitor product, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | CompetitorProductPartNumberIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique part number identifier for this competitor product. | D09A |
ASCC | CompetitorProductMarketPrice | Price | 0..u | A market price for this competitor product. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BusinessProfileExperienceCompletedWork WorkCapabilityExperienceCompletedWork |
ACC | CompletedWork | Occ | Completion of a mental or physical effort to a specific purpose. | D06A | |
BCC | CompletedWorkTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of completed work. | D06A |
BCC | CompletedWorkAverageAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of an average of completed work. | D06A |
BCC | CompletedWorkYearDate | Date | 0..u | A date value specified as a year for the completed work. | D06A |
BCC | CompletedWorkOrganizationCapacityAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value that constitutes the capacity of the organization which carried out this completed work. | D06A |
BCC | CompletedWorkDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this completed work. | D06B |
BCC | CompletedWorkEndDate | Date | 0..u | A date on which this completed work ends. | D14A |
BCC | CompletedWorkIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this completed work. | D14A |
BCC | CompletedWorkVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this completed work. | D14A |
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ACC | ComplexDescription | Occ | An aggregation of descriptive information consisting of different but related characteristics that together constitute a complex description. | D06B | |
BCC | ComplexDescriptionAbstractText | Text | 0..u | A textual abstract of the content of the complex description. | D06B |
BCC | ComplexDescriptionContentText | Text | 0..u | Content, expressed as text, for this complex description. | D06B |
BCC | ComplexDescriptionContractualLanguageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the contractual language for this complex description. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ComplexDescriptionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this complex description. | D14A |
BCC | ComplexDescriptionVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this complex description. | D14A |
ASCC | ComplexDescriptionRequestingQuery | Query | 0..u | A requesting query for this complex description. | D06B |
ASCC | ComplexDescriptionRespondingResponse | Response | 0..u | A responding response for this complex description. | D06B |
ASCC | ComplexDescriptionSubsetComplexDescription | ComplexDescription | 0..u | A complex description subset for this complex description. | D06B |
ASCC | ComplexDescriptionResponseDocument | Document | 0..u | A response document for this complex description. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ComplexDescriptionRegistrationIdentity | Identity | 0..1 | The registration identity for this complex description. | D09B.1 |
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ACC | ComplexQuantity | Occ | An aggregation of quantitative information consisting of different but related characteristics that together constitute a complex quantity. | D14A | |
BCC | ComplexQuantityIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this complex quantity. | D14A |
BCC | ComplexQuantityVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this complex quantity. | D14A |
BCC | ComplexQuantityActualQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | An actual quantity of this complex quantity. | D14A |
BCC | ComplexQuantityDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this complex quantity. | D14A |
BCC | ComplexQuantityActualQuantityPercent | Percent | 0..u | An actual quantity, expressed as a percentage, of a total quantity for this complex quantity. | D14A |
BCC | ComplexQuantityTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of complex quantity. | D14A |
BCC | ComplexQuantityClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a classification of this complex quantity. | D14A |
BCC | ComplexQuantityContractualLanguageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the contractual (legally binding) language of this complex quantity. | D14A |
ASCC | ComplexQuantitySpecifiedDimension | Dimension | 0..u | A specified dimension of this complex quantity. | D14A |
ASCC | ComplexQuantityBreakdownComplexQuantity | ComplexQuantity | 0..u | A complex quantity breakdown of this complex quantity. | D14A |
ASCC | ComplexQuantityChangedStatus | Status | 0..u | A changed status of this complex quantity. | D14A |
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ACC | Condition | Occ | A state of a person or thing. | D08A | |
BCC | ConditionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of condition. | D08A |
BCC | ConditionValueMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a value for this condition. | D08A |
BCC | ConditionActionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the action for this condition. | D09A |
BCC | ConditionNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this condition. | D09A |
ASCC | ConditionSpecifiedMeasurement | Measurement | 0..u | A measurement specified for this condition. | D09A |
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in ASCC | ConsignmentIncludedConsignmentItem PackageSpecifiedConsignmentItem TradeLineItemIncludedWithinConsignmentItem TransportEquipmentLoadedConsignmentItem |
ACC | ConsignmentItem | Occ | An item within a consignment of goods separately identified for transport and customs purposes. | D08A | |
BCC | ConsignmentItemIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The sequence number for this consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemTypeExtensionCode | Code | 0..u | A code used as an extension to the type code for further specifying the type of consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemDeclaredValueForCustomsAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of this consignment item as declared for customs purposes. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemDeclaredValueForCarriageAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of this consignment item as declared by the shipper or his agent for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemDeclaredValueForStatisticsAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of this consignment item as declared for statistical purposes. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemFOBAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value for this consignment item as calculated under FOB (Free On Board) delivery terms. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemInsuranceValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of this consignment item as covered by an insurance policy. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemGrossWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this consignment item which includes packaging but excludes any transport equipment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemNetWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the net weight of this consignment item which excludes all packaging. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemChargeableWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the consignment item weight on which charges are to be based. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemGrossVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height of this consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemSpecialInstructionsText | Text | 0..u | Special instructions, expressed as text, for this consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemDeliveryInstructionsText | Text | 0..u | Delivery instructions, expressed as text, for this consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemDamageRemarksText | Text | 0..u | Damage remarks, expressed as text, for this consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemInformationText | Text | 0..u | Information, expressed as text, for this consignment item. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemTotalChargeAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of all freight and other service charges for this consignment item. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentItemTotalExportExitToImportEntryChargeAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the total charge or charges of freight, insurance and other services for this consignment item calculated from the export exit location to the import entry location. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentItemInvoiceAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value for an invoice for this consignment item. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentItemTariffQuantityAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of a tariff based on a tariff quantity, such as a first, second or third tariff quantity, for this consignment item. | D10A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemTariffQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A tariff quantity in this consignment item. | D10A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemLoadingLengthMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the loading length of this consignment item. | D10A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemPackageQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A package quantity for this consignment item. | D13A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemPackageTypeText | Text | 0..u | A package type, expressed as text, for this consignment item. | D13A |
BCC | ConsignmentItemProductDateTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a product date type for this consignment item. | D13B |
BCC | ConsignmentItemProductDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value related to the product contained in this consignment item. | D13B |
BCC | ConsignmentItemTradeLineItemQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of trade line items in this consignment item. | D15A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemNatureIdentificationCargo | Cargo | 0..u | Cargo details of this consignment item sufficient to identify its nature for customs, statistical or transport purposes. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemApplicableDangerousGoods | DangerousGoods | 0..u | Dangerous goods details applicable to this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemHandlingInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Handling instructions for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemQuarantineInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Quarantine instructions for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemDeliveryEvent | Event | 0..u | A delivery event for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemTransportTemperature | Temperature | 0..u | A transport temperature for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemPhysicalShippingMarks | ShippingMarks | 0..u | Physical shipping marks and barcode information for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemLinearDimension | Dimension | 0..u | A linear dimension or set of linear dimensions for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemOriginCountry | Country | 0..u | A country of origin where this consignment item has been produced. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemOriginGeopoliticalRegion | GeopoliticalRegion | 0..u | A geopolitical region of origin for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemExportGeopoliticalRegion | GeopoliticalRegion | 0..u | A geopolitical region of export for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemDestinationCountry | Country | 0..u | A destination country for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemImportationCountry | Country | 0..1 | The importation country for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemAssociatedTransportEquipment | TransportEquipment | 0..u | Transport equipment associated with this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemManufacturerParty | Party | 0..1 | The party which manufactured this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemDespatchParty | Party | 0..u | A party from whom this consignment item will be or has been despatched. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemDeliveryParty | Party | 0..u | A party to whom this consignment item will be or has been delivered. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemAssociatedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document associated with this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemApplicableTransportMeans | TransportMeans | 0..u | A means of transport applicable to this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemApplicableCustomsProcedure | CustomsProcedure | 0..u | A customs procedure applicable to this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemTransportPackage | Package | 0..u | A transport package for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemIncludedTradeLineItem | TradeLineItem | 0..u | A trade line item included in this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemApplicableServiceCharge | ServiceCharge | 0..u | A service charge applicable to this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemReportedStatus | Status | 0..u | A status reported for this consignment item. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemTransitCountry | Country | 0..u | A transit country for this consignment item. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemExportCountry | Country | 0..1 | The export country for this consignment item. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemDeclaredForCustomsLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of this consignment item as declared for customs. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemExaminationEvent | Event | 0..u | An examination event for this consignment item. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemVanningEvent | Event | 0..1 | The vanning event for this consignment item, i.e., the loading of this consignment item at the place of original despatch. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemApplicableRegulatoryProcedure | RegulatoryProcedure | 0..u | A regulatory procedure applicable to this consignment item. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemAssociatedTradeDelivery | TradeDelivery | 0..u | A trade delivery associated with this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemTransportContractDocument | Document | 0..u | A transport contract document for this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemStorageTemperature | Temperature | 0..1 | The storage temperature for this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemFlashpointTemperature | Temperature | 0..1 | The flashpoint temperature for this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemIncludedRegulatedGoods | RegulatedGoods | 0..u | Regulated goods included in this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemDespatchEvent | Event | 0..u | A despatch event for this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemAuthorizedParty | Party | 0..u | An authorized party for this consignment item, such as a party to provide official assurances. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemRegulatoryService | Service | 0..u | A regulatory service for this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemStatementNote | Note | 0..u | A statement note for this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemApplicableCustomsValuation | CustomsValuation | 0..u | A customs valuation applicable to this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemPick-UpEvent | Event | 0..u | A pick-up event for this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemBorderClearanceInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Border clearance instructions for this consignment item. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemProvidedCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate provided for this consignment item. | D13B |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemPreviousAdministrativeDocument | Document | 0..u | A previous administrative document for this consignment item. | D17B |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemApplicableNote | Note | 0..u | A note providing information applicable to this consignment item. | D17B |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemClassificationDocument | Document | 0..u | A classification document for this consignment item. | D21A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemSpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified for this consignment item. | D21A |
ASCC | ConsignmentItemSpecifiedRiskAnalysisResult | RiskAnalysisResult | 0..u | Results of a risk analysis specified for this consignment item. | D21B |
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in ASCC | AnimalRelatedConsignment ConsignmentIncludedConsignment ProductSpecifiedConsignment TradeDeliveryRelatedConsignment TradeDeliveryPlannedConsignment TransportEquipmentContainedConsignment |
ACC | Consignment | Occ | A separately identifiable collection of goods items to be transported or available to be transported from one consignor to one consignee via one or more modes of transport where each consignment is the subject of one single transport contract. | D08A | |
BCC | ConsignmentIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this consignment or part of this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentConsignorAssignedIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier assigned by the consignor to this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentConsigneeAssignedIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier assigned by the consignee to this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentCarrierAssignedIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier assigned by the carrier to this consignment such as a booking reference number when cargo space is reserved prior to loading. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentFreightForwarderAssignedIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier assigned by the freight forwarder to this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A sequence number for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentLoadingSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A sequence number for the loading of this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentAvailabilityDueDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value when this consignment is due to be available. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentCarrierAcceptanceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value when this consignment will be, or has been, accepted by the carrier. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentExportExitDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value when this consignment will exit, or has exited from the last port, airport, or border post of the country of export. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentGrossWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this consignment which includes the weight of packaging but which excludes the weight of any transport equipment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentNetWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the net weight (mass) of this consignment which excludes the weight of packaging of this consignment and that of any transport equipment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentGrossVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height of this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentLoadingLengthMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the loading length which is the length along a means of transport over which the complete width and height is needed for loading all the goods items in this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentChargeableWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a chargeable weight of this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentFOBAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value that has to be, or has been, paid for this consignment as calculated under FOB (Free on Board) delivery terms. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentInsuranceValueAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of this consignment as covered by an insurance policy. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentInsurancePremiumAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of an insurance premium for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentAssociatedInvoiceAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of an invoice associated with this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTotalChargeAmount | Amount | 0..u | A total monetary value of all freight and other service charges for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTotalCollectChargeAmount | Amount | 0..u | A total monetary value of all freight and other service charges which are to be collected from the consignee at or after delivery for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTotalPrepaidChargeAmount | Amount | 0..u | A total monetary value of all freight and other service charges which have been paid in advance for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTotalAllowanceChargeAmount | Amount | 0..u | A total monetary value of all allowances and charges for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTotalDisbursementAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of total disbursement for this consignment, such as the amount to be collected by the carrier according to the order given by the consignor. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTotalExportExitToImportEntryChargeAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the total charge or charges of freight, insurance and other services for this consignment calculated from the export exit location to the import entry location. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentCODAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the COD (Cash On Delivery) amount to be collected by the carrier upon delivery of this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentAssociatedInvoiceDiscountAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the discount on an invoice associated with this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentAssociatedInvoiceDiscountPercent | Percent | 0..u | A percent of an invoice amount that is a discount on an invoice associated with this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentNilCustomsValueIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this consignment has a nil value for customs. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentNilCarriageValueIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this consignment has a nil value for carriage. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentNilInsuranceValueIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this consignment has a nil value for insurance. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTransportSplitDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of the transport split of this consignment across different transport means or transport equipment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentContainerizationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this consignment is to be transported in a container or containers. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentConsignmentItemQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of consignment items separately defined for transport or customs purposes within this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentPackageQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of packages within this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTransportEquipmentQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of pieces of transport equipment, such as containers or similar unit load devices, in this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentChargeableTransportationStageQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The quantity of separately chargeable transportation stages to be covered by this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentSummaryDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual summary description of this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentPackageTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type of package, expressed as text, for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentGoodsReleaseRestrictionText | Text | 0..u | A goods release restriction, expressed as text, for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentInformationText | Text | 0..u | Information, expressed as text, for this consignment. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentShipStoresIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this consignment is for ship stores, such as for consumption on the means of transport. | D08A |
BCC | ConsignmentTradedParcelIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identification of a traded parcel for this consignment. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentTransportEquipmentSplitGoodsIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the goods in this consignment are split across more than one piece of transport equipment. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentLoadingListQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of loading lists, manifests or similar documents for this consignment. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentDeclaredValueForCustomsAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value declared for customs purposes for this consignment. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentRiskFactorCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a risk factor for this consignment. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentWarehouseArrivalDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the arrival of this consignment at a warehouse. | D08B |
BCC | ConsignmentTotalTareWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the total tare weight of this consignment. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ConsignmentDeclaredValueForCarriageAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of this consignment as declared by the shipper or his agent for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ConsignmentPaymentArrangementCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the payment arrangements for this consignment. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ConsignmentTransportSplitIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this consignment is split across different transport means or transport equipment. | D10A |
BCC | ConsignmentUnloadingSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A sequence number for the unloading of this consignment. | D13A |
BCC | ConsignmentTransshipmentPermissionIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not transshipment is permitted for this consignment. | D17B |
BCC | ConsignmentNetVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the net volume of this consignment. | D13B |
BCC | ConsignmentRelatedBookingTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type of booking, expressed as text, related to this consignment. | D20A |
ASCC | ConsignmentConsignorParty | Party | 0..1 | The consignor party for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentConsigneeParty | Party | 0..1 | The consignee party for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentCarrierParty | Party | 0..1 | The carrier party for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentCarrierAgentParty | Party | 0..1 | The party acting as the agent of the carrier for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentFreightForwarderParty | Party | 0..1 | The party undertaking the freight forwarding of this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentImporterParty | Party | 0..1 | The party who imports this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentExporterParty | Party | 0..1 | The party who exports this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentDespatchParty | Party | 0..u | A party from whom this consignment will be or has been despatched. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentDeliveryParty | Party | 0..u | A party to whom this consignment will be, or has been, delivered. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentShipFromParty | Party | 0..1 | The ship from party for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentShipToParty | Party | 0..1 | The ship to party for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentNotifiedParty | Party | 0..u | A party who has been or will be notified about this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentCustomsImportAgentParty | Party | 0..1 | The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignee with respect to the customs import procedures for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentCustomsExportAgentParty | Party | 0..1 | The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignor with respect to the customs export procedures for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentCustomsTransitAgentParty | Party | 0..1 | The party acting as an agent for, or on behalf of, the consignor with respect to customs transit procedures for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentDangerousGoodsNotifierParty | Party | 0..1 | The party responsible for providing the dangerous goods notification in accordance with the dangerous goods regulations relevant for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentCarrierAcceptanceLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location where this consignment will be, or has been, accepted by the carrier. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentTransshipmentLocation | Location | 0..u | A transshipment location for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentWarehouseLocation | Location | 0..u | A warehouse location for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentConsigneeReceiptLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location at which this consignment will be or has been received by the consignee. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentLoadingBaseportLocation | Location | 0..1 | The baseport location at which this consignment is to be loaded on a means of transport according to the transport contract. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentUnloadingBaseportLocation | Location | 0..1 | The baseport location at which this consignment is to be unloaded from a means of transport according to the transport contract. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentTransportContractDocument | Document | 0..1 | The transport contract document for this consignment, such as an airwaybill or a seawaybill. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentAssociatedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document associated with this consignment, such as the certificate of origin, the dangerous goods note or a licence. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentPhysicalShippingMarks | ShippingMarks | 0..u | Physical shipping marks and barcode information for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentHandlingInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Handling instructions for this consignment, such as where or how specified packages or containers are to be loaded on a means of transport. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentHaulageInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Haulage instructions for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentDeliveryEvent | Event | 0..u | A delivery event for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentTransportEvent | Event | 0..u | An event occurring during the transport of this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentIncludedConsignmentItem | ConsignmentItem | 0..u | A consignment item included in this consignment of goods. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentIncludedConsignment | Consignment | 0..u | A consignment included in this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentUtilizedTransportEquipment | TransportEquipment | 0..u | Transport equipment utilized for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentMainCarriageTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | A main carriage transport movement for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentPre-CarriageTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | A pre-carriage transport movement for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentOn-CarriageTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | An on-carriage transport movement for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentBorderCrossingTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | A border crossing transport movement for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentOriginCountry | Country | 0..u | A country of origin for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentTransitCountry | Country | 0..u | A transit country for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentExportCountry | Country | 0..1 | The export country for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentDestinationCountry | Country | 0..u | A destination country for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentImportCountry | Country | 0..u | An import country for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableCargoInsurance | CargoInsurance | 0..u | Cargo insurance applicable to this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentAssociatedCustomsProcedure | CustomsProcedure | 0..u | A customs procedure associated with this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentTransportService | Service | 0..u | A transport service for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableCurrencyExchange | CurrencyExchange | 0..u | A currency exchange applicable to this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentSpecifiedDeliveryTerms | DeliveryTerms | 0..u | Delivery terms specified for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableServiceCharge | ServiceCharge | 0..u | A service charge applicable to this consignment, such as freight or insurance charges. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableAllowanceCharge | AllowanceCharge | 0..u | An allowance or charge applicable to this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentReportedStatus | Status | 0..u | A status reported for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentOriginGeopoliticalRegion | GeopoliticalRegion | 0..u | A geopolitical region of origin for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentExportGeopoliticalRegion | GeopoliticalRegion | 0..u | A geopolitical region of export for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentTransitLocation | Location | 0..u | A location of transit for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentRe-ExportCountry | Country | 0..u | A re-export country for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentExaminationEvent | Event | 0..u | An examination event for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentStorageEvent | Event | 0..u | A storage event for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentPick-UpEvent | Event | 0..u | A pick-up event for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentLoadingEvent | Event | 0..u | A loading event for this consignment. | D08A |
ASCC | ConsignmentTransportPackage | Package | 0..u | A transport package for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentConsignorAgentParty | Party | 0..1 | The party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignor for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentConsigneeAgentParty | Party | 0..u | A party authorized to act for or on behalf of the consignee for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentSpecifiedTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | A transport movement specified for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentLoadingInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Loading instructions for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentAtArrivalTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | A transport movement for this consignment at the point when the means of transport arrives into a customs territory, such as a country or at a regional border. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentAtDepartureTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..1 | The transport movement for this consignment at the point when the means of transport departs a country or regional border. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentRelatedTradeTransaction | TradeTransaction | 0..u | A trade transaction related to this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentCustomsRequiredInvoiceDocument | Document | 0..u | An invoice document required by customs for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentConnectingCarrierParty | Party | 0..u | A party that is a connecting carrier for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentIntermediateConsigneeParty | Party | 0..u | A party that is an intermediate consignee for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentDeclaredForCustomsLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of this consignment as declared for customs. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentConsolidatorParty | Party | 0..1 | The party responsible for the consolidation of this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentDeconsolidatorParty | Party | 0..1 | The party responsible for the deconsolidation of this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentFinalDestinationLocation | Location | 0..1 | The final destination location for this consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentVanningEvent | Event | 0..u | A vanning event for this consignment. i.e., the loading of this consignment at the place of original despatch. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentGroupingCentreParty | Party | 0..u | A party specified as the grouping centre for the consignment. | D08B |
ASCC | ConsignmentAssociatedParty | Party | 0..u | A party associated with this consignment. | D09A |
ASCC | ConsignmentPick-UpParty | Party | 0..u | A pick-up party for this consignment. | D09A |
ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableDangerousGoods | DangerousGoods | 0..1 | Dangerous goods details applicable to this consignment. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ConsignmentNatureIdentificationCargo | Cargo | 0..1 | Cargo details of this consignment sufficient to identify its nature for customs, statistical or transport purposes. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableRegulatoryProcedure | RegulatoryProcedure | 0..u | A regulatory procedure applicable to this consignment. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableRegulatoryControl | RegulatoryControl | 0..u | A regulatory control applicable for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentUltimateConsigneeParty | Party | 0..1 | The ultimate consignee party for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentInTransitTransportMovement | TransportMovement | 0..u | An in transit transport movement for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentSpecifiedTemperature | Temperature | 0..1 | The temperature specified for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentContentsOwnerParty | Party | 0..1 | The party that owns the contents of this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentPropertyOperatorParty | Party | 0..1 | The party operating the property in this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentIncludedRegulatedGoods | RegulatedGoods | 0..u | Regulated goods included in this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentOriginalDespatchLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location from which this consignment was originally despatched. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentFreeTradeZoneLocation | Location | 0..u | A Free Trade Zone location for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentLightermanParty | Party | 0..u | A lighterman (also called drayman) party that handles this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentRegulatoryService | Service | 0..u | A regulatory service for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentStatementNote | Note | 0..u | A statement note for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentApplicableCustomsValuation | CustomsValuation | 0..u | A customs valuation applicable to this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentBorderClearanceInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Border clearance instructions for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentDeliveryInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Delivery instructions for this consignment. | D10A |
ASCC | ConsignmentRelatedParty | Party | 0..u | A party related to this consignment. | D13B |
ASCC | ConsignmentSupportingDocument | Document | 0..u | A supporting document for this consignment, such as the certificate of origin, the dangerous goods note or a licence. | D14A |
ASCC | ConsignmentPreviousAdministrativeDocument | Document | 0..u | A previous administrative document for this consignment. | D17B |
ASCC | ConsignmentTransportServicesBuyerParty | Party | 0..u | A party which is the buyer of the transport services for this consignment. | D18A |
ASCC | ConsignmentSpecifiedRiskAnalysisResult | RiskAnalysisResult | 0..u | A risk analysis result specified for this consignment. | D18B |
ASCC | ConsignmentLoadingLocation | Location | 0..u | A location at which this consignment is to be loaded on a means of transport. | D19A |
ASCC | ConsignmentUnloadingLocation | Location | 0..u | A location at which this consignment is to be unloaded from a means of transport. | D19A |
ASCC | ConsignmentDevanningEvent | Event | 0..u | A devanning event for this consignment. | D19A |
ASCC | ConsignmentClassificationDocument | Document | 0..u | A classification document for this consignment. | D21A |
ASCC | ConsignmentSpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified for this consignment. | D21A |
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in ASCC | BuildingUsedConstructionMaterial |
ACC | ConstructionMaterial | Occ | The material used in the building of a structure. | D09A | |
BCC | ConstructionMaterialTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of construction material such as brick, wood, glass, copper, straw (thatch). | D09A |
BCC | ConstructionMaterialDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of this construction material. | D09A |
BCC | ConstructionMaterialProportionPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of the proportion of the total construction made up of this construction material. | D09A |
BCC | ConstructionMaterialProportionScaleCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the scale of the proportion of this construction material such as major or minor. | D09A |
BCC | ConstructionMaterialQualityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the quality of this construction material. | D09A |
BCC | ConstructionMaterialConstructionPartCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying that part of the construction for which this construction material applies. | D14B |
BCC | ConstructionMaterialAttachmentMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the method of attachment for this construction material. | D14B |
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in ASCC | ConstructionTypeAvailableConstructionType TechnicalCapabilityAppliedConstructionType |
ACC | ConstructionType | Occ | The type of the design or creation through construction of a physical infrastructure such as a building, bridge, highway, power grid. | D06A | |
BCC | ConstructionTypePriorityRankingNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number representing the priority ranking of the type of construction. | D06A |
BCC | ConstructionTypeTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of construction. | D06A |
ASCC | ConstructionTypeAvailableConstructionType | ConstructionType | 0..u | An available construction type for this construction type. | D06A |
ASCC | ConstructionTypeAvailableLocation | Location | 0..u | An available location for this construction type. | D06A |
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in ASCC | ConstructionSubordinateConstruction ProductionUnitDedicatedConstruction |
ACC | Construction | Occ | A man made structure, such as a building. | D17A | |
BCC | ConstructionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionDescriptionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a description for this construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionCertificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a certification for this construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionFunctionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a function of this construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionLicenceText | Text | 0..u | A licence, expressed as text, for this construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionCompletionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, date time or other date time value of a completion of this construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionRenovationDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, date time or other date time value of a renovation of this construction. | D17A |
BCC | ConstructionCapacityMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a capacity for this construction. | D17A |
ASCC | ConstructionSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified for this construction. | D17A |
ASCC | ConstructionSpecifiedPlot | Plot | 0..u | A plot specified for this construction. | D17A |
ASCC | ConstructionSubordinateConstruction | Construction | 0..u | A construction subordinate to this construction. | D17A |
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ACC | Contact | Occ | A person or department that acts as a point of contact with another person or department. | D06A | |
BCC | ContactIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this contact. | D06A |
BCC | ContactJobTitleText | Text | 0..1 | The job title, position or designation, expressed as text, of this contact person within an organization such as Director, Software Engineer, Purchasing Manager. | D06A |
BCC | ContactResponsibilityText | Text | 0..u | A responsibility, expressed as text, of this contact. | D06A |
BCC | ContactDepartmentNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the department to which this contact belongs within an organization, such as a support department. | D06A |
BCC | ContactTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of contact. | D06A |
BCC | ContactPersonNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this contact person. | D06A |
BCC | ContactDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this contact. | D06B |
BCC | ContactPrimaryIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this is a primary contact. | D06B |
BCC | ContactAccessibilityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of accessibility for this contact. | D08A |
BCC | ContactVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this contact. | D14A |
ASCC | ContactTelephoneCommunication | Communication | 0..u | Telephone communication information for this contact. | D06A |
ASCC | ContactUsagePreference | Preference | 0..1 | The preference for usage of this contact such as type, order of importance, availability, or some other criteria. | D06A |
ASCC | ContactPostalAddress | Address | 0..u | Postal address information for this contact. | D06A |
ASCC | ContactFaxCommunication | Communication | 0..u | Fax communication information for this contact. | D06A |
ASCC | ContactURICommunication | Communication | 0..u | Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information for this contact such as a web or an email address. | D06A |
ASCC | ContactAvailablePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period during which this contact is available. | D06B |
ASCC | ContactTelexCommunication | Communication | 0..u | Telegraphy (Telex) communication information for this contact. | D06B |
ASCC | ContactSpecifiedNote | Note | 0..u | A note specified for this contact. | D08B |
ASCC | ContactVOIPCommunication | Communication | 0..u | A Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) means of communication for this contact. | D08B |
ASCC | ContactInstantMessagingCommunication | Communication | 0..u | An instant messaging means of communication for this contact. | D08B |
ASCC | ContactSpecifiedPerson | Person | 0..u | A specified contact person. | D09A |
ASCC | ContactEmailCommunication | Communication | 0..u | Email communication information for this contact. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ContactWebCommunication | Communication | 0..u | Web communication information for this contact. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ContactEDICommunication | Communication | 0..u | Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) communication information for this contact. | D13A |
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in ASCC | DocumentScopeContext |
ACC | Context | Occ | A set of circumstances that form the setting for an object, situation, event, statement, or idea. | D08A | |
BCC | ContextTransactionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for a transaction in this context. | D08A |
BCC | ContextTestIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this context is a test. | D10A |
BCC | ContextTransactionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for a transaction of this context. | D18A |
ASCC | ContextParameterVersion | Version | 0..u | A version for a parameter defining an aspect of this context. | D08A |
ASCC | ContextSpecifiedParameter | Parameter | 0..u | A parameter specified for this context. | D08A |
ASCC | ContextScopeReference | Reference | 0..u | A reference to the scope of this context. | D21B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ContractAwardNotice | Occ | A notice of the contract award decision by the bid reviewer or procurement entity. | D06B | |
BCC | ContractAwardNoticeEvaluationScoreValue | Value | 0..1 | The value of the evaluation score reported in this contract award notice. | D06B |
BCC | ContractAwardNoticeItemQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The quantity of items in this contract award notice. | D06B |
BCC | ContractAwardNoticeLossReasonText | Text | 0..1 | The reason, expressed as text, for losing the contract award in this notice. | D06B |
BCC | ContractAwardNoticePriceAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the price of this contract award notice. | D06B |
BCC | ContractAwardNoticeWinIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this contract award notice is a win. | D06B |
BCC | ContractAwardNoticeIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this contract award notice. | D14A |
BCC | ContractAwardNoticeVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this contract award notice. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractAwardNoticeApplicableDeliverable | Deliverable | 0..u | An applicable deliverable or set of deliverables for this contract award notice. | D06B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ContractBeneficiary | Occ | A party designated to receive the benefits provided for in a contract, such as in an insurance policy (or by specific coverage in the policy), if the risk covered actually occurs. | D09A | |
BCC | ContractBeneficiaryIrrevocableIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication whether or not the contract beneficiary is irrevocable. | D09A |
BCC | ContractBeneficiaryLegalWordingText | Text | 0..1 | The legal wording of this contract beneficiary, expressed as text. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractBeneficiarySpecifiedAsParty | Party | 0..1 | The party specified as a contract beneficiary. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ContractCancellation | Occ | An action that discontinues a contract. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | ContractCancellationEvidenceObtainedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not evidence has been obtained to support this contract cancellation. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ContractCancellationCalculationRuleCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the rule for calculating the final contract consideration, such as earned premium in an insurance policy cancellation. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ContractCancellationNoticeMailedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when notice of the contract cancellation was mailed. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ContractCancellationUnearnedFactorAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the factor associated with the remaining time period of the contract that is left in force when a cancellation takes place, such as unearned premium. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ContractCancellationMinimumChargeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a minimum charge applies to this contract cancellation. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | ContractModificationContractChange |
ACC | ContractChange | Occ | A set of one or more changes made to the scope of a contract after the contract has been initiated. | D07A | |
BCC | ContractChangeIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this contract change. | D07A |
BCC | ContractChangeNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this contract change. | D07A |
BCC | ContractChangeDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this contract change. | D07A |
BCC | ContractChangeEstimatedCostDifferenceAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of an estimated cost difference for this contract change. | D07A |
BCC | ContractChangeActualCostDifferenceAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of an actual cost difference for this contract change. | D07A |
BCC | ContractChangeStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status for this contract change. | D07A |
BCC | ContractChangeEffectiveDate | Date | 0..u | A date on which the contract change has or will become effective. | D07A |
ASCC | ContractChangeIdentifiedParty | Party | 0..u | A party identified in this contract change. | D07A |
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in ASCC | ContractLineItemAssociatedContractLineItem ContractSpecifiedContractLineItem |
ACC | ContractLineItem | Occ | A distinct, separately defined line item specified in a contract. | D07A | |
BCC | ContractLineItemIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this contract line item. | D07A |
BCC | ContractLineItemNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this contract line item. | D07A |
BCC | ContractLineItemDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this contract line item. | D07A |
BCC | ContractLineItemTotalQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A total quantity for this contract line item. | D07A |
BCC | ContractLineItemActualAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of an actual on which the contract line item is determined. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLineItemIdentifiedAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value identified for this contract line item. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLineItemPaymentStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a payment status of this contract line item. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLineItemPriceBreakQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A price break quantity of this contract line item. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLineItemVariationPercent | Percent | 0..u | A percent of a variation of the contract line item, such as tolerance. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLineItemUnitAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of a unit for the contract line item. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLineItemMeasurementCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a measurement for this contract line item, such as for packaging. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ContractLineItemAssociatedContractLineItem | ContractLineItem | 0..u | A contract line item associated to this contract line item. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ContractReinstatement | Occ | The restoration of a contract after it has lapsed or been cancelled. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | ContractReinstatementTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of contract reinstatement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ContractReinstatementCorrespondingCancelEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the corresponding cancellation, to which this contract reinstatement applies, became effective. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | ContractRenewalOptionRequiredContractRenewalCondition |
ACC | ContractRenewalCondition | Occ | A condition which must be met by the client before the contract will be renewed, such as provide a survey. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | ContractRenewalConditionTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of contract renewal condition, such as engineers report required, medical examination required. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ContractRenewalOption | Occ | An option to amend the terms of a contract at renewal. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | ContractRenewalOptionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the contract renewal option. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ContractRenewalOptionRequiredContractRenewalCondition | ContractRenewalCondition | 0..u | A renewal condition required for this contract renewal option. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | ContractIncludedContractSection |
ACC | ContractSection | Occ | An identifiable part of a contract that has specific contract parameters. | D14A | |
BCC | ContractSectionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this contract section. | D14A |
BCC | ContractSectionVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this contract section. | D14A |
BCC | ContractSectionDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this contract section. | D14A |
BCC | ContractSectionStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for the start of this contract section. | D14A |
BCC | ContractSectionEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for the end of this contract section. | D14A |
BCC | ContractSectionCorrectionPeriodMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a correction period for this contract section. | D14A |
BCC | ContractSectionPostponementDurationMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a postponement duration for this contract section. | D14A |
BCC | ContractSectionDamagesRate | Rate | 0..u | A rate of the damages, to be claimed or awarded in compensation for a loss or injury, stated for this contract section. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractSectionTotalPrice | Price | 0..u | A total price for this contract section. | D14A |
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ACC | Contract | Occ | An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written or spoken and enforceable by law. | D06A | |
BCC | ContractIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identification for this contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of contract such as a fixed price contract or a time and materials based contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractCompletionPercent | Percent | 0..u | A percentage of goods or services completed for this contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description for this contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractIssueDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date or date time or other date time value of the issuance of this contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractPriceAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of a price of this contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractExtensionIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | To indicate whether or not this contract can be or has been extended. | D06A |
BCC | ContractItemIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | To identify a specific item in this contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractStartDate | Date | 0..u | A date on which this contract starts. | D06A |
BCC | ContractItemQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity for a specific item in this contract. | D06A |
BCC | ContractFeePercent | Percent | 0..u | A percent value of the contract price to be granted as a fee to the provider of the goods or services specified in this contract. | D07A |
BCC | ContractEndDate | Date | 0..u | An end date for this contract. | D07A |
BCC | ContractFundingYearDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A unique identifier of a funding year for this contract. | D07A |
BCC | ContractLastItemDeliveryDate | Date | 0..u | A date on which the last item was or will be delivered for this contract. | D07A |
BCC | ContractOverTargetBaselineDate | Date | 0..u | A date on which this contract was re-scoped after exceeding the target baseline. | D07A |
BCC | ContractCostAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value for a cost of an effort or loss necessary to achieve a goal specified in this contract. | D07A |
BCC | ContractOriginalInceptionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the inception of the original version of this contract, which may differ from the contract issue date. | D09A |
BCC | ContractEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this contract became or will become effective. | D09A |
BCC | ContractSignedDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this contract was or will be signed. | D09A |
BCC | ContractIssueCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the country in which this contract was issued. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLanguageCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the language in which this contract is written. | D09A |
BCC | ContractWordingVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the version of the wording used for this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractDurationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of duration of this contract, such as short term, long term, open ended. | D09A |
BCC | ContractRenewalFrequencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the frequency with which this contract is renewed, such as monthly, annually. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLastRenewalDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this contract was last renewed. | D09A |
BCC | ContractTerminationNoticePeriodMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the period required for providing notice of termination of this contract, such as number of days, number of months. | D09A |
BCC | ContractReinstatementDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this contract was or will be reinstated. | D09A |
BCC | ContractReplacementIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this contract is a replacement. | D09A |
BCC | ContractCounterSignatureIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a counter signature procedure is needed for this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractMainBusinessClassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the main class of business for this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractSecondaryBusinessClassCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a secondary class of business for this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractClauseText | Text | 0..u | A clause, expressed as text, of this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractCloseOutDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of a close out end of the contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractCloseOutAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of a close out for this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractContractorLiabilityIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not this contractor liable in this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for the end of the contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractFinalPaymentDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of a final payment of the contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLastUseDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of the last usage of the contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractLeadTimeDayNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A number of lead time in days for this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractMethodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a method of this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status of this contract. | D09A |
BCC | ContractProjectIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a project for this contract. | D12B |
BCC | ContractInformationText | Text | 0..u | Information, expressed as text, for this contract. | D12B |
BCC | ContractPublicationDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A publication date, time, date time, or other date time value for this contract. | D12B |
BCC | ContractVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this contract. | D14A |
BCC | ContractStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for the start of this contract. | D14A |
BCC | ContractDurationMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A duration measure specified for this contract. | D14A |
BCC | ContractNoticePeriodMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a notice period for this contract. | D14A |
BCC | ContractRenewalNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A number of renewals for this contract. | D14A |
BCC | ContractLeadTimeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the lead time of this contract. | D14A |
BCC | ContractRegulationIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not a regulation, such as an EU regulation, is applicable for this contract. | D14A |
BCC | ContractRenewalStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the renewal of this contract. | D14B |
ASCC | ContractValidityPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period within which this contract is a valid legal instrument. | D06A |
ASCC | ContractSupportingGuarantee | Guarantee | 0..u | A guarantee that supports this contract. | D06A |
ASCC | ContractIdentifiedParty | Party | 0..u | A party that is identified in the contract. | D06A |
ASCC | ContractReferenceDocument | Document | 0..u | A document referenced by this contract. | D06A |
ASCC | ContractEffectivePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period within which the provisions of this contract are, or will be, in force. | D06A |
ASCC | ContractPerformanceMetrics | Metrics | 0..u | A set of performance metrics for this contract. | D06A |
ASCC | ContractModificationContractChange | ContractChange | 0..u | A contract change describing modification of the terms of this contract after adoption. | D07A |
ASCC | ContractAssociatedCost | Cost | 0..u | A cost associated with this contract. | D07A |
ASCC | ContractPrincipalProgramme | Programme | 0..u | A principal programme of this contract. | D07A |
ASCC | ContractContainedProjectPortfolio | ProjectPortfolio | 0..u | A portfolio of one or more projects contained within this contract that are tracked together. | D07A |
ASCC | ContractIncentivePerformanceMeasurement | PerformanceMeasurement | 0..u | A performance measurement which provides incentive for above expectations performance in this contract. | D07A |
ASCC | ContractContainedProject | Project | 0..u | A project contained within this contract. | D07A |
ASCC | ContractSpecifiedContractLineItem | ContractLineItem | 0..u | A contract line item specified in this contract. | D07A |
ASCC | ContractApplicableClause | Clause | 0..u | A clause that is applicable to this contract. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractInstructionNote | Note | 0..u | A note of instruction or comment for this contract, such as instructions from the seller to the transport carrier. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractApplicableCommission | Commission | 0..u | Commission that is applicable to this contract. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractApplicableRetainedBalance | RetainedBalance | 0..1 | The retained balance applicable to this contract. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractSignedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location where this contract was or will be signed. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractBindingPeriod | Period | 0..u | A binding period for this contract. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractInitialPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The initial period for this contract. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractRenewalTermPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The renewal term period for this contract. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractSpecifiedStatus | Status | 0..u | A status specified for this contract. | D09A |
ASCC | ContractSpecifiedNote | Note | 0..u | A note specified for this contract. | D12B |
ASCC | ContractOrderingParty | Party | 0..u | An ordering party for this contract. | D12B |
ASCC | ContractObservingParty | Party | 0..u | An observing party for this contract. | D12B |
ASCC | ContractInvoiceeParty | Party | 0..u | An invoicee party for this contract. | D12B |
ASCC | ContractSenderParty | Party | 0..u | A party that sends this contract. | D12B |
ASCC | ContractIssuerParty | Party | 0..u | A party who issues this contract. | D12B |
ASCC | ContractSpecifiedReference | Reference | 0..u | A reference specified for this contract. | D12B |
ASCC | ContractSpecifiedInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Instructions specified for this contract. | D12B |
ASCC | ContractBuyerParty | Party | 0..u | A buyer party for this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractSellerParty | Party | 0..u | A seller party for this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractTotalPrice | Price | 0..u | A total price for this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractActualBreakdownStatement | BreakdownStatement | 0..u | An actual breakdown statement of this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractStipulatedRevisionMethod | RevisionMethod | 0..u | A revision method stipulated for this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractSubordinateContract | Contract | 0..u | A subordinate contract for this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractChangedStatus | Status | 0..u | A changed status of this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractSpecifiedPaymentTerms | PaymentTerms | 0..u | Payment terms specified for this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractIncludedContractSection | ContractSection | 0..u | A contract section included in this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractAssociatedMethod | Method | 0..u | A method associated with this contract. | D14A |
ASCC | ContractApplicableEndorsement | Endorsement | 0..u | An endorsement that applies to this contract. | D14B |
ASCC | ContractSpecifiedIdentity | Identity | 0..u | Identifying information specified for this contract. | D14B |
ASCC | ContractLapsePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period when there is a lapse or gap in the duration of this contract. | D14B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Control | Occ | A person or thing used as a standard of comparison, such as for checking the results of a survey or experiment. | D14A | |
BCC | ControlIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this control. | D14A |
BCC | ControlTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of control. | D14A |
BCC | ControlStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for the start of this control. | D14A |
BCC | ControlEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for the end of this control. | D14A |
BCC | ControlResultCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a result of this control. | D14A |
BCC | ControlResultText | Text | 0..u | A result, expressed as text, of this control. | D14A |
ASCC | ControlSpecifiedParameter | Parameter | 0..u | A parameter specified for this control. | D14A |
ASCC | ControlCreationBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file used to create this control. | D14A |
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in ASCC | PartySpecifiedConviction |
ACC | Conviction | Occ | The fact or condition of being legally found guilty of an offence. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | ConvictionAuthorityAllocatedIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for a conviction as allocated by the appropriate authority. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ConvictionTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of conviction, such as driving disqualification, prison sentence, fine. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ConvictionActualDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The actual date, time, date time, or other date time value of the conviction. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ConvictionAccidentIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the conviction arises from an accident. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ConvictionEndorsableIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the conviction is endorsable. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ConvictionSpecifiedOffence | Offence | 0..u | A specified offence which resulted in this conviction. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ConvictionAssociatedBloodAlcoholTest | BloodAlcoholTest | 0..u | A blood alcohol test associated with this conviction. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | ConvictionApplicableSentence | Sentence | 0..1 | The applicable sentence for this conviction. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | TransportMovementAssociatedConvoy |
ACC | Convoy | Occ | A number of means of transport following each other with a common transport purpose. | D13A | |
BCC | ConvoyTransportMeansQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of means of transport in this convoy. | D13A |
BCC | ConvoyLengthMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A length measure for this convoy. | D13A |
BCC | ConvoyWidthMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A width measure for this convoy. | D13A |
ASCC | ConvoyPowerActiveTransportMeans | TransportMeans | 0..u | A means of transport actively powering this convoy. | D13A |
ASCC | ConvoyPowerInactiveTransportMeans | TransportMeans | 0..u | A means of transport not actively powering this convoy. | D13A |
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ACC | CoordinateReferenceSystem | Occ | A coordinate reference system that is used to describe the relative locations of objects (reference ISO 19111). | D17A | |
BCC | CoordinateReferenceSystemIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this coordinate reference system. | D17A |
BCC | CoordinateReferenceSystemNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this coordinate reference system. | D17A |
BCC | CoordinateReferenceSystemLevelText | Text | 0..u | A level, expressed as text, of this coordinate reference system, such as a local reference system level used inside a dedicated building. | D17A |
ASCC | CoordinateReferenceSystemSubordinateCoordinateReferenceSystem | CoordinateReferenceSystem | 0..u | A coordinate reference system subordinate to this coordinate reference system. | D17A |
ASCC | CoordinateReferenceSystemSpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period specified for this coordinate reference system. | D17A |
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in ASCC | GeographicalCoordinateUsedCoordinateSourceSystem GeographicalFeatureUsedCoordinateSourceSystem |
ACC | CoordinateSourceSystem | Occ | Properties defining a coordinate source system used in different places around the world to identify locations on the earth. | D20A | |
BCC | CoordinateSourceSystemIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this coordinate source system. | D20A |
BCC | CoordinateSourceSystemTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type for this coordinate source system. | D20A |
BCC | CoordinateSourceSystemToleranceMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a tolerance of this coordinate source system. | D20A |
BCC | CoordinateSourceSystemUsedSignalSourceQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity of the used signal source of this coordinate source system. | D20A |
BCC | CoordinateSourceSystemSignalSourceAvailableQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity of signal source available for this coordinate source system. | D20A |
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in ASCC | ECIDReportComponentCoordinate PeriodicitySpecifiedCoordinate TestMapSpecifiedCoordinate |
ACC | Coordinate | Occ | The identification of position relative to one or more axes, such as horizontal, vertical and layer. | D09A | |
BCC | CoordinateValueNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A numeric value for this coordinate. | D09A |
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in ASCC | MedicalReimbursementPatientPortionCopayment |
ACC | Copayment | Occ | A capped contribution defined in a health insurance policy and paid by an insured person each time a medical service, such as a medical prescription, is accessed. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | CopaymentCapReachedProofIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not proof has been provided that the cap on copayment has been reached, such as by providing a paper from the insurer. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CopaymentContributionPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of contribution for this copayment. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CopaymentContributionAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the contribution for this copayment. | D09B.1 |
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ACC | Cost | Occ | An effort or loss necessary to achieve a specified goal, including some combination of money, time, materials, and labour. | D07A | |
BCC | CostIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this cost. | D07A |
BCC | CostNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this cost. | D07A |
BCC | CostDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this cost. | D07A |
BCC | CostTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type for this cost. | D07A |
BCC | CostComponentAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value that is a component of this cost. | D07A |
BCC | CostEffectiveDate | Date | 0..u | A date on which this cost has or will become effective. | D07A |
BCC | CostComponentQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of the non-monetary value of the cost, such as hours. | D07A |
BCC | CostComponentNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for a component of this cost. | D07A |
BCC | CostUnitPriceMeasureCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the measure unit used for the corresponding unit price for this cost, such as per day, per tonne, per square metre. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CostUnitPriceAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the unit price applicable to this cost. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CostTaxInclusiveAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the cost including tax. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CostTaxExclusiveAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the cost excluding tax. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CostDiscountAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the discount applicable to the cost. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CostDiscountPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the discount applicable to the cost. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CostRecurringIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not this cost is recurring. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CostStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of this cost, such as estimated or actual. | D10A |
BCC | CostDiscountTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the discount type for this cost. | D11A |
BCC | CostDiscountReasonCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the discount reason for this cost. | D11A |
BCC | CostVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this cost. | D14A |
BCC | CostPurchaseNoteAvailableIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is a purchase note available for this cost. | D14A |
BCC | CostQuotationAvailableIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is a quotation available for this cost. | D14A |
BCC | CostSummaryLevelCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the level of summary of this cost, such as sub total cost, grand total cost. | D14A |
ASCC | CostIncludedResource | Resource | 0..u | A resource included in this cost. | D07A |
ASCC | CostReportingPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The reporting period over which this cost is tracked. | D07A |
ASCC | CostApplicableTax | Tax | 0..u | Tax applicable to this cost. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | CostValueReductionWearAndTearDepreciation | WearAndTearDepreciation | 0..u | A reduction in value for wear and tear depreciation to this cost. | D10A |
ASCC | CostActualPayment | Payment | 0..u | An actual payment of this cost. | D10A |
ASCC | CostAssignedParty | Party | 0..1 | The party assigned to this cost. | D10A |
ASCC | CostSpecifiedClaimRecovery | ClaimRecovery | 0..u | A specified claim recovery for this cost. | D10A |
ASCC | CostApplicableMeasurement | Measurement | 0..u | A measurement applicable to this cost. | D14A |
ASCC | CostApplicableDesign | Design | 0..u | A design applicable to this cost. | D14A |
ASCC | CostAppliedCoverage | Coverage | 0..1 | The coverage applied to this cost. | D14A |
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ACC | CountrySub-Division | Occ | An area of land which is a sub-division within a country, such as a state, a county, a canton, a province, etc. | D06A | |
BCC | CountrySub-DivisionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this sub-division of a country. | D06A |
BCC | CountrySub-DivisionNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the sub-division of a country. | D06A |
BCC | CountrySub-DivisionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of country sub-division. | D08A |
BCC | CountrySub-DivisionDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this country sub-division. | D08A |
BCC | CountrySub-DivisionHierarchicalLevelCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the hierarchical level of this country sub-division. | D08A |
ASCC | CountrySub-DivisionApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this country sub-division. | D08A |
ASCC | CountrySub-DivisionIncludedArea | Area | 0..u | An area included in this country sub-division. | D08A |
ASCC | CountrySub-DivisionOwnerParty | Party | 0..1 | The party that owns this country sub-division. | D08A |
ASCC | CountrySub-DivisionSuperordinateCountrySub-Division | CountrySub-Division | 0..u | A superordinate country sub-division for this country sub-division. | D08A |
ASCC | CountrySub-DivisionSubordinateCountrySub-Division | CountrySub-Division | 0..u | A subordinate country sub-division within this country sub-division. | D08A |
ASCC | CountrySub-DivisionAuthorizedParty | Party | 0..u | A party authorized within this country sub-division. | D08A |
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ACC | Country | Occ | The area of land that belongs to a nation together with its properties such as population, political organization, etc. | D06A | |
BCC | CountryIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for a country (Reference ISO 3166 and UN/ECE Rec 3.). | D06A |
BCC | CountryNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the country. | D06A |
BCC | CountrySpecifiedQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity specified for this country. | D13A |
ASCC | CountrySubordinateCountrySub-Division | CountrySub-Division | 0..u | A country sub-division subordinate to this country, such as a state, a county, a canton, a province. | D08A |
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in ASCC | ClaimProvidedCourtesyItem |
ACC | CourtesyItem | Occ | An item or service that is provided as a courtesy to replace or alleviate a need. | D10A | |
BCC | CourtesyItemTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of courtesy item, such as car rental, hotel stay, generator. | D10A |
BCC | CourtesyItemProvisionReasonText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the reason why this courtesy item has been provided. | D10A |
BCC | CourtesyItemSourceTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the source type of the courtesy item, such as a garage or rental agency. | D10A |
BCC | CourtesyItemContractualClassVariationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there was a variation to the contractual class for this courtesy item. | D10A |
BCC | CourtesyItemContractualClassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the contractual class of the courtesy item, such as rental car class A. | D10A |
BCC | CourtesyItemActualClassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the actual class of the courtesy item, such as rental car class C. | D10A |
BCC | CourtesyItemClassVariationDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of a variation in the courtesy item class, such as an upgrade or downgrade. | D10A |
ASCC | CourtesyItemActualPeriod | Period | 0..u | An actual period during which the courtesy item was received and returned or ceased to be used by the user. | D10A |
ASCC | CourtesyItemContractualPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period that the courtesy item is allowed under the contract, such as number of days or weeks. | D10A |
ASCC | CourtesyItemProvidingParty | Party | 0..1 | The party providing the courtesy item. | D10A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | CoverageHistory | Occ | The history of one coverage within a period of prior insurance. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | CoverageHistoryCoverageTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of coverage within this coverage history. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoverageHistoryLossQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The count of losses that occurred during the period of this coverage history. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoverageHistoryLossTotalAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The total monetary value of losses that occurred during the period of this coverage history. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoverageHistoryLossReserveTotalAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The total monetary value of the reserves of all open losses for the period of this coverage history. | D14B |
ASCC | CoverageHistoryCoveredPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period covered by this coverage history. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | CoverageHistoryArisingClaimFreeRecordEntitlement | ClaimFreeRecordEntitlement | 0..1 | The claim free record entitlement arising from this coverage history. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | CoverageHistoryPriorLoss | Loss | 0..u | A prior loss for this coverage history. | D10A |
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in ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedCoverageLifeFactor |
ACC | CoverageLifeFactor | Occ | A set of characteristics or circumstances that affect a life coverage. | D08A | |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorSelectedSalaryPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of salary selected as a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorMortgageInterestPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The mortgage interest percent which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorEquivalentUnderwritingClassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the equivalent underwriting class which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorEquivalentUnderwritingSubclassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the equivalent underwriting subclass which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorGenderRateBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the rate based on gender which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorJointAgeCalculationMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the joint age calculation method which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorMortalityRateTableIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the table used to obtain the mortality rate which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorHouseholdChildQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of children in a household as a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorExcludedHouseholdChildQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of children in a household excluded as a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorCoveredPersonQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of persons covered which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorTobaccoPremiumBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the premium based on tobacco which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorNetAtRiskAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the net at risk which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeFactorPaymentBasisSalaryPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent of salary used as the basis for calculating the payment amount which is a coverage life factor. | D08A |
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in ASCC | CoverageOptionApplicableCoverageLimit CoverageApplicableCoverageLimit |
ACC | CoverageLimit | Occ | A limit which applies to the coverage terms of an insurance policy. | D08A | |
BCC | CoverageLimitCoveredItemTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of covered item for this coverage limit, such as property, building, glass. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitClaimSettlementBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis for a claim settlement, such as market value, new for old, replacement cost, index-linked, for this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitSpecifiedLimitAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the limit specified for this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitSpecifiedLimitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The specified limit quantity for this coverage limit, such as number of surplus lines, number of seats in a vehicle, maximum number of drivers covered, maximum number of participants, maximum number of passengers. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitSpecifiedLimitPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The specified limit percent for this coverage limit, such as the percentage of the value of the insured item. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitSpecifiedLimitPercentBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the specified limit percent basis for this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitSpecifiedLimitText | Text | 0..1 | The specified limit, expressed as text, for this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitAllocationBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the allocation basis for this coverage limit, such as per person, per location. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitStandardLimitExtensionIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this coverage limit is an extension to the standard limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitLastRevisionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the last revision to this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitSchemeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the scheme for this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitBaseAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the base for this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitIndexLinkingAppliesIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not index linking applies to this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitIndemnityUnlimitedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the indemnity is unlimited for this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitAppliedBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis to which this coverage limit applies, such as per loss, per event, per aircraft, per airway bill. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitAppliedBasisText | Text | 0..1 | The applied basis, expressed as text, for this coverage limit, such as per loss, per event, per aircraft, per airway bill. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitAppliedBasisTimeQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The quantity of basis time units applied to this coverage limit, such as a number of days, weeks or months. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitSubjectMatterCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the subject matter for this coverage limit. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLimitSubjectMatterText | Text | 0..1 | The subject matter, expressed as text, for this coverage limit. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageLimitActualIndexAdjustment | IndexAdjustment | 0..1 | The actual index adjustment for this coverage limit. | D11A |
ASCC | CoverageLimitSpecifiedValuation | Valuation | 0..1 | The valuation specified for this coverage limit. | D14B |
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in ASCC | CoverageExcludedCoverageOption CoverageIncludedCoverageOption |
ACC | CoverageOption | Occ | Additional benefit or supplement that applies to a coverage. | D08A | |
BCC | CoverageOptionStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of the coverage option. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageOptionSubjectTitleCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the subject title for this coverage option. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageOptionTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of coverage option, such as personal effects, foreign use, or winter sports. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageOptionTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type, expressed as text, of coverage option, such as personal effects, foreign use, or winter sports. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageOptionSubTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the sub type of this coverage option. | D14B |
ASCC | CoverageOptionApplicableCoverageLimit | CoverageLimit | 0..u | A coverage limit applicable to this coverage option. | D14B |
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in ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedCoverageSurrender |
ACC | CoverageSurrender | Occ | The relinquishing of a cover for its cash surrender value by an owner of a cash value policy. | D08A | |
BCC | CoverageSurrenderCashSurrenderAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the cash surrender amount for this coverage surrender. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageSurrenderChargeAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the charge for this coverage surrender. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageSurrenderApplicableDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value applicable to the surrender of the coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageSurrenderSurrenderTargetPremiumAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the target premium used to calculate surrender charges for this coverage surrender. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageSurrenderAccumulatedChargeAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the accumulated charges for this coverage surrender. | D08A |
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in ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedCoverageValuation |
ACC | CoverageValuation | Occ | The statement of worth of a coverage that is designed to return an increasing benefit to the beneficiary, such as an investment in a life insurance product. | D08A | |
BCC | CoverageValuationTotalCashValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the total cash value in this coverage valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageValuationCurrentCoverageAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the current amount of coverage, such as the face amount of the rider or benefit without options, in this coverage valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageValuationInitialCoverageAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the initial amount of coverage, such as the initial face amount of the rider or benefit without options, in this coverage valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageValuationInitialInvestmentUnitNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The initial number of investment units in this coverage valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageValuationCurrentInvestmentUnitNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The current number of investment units in this coverage valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageValuationInvestmentUnitValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value per investment unit in this coverage valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageValuationBaseSeriesCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the base series for this coverage valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageValuationSub-SeriesCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the sub-series for this coverage valuation. | D08A |
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in ASCC | BlanketCoverageSpecifiedCoverage ClaimApplicableCoverage CostAppliedCoverage CoverageSubordinateCoverage |
ACC | Coverage | Occ | The classification of causes of loss and protection against losses resulting from those causes by insurers, that apply to a specific risk object, party or line of business under an insurance policy. | D08A | |
BCC | CoverageIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of coverage, such as liability, personal accident, theft, fire, damage, dread disease, funeral, pension, life. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of the coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageSub-TypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a sub-type, which is an additional level of coverage, such as the type of liability. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageBusinessLineCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a business line for the coverage, such as property or health insurance. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status of the coverage, such as temporary or suspended. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageStatusChangeDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value when the status of the coverage changed to its current status. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePeriodScopeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the scope of a period of the coverage, such as short term, fixed term, seasonal, open. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePeriodScopeDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of the scope of a period of the coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which the coverage is effective. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which the coverage ends. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageTermDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of a term of the coverage, such as when the coverage will mature or expire or had lapsed. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageClaimsAllowedQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A count of the number of claims allowed under this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageIterationNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A number used to differentiate multiple iterations of the same coverage. This condition might occur when some factor of this coverage may vary such as how the limit is applied. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a classification of the coverage, such as base or rider. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageInceptionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of inception of this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageAddOnCoverageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the coverage is an add on. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageAgreedPMLAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the agreed PML (Possible Maximum Loss) that can occur under the coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageFormIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of a form for this coverage, such as a Home Office form. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageUnderwritingClassCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an underwriting class for this coverage, such as Guaranteed Issue. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageClientPurposeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a purpose or goal of the client in purchasing this coverage, such as a pension insurance affecting the income tax regulations. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageIssueCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for the country where this coverage is issued. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageDeathBenefitOptionSwitchIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this coverage was created as a result of a death benefit option switch, for a base increase coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageRenewableIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this coverage is renewable. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageDurationDesignYearsQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of years in the design of the tariff for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLifeTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of life coverage for the participants in this coverage, such as single, joint, or multi. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePremiumFreezeDate | Date | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which a premium for this coverage freezes. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageDeathBenefitOptionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a death benefit option type for this coverage which would affect the death benefit proceeds, such as increasing or level. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageEquivalentAgeQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | An equivalent age (number of years) used as the issue age for the coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageGuaranteedInterestRatePercent | Percent | 0..u | A rate of interest, expressed as a percentage, that is guaranteed for this coverage until the guaranteed interest rate end date. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePremiumOriginCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an origin of the premium for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageBeneficiaryDesignationWordingText | Text | 0..u | A textual wording of how the beneficiary was designated when the beneficiary is a participant in the coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageDividendSeriesDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of a dividend series for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageGuaranteedCoverageOptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of a coverage option with guaranteed insurability (guaranteed purchase option) that can be exercised at the option of the policy owner. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageQualifiedCostIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the cost of this coverage is qualified; that is if it should be included in the cost basis for insurance. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageTermProductConversionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for a term product by which conversion to a permanent plan should take place for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageCoinsuranceIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this coverage is subject to co-insurance (the cover is split across multiple insurers). | D08A |
BCC | CoverageAddAtRenewalIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this coverage is to be added at renewal. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePerilGroupCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a peril group that is covered under this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageInsuredCoinsurancePercent | Percent | 0..u | A percentage of the risk retained by the insured under a coinsurance or self-insurance coverage condition. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageDeclinedReasonText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of a reason why coverage was declined, refused or not offered to the applicant/insured. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageNonStandardText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of a non standard coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageRatingFootnoteIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a footnote applies to the rating of this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageClaimsMadeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the coverage was issued on a claims made basis. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageFiledFormNumberIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the number on the filed form for this coverage, such as with a state (in the U.S.) or other appropriate regulating jurisdiction. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageInForceYearsNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of years that this coverage has been in force. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageChargeTotalAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the total charge for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePremiumCalculationRatePercent | Percent | 0..u | A percentage rate or factor used to calculate a premium for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageRatingTerritoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a rating territory for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageRatingClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a rating classification of the exposure or risk for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageRatingClassificationOperationDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of the operations for the rating classification for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageNextExerciseDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value when this coverage's benefit or option can next be exercised (elected or activated). | D08A |
BCC | CoverageIssueBasisCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the issue basis used by actuaries to determine calculation or premium rates for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageIssuedAsAppliedForIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the coverage was issued as applied for. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageJurisdictionalAreaIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the jurisdictional area for this coverage such as a state in the US, a province in Canada, a prefecture in Japan or a territory in Australia. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageLastAnniversaryProcessedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the last anniversary when this coverage was processed. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageNextAnniversaryDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the next anniversary for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageFundedUpToDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value to which the coverage is currently funded up to. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePaidUpDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value when the coverage was or will be paid up. Paid up means that no further premium payments are required based on guaranteed interest and Guaranteed Cost Of Insurance assumptions. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageProvideCashSurrenderValuesIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this coverage plan provides cash surrender values to the policy owner. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePayDividendIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the coverage plan is designed to pay a dividend to the policy holder. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePlanFullNameText | Text | 0..u | A full name, expressed as text, of a plan for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoveragePlanShortNameText | Text | 0..u | An abbreviated or short name, expressed as text, of a plan for this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageProductCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a product category for the coverage, such as life insurance, annuity, supplementary contra. Used to determine policy reserves assembled in exhibits in an annual statement. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageGrandfatheredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the coverage amount has been grandfathered; that is, an exception is allowed because coverage existed prior to a change in terms and conditions. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageSubcontractorsCoveredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not subcontractors are covered by this coverage. | D08A |
BCC | CoverageFeeTreatmentCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying how fees are treated for this coverage, such as in addition to limit amount, within limit amount. | D09B.1 |
BCC | CoverageBlanketLimitationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a blanket limitation applies to this coverage. | D14B |
BCC | CoverageLimitationPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The maximum percentage of the standard coverage limits that will be applicable under this coverage. | D14B |
BCC | CoverageExtendedPerilCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the protection against extended perils under this coverage. | D14B |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedStatus | Status | 0..1 | The status specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedAddOnCoverage | AddOnCoverage | 0..u | An add on coverage specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedDeductible | Deductible | 0..u | A deductible that is specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageApplicableCoverageLimit | CoverageLimit | 0..u | A coverage limit applicable to this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedInsuranceBenefits | InsuranceBenefits | 0..u | Insurance benefits specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedCoverageSurrender | CoverageSurrender | 0..u | A surrender coverage specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedCoverageLifeFactor | CoverageLifeFactor | 0..u | A coverage life factor specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageExcludedCoverageOption | CoverageOption | 0..u | A coverage option that is excluded from this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageIncludedCoverageOption | CoverageOption | 0..u | A coverage option that is included in this coverage and may or may not result in additional premium. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedCoverageValuation | CoverageValuation | 0..u | A coverage valuation specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageAccumulatedExcessPremiumAmountToDate | AmountToDate | 0..1 | The amount to date for the accumulated excess premium for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageAllocatedPremiumAmountToDate | AmountToDate | 0..1 | The amount to date allocated premium for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageDeductedCOIChargeBaseAmountToDate | AmountToDate | 0..1 | The amount to date deducted Cost of Insurance (COI) charge base for this coverage. This includes the base coverage and any coverage that supplements or adjusts the coverage amount for the primary insured. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageGuaranteedCOIChargeAmountToDate | AmountToDate | 0..1 | The amount to date guaranteed Cost of Insurance (COI) charge for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageInterestEarnedAmountToDate | AmountToDate | 0..1 | The amount to date interest earned for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoveragePremiumPaidAmountToDate | AmountToDate | 0..1 | The amount to date premium paid for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageAccumulatedTargetPremiumAmountToDate | AmountToDate | 0..1 | The amount to date accumulated target premium for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageExtensionPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The extension period added to the normal duration of this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedClaimsMadePolicy | ClaimsMadePolicy | 0..1 | The claims made policy specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageApplicableStandardConditions | StandardConditions | 0..u | Standard conditions applicable to this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageIncludedDriverCoverageLimitation | DriverCoverageLimitation | 0..u | A driver coverage limitation that is included by this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageExcludedDriverCoverageLimitation | DriverCoverageLimitation | 0..u | A driver coverage limitation that is excluded from this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedClause | Clause | 0..u | A clause that is specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageApplicableCurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecord | CurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecord | 0..1 | The current coverage claim free record applicable to this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageCoveredObjectPermittedUsage | PermittedUsage | 0..u | A permitted usage of a covered object for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedUnderInsured | UnderInsured | 0..1 | The under insured details specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedTemporaryInsuranceAgreement | TemporaryInsuranceAgreement | 0..u | A temporary insurance agreement specified for this coverage. | D08A |
ASCC | CoverageRelatedClaimAmountBreakdown | ClaimAmountBreakdown | 0..u | A claim amount breakdown related to this coverage. | D10A |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedGrossPremium | GrossPremium | 0..1 | The gross premium specified for this coverage. | D14B |
ASCC | CoverageSpecifiedFormDocument | Document | 0..1 | The document specified as the form used for this coverage. | D14B |
ASCC | CoverageSubordinateCoverage | Coverage | 0..u | A coverage that is subordinate to this coverage. | D14B |
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in ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedCrew TransportMeansSpecifiedCrew |
ACC | Crew | Occ | A body or a class of people who work at a common activity, generally in a structured or hierarchical organization. | D15A | |
BCC | CrewTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of crew. | D15A |
BCC | CrewSizeQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A size, expressed as a quantity, of this crew. | D15A |
BCC | CrewMemberQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of members in this crew. | D15A |
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in ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedCrimeUnderwriting |
ACC | CrimeUnderwriting | Occ | The process of insuring against the risk of burglary, theft and robbery. | D09A | |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingPropertyDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the property, such as merchandise or stock, for this crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingMaximumPropertyValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The maximum monetary value of the property for this crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingBusinessHoursStartTime | Time | 0..1 | The time business hours start for crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingBusinessHoursCloseTime | Time | 0..1 | The time business hours close for crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingAverageEmployeesOnDutyQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The average number of employees on duty during business hours for crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingChequeStampedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not all cheques are stamped "For Deposit Only" for crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingDepositFrequencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the frequency of deposits required for crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingNightDepositIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a night depository is used, required for crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingLastAnnualGrossSalesAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the total annual gross sales or receipts for the last fiscal year required for crime underwriting. | D09A |
BCC | CrimeUnderwritingOpenAllDayIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the business is open 24 hours per day, required for crime underwriting. | D14B |
ASCC | CrimeUnderwritingAffectingMessengerProtection | MessengerProtection | 0..1 | The protection for a messenger affecting this crime underwriting. | D14B |
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in ASCC | AgriculturalProcessUsedCropInput |
ACC | CropInput | Occ | An organic or inorganic substance applied to soil or a crop to improve crop quality. | D08A | |
BCC | CropInputIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of this crop input. | D08A |
BCC | CropInputTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of crop input. | D08A |
BCC | CropInputDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this crop input. | D08A |
BCC | CropInputWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the weight (mass) of this crop input. | D08A |
BCC | CropInputVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the volume of this crop input. | D08A |
ASCC | CropInputSpecifiedBatch | Batch | 0..u | A batch specified for this crop input. | D08A |
ASCC | CropInputComponentChemical | Chemical | 0..u | A chemical which is a component of this crop input, such as a mineral element. | D08A |
ASCC | CropInputSupplierParty | Party | 0..u | A party that supplies this crop input. | D08A |
ASCC | CropInputApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this crop input. | D08A |
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in ASCC | CropSpecifiedCropMixtureConstituent |
ACC | CropMixtureConstituent | Occ | A plant species or variety constituting part of a crop mixture. | D17A | |
BCC | CropMixtureConstituentProportionPercent | Percent | 0..u | A percent of the proportion of this crop mixture constituent. | D17A |
ASCC | CropMixtureConstituentSpecifiedCrop | Crop | 0..u | A crop specified for this crop mixture constituent. | D17A |
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in ASCC | SoilOccupationSpecifiedCropProductionCycle |
ACC | CropProductionCycle | Occ | A series of events in the production of a crop. | D08A | |
BCC | CropProductionCycleSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A sequence number for this crop production cycle. | D08A |
BCC | CropProductionCycleStartDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value of the start of the crop production cycle. | D08A |
BCC | CropProductionCycleEndDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value of the end of the crop production cycle. | D08A |
BCC | CropProductionCycleYearDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date value specified as a year for the crop production cycle. | D08A |
ASCC | CropProductionCycleApplicableAgriculturalProcess | AgriculturalProcess | 0..u | An agricultural process applicable to this crop production cycle. | D08A |
ASCC | CropProductionCycleApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this crop production cycle. | D08A |
ASCC | CropProductionCycleUsedArea | Area | 0..u | An area used for this crop production cycle. | D08A |
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in ASCC | ProcessAppliedCropProtectionTreatment |
ACC | CropProtectionTreatment | Occ | A method or substance. such as chemical fertilizers and crop protection products, applied to plant growth whilst managing and controlling diseases and pests. | D21A | |
BCC | CropProtectionTreatmentIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of this crop protection treatment. | D21A |
BCC | CropProtectionTreatmentTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of crop protection treatment. | D21A |
BCC | CropProtectionTreatmentDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this crop protection treatment. | D21A |
ASCC | CropProtectionTreatmentUsedMaterial | Material | 0..u | Material used for this crop protection treatment. | D21A |
ASCC | CropProtectionTreatmentApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this crop protection treatment. | D21A |
ASCC | CropProtectionTreatmentApplicableCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate applicable to this crop protection treatment. | D21A |
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in ASCC | SoilOccupationPreviousCropResidue |
ACC | CropResidue | Occ | Material that is left after the crop has been harvested or processed. | D08A | |
BCC | CropResidueTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of crop residue. | D08A |
BCC | CropResidueWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the weight (mass) of this crop residue. | D08A |
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in ASCC | AgriculturalProcessSpecifiedCropStage |
ACC | CropStage | Occ | A point or step in a process or development of a crop. | D08A | |
BCC | CropStageTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of crop stage, such as phenological growth stage. | D08A |
BCC | CropStageDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this crop stage. | D08A |
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ACC | Crop | Occ | One or more cultivated plants or produce from one or more plant species or varieties. | D08A | |
BCC | CropBotanicalSpeciesCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a botanical species for this crop. | D08A |
BCC | CropSowingPeriodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a sowing period for this crop, such as spring or winter. | D08A |
BCC | CropPurposeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a purpose for this crop. | D08A |
BCC | CropPlantingReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a planting reason for this crop. | D08A |
BCC | CropDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description for this crop. | D11A |
BCC | CropDevelopmentStageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a development stage for this crop. | D11A |
BCC | CropBotanicalIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A botanical identification for this crop. | D12B |
BCC | CropBotanicalGenusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a botanical genus for this crop. | D12B |
BCC | CropBotanicalSpeciesVarietyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a botanical species variety for this crop. | D12B |
BCC | CropClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a classification for this crop. | D12B |
BCC | CropCultivationTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of cultivation for this crop. | D12B |
BCC | CropPropagationMaterialIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not a crop is propagation material. | D12B |
BCC | CropSizeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the size of this crop. | D12B |
BCC | CropBotanicalNameText | Text | 0..u | A botanical name, expressed as text, for this crop. | D14A |
BCC | CropCultivationCoverageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of cultivation coverage, such as glass, for this crop. | D14A |
BCC | CropCultivationMediumCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of cultivation medium, such as substrate, for this crop. | D14A |
BCC | CropCultivationContainerCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of cultivation container, such as a pot or an iron cabinet, for this crop. | D14A |
BCC | CropHarvestDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for the harvest of this crop. | D14A |
BCC | CropStageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a stage of this crop. | D17A |
BCC | CropClassNameText | Text | 0..u | A class name, expressed as text, for this crop. | D17A |
BCC | CropPeriodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a period for this crop. | D17A |
BCC | CropEnvironmentCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the environment, such as production, aerial, stress, for this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropSownSpeciesVariety | SpeciesVariety | 0..u | A sown species variety for this crop. | D08A |
ASCC | CropPreviousCrop | Crop | 0..u | A previous crop related to this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropSpecifiedCropMixtureConstituent | CropMixtureConstituent | 0..u | A crop mixture constituent specified for this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropSpecifiedObservationResult | ObservationResult | 0..u | An observation result specified for this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropSpecifiedCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic specified for this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropGrownPlot | Plot | 0..u | A plot where this crop is grown. | D17A |
ASCC | CropHarvestedProduce | Produce | 0..u | Produce harvested from this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropSpecifiedAgronomicalObservation | AgronomicalObservation | 0..u | An agronomical observation specified for this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropApplicableAgriculturalProcess | AgriculturalProcess | 0..u | An agricultural process applicable for this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropAppliedAgriculturalApplication | AgriculturalApplication | 0..u | An agricultural application applied to this crop. | D17A |
ASCC | CropSpecifiedWeatherCondition | WeatherCondition | 0..u | A weather condition specified for this crop. | D17A |
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ACC | CurrencyExchange | Occ | The conversion of one currency to another. | D06A | |
BCC | CurrencyExchangeSourceCurrencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the source currency of a currency conversion. | D06A |
BCC | CurrencyExchangeSourceUnitBasisNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The numeric unit basis of the source currency used in the currency exchange rate calculation. | D06A |
BCC | CurrencyExchangeTargetCurrencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the target currency of a currency conversion. | D06A |
BCC | CurrencyExchangeTargetUnitBaseNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The numeric unit basis of the target currency used in the currency exchange rate calculation. | D06A |
BCC | CurrencyExchangeMarketIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the currency exchange market from which the exchange rate is taken. | D06A |
BCC | CurrencyExchangeConversionRate | Rate | 0..1 | The rate factor used for conversion from the source currency to the target currency. | D06A |
BCC | CurrencyExchangeConversionRateDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the conversion rate for this currency exchange. | D06A |
BCC | CurrencyExchangeRateTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of rate for this currency exchange. | D08A |
ASCC | CurrencyExchangeApplicableContract | Contract | 0..u | Contract information applicable to this currency exchange. | D06A |
ASCC | CurrencyExchangeReferencedDocument | Document | 0..u | A referenced document for this currency exchange. | D08B |
ASCC | CurrencyExchangeAssociatedDocument | Document | 0..u | An associated document for this currency exchange. | D16A.1 |
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in ASCC | CoverageApplicableCurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecord |
ACC | CurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecord | Occ | Information based upon claims history that is used in a premium pricing mechanism for the current coverage. | D08A | |
BCC | CurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecordClaimCountQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of claims on which a claim free record level code is based. | D08A |
BCC | CurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecordPeriodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the period of coverage for the current policy to which the claim free record applies, e.g. actual year, previous year, two years ago. | D08A |
ASCC | CurrentCoverageClaimFreeRecordSpecifiedClaimFreeRecord | ClaimFreeRecord | 0..1 | The claim free record specified for this current coverage claim free record. | D08A |
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in ASCC | AccountsReceivableInsuranceFactorSpecifiedCustody BusinessProfileSpecifiedCustody MachineSpecifiedCustody |
ACC | Custody | Occ | The control and care of a person or property. | D17A | |
BCC | CustodyAverageAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The average monetary value for this custody. | D17A |
BCC | CustodyMaximumAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The maximum monetary value for this custody. | D17A |
ASCC | CustodySpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified for this custody. | D17A |
ASCC | CustodySpecifiedPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period specified for this custody. | D17A |
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in ASCC | PriceApplicableCustomerClass TravelProductApplicableCustomerClass |
ACC | CustomerClass | Occ | The conditions and requirements of the type of person who may use or purchase a product. | D09A | |
BCC | CustomerClassCategoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the category of a customer class, such as adult or child. | D09A |
BCC | CustomerClassCategoryNameText | Text | 0..1 | The category name, expressed as text, of a customer class. | D09A |
BCC | CustomerClassUpperAgeLimitNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The upper age limit in number of years for the category of a customer class. | D09A |
BCC | CustomerClassLowerAgeLimitNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The lower age limit in number of years for the category of a customer class. | D09A |
BCC | CustomerClassGenderCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the gender in a customer class. | D09A |
BCC | CustomerClassMealServiceCategoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the meal service category for a customer class. | D09A |
BCC | CustomerClassSpecialBeddingServiceOfferedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not special bedding service is offered for a customer class. | D09A |
BCC | CustomerClassDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of a customer class. | D09A |
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in ASCC | ConsignmentItemApplicableCustomsProcedure ConsignmentAssociatedCustomsProcedure RegulatoryProcedureSpecifiedCustomsProcedure TransportMovementRelatedCustomsProcedure |
ACC | CustomsProcedure | Occ | Any procedure based on the World Customs Organization (WCO) Kyoto Convention and related to the border crossing of internationally traded goods. | D08A | |
BCC | CustomsProcedureTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedurePreviousProcedureCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a procedure which has been completed prior to this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureGoodsStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status of goods for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureRequestOverrideCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a request, including a reason, to override previously submitted information for this customs procedure, such as due to an error condition. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureGuaranteeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying an undertaking given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure that an obligation will be fulfilled for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureGuaranteeText | Text | 0..1 | The undertaking, expressed as text, given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee to ensure that an obligation will be fulfilled for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureTransactionNatureCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the nature of a transaction for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureValuationBasisAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the basis on which the valuation is, or will be, calculated for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureTotalConsignmentValueAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The total monetary value for customs purposes of a consignment of goods whether or not all of the goods are subject to the same customs procedure or have the same tariff/statistical heading, country information and duty regime. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureTariffQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A tariff quantity, used for the calculation of duty, under this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureTariffDeductionQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity to be deducted from the tariff quantity for the calculation of duty under this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedurePerformanceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value on which this customs procedure was, or will be, performed. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureDeclarantAssignedDeclarationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of a customs declaration relating to this customs procedure as assigned by the declarant. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureExportLicenseControlClassificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the export licence classification for control purposes relevant to this customs procedure, such as per the Wassenaar agreement concerning trade in weapons and dual-use goods and technologies. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureControlStartDateConfirmationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the start date of a control has been confirmed for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureControlRequirementIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a control is required for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureDutyPayableAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the duty payable for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureOtherChargesPayableAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of all other charges payable for this customs procedure. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureTotalPayableAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the total payable for this customs procedure including duty and other charges. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsProcedureInformationText | Text | 0..u | Information, expressed as text, for this customs procedure. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsProcedureTariffQuotaIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of a tariff quota for this customs procedure. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsProcedureDeferredPaymentMethodIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the total payable for this customs procedure will be made by the deferred payment method. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsProcedureControlResultText | Text | 0..u | A control result, expressed as text, for this customs procedure. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsProcedureOriginCriteriaText | Text | 0..1 | The origin criteria, expressed as text, for this customs procedure. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsProcedureControlDurationMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A control duration measure of time for this customs procedure, such as the number of days or hours. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsProcedureAmendmentReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a reason for an amendment to this customs procedure. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsProcedureSubordinateCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a subordinate category for this customs procedure. | D08B |
ASCC | CustomsProcedurePreviousDocument | Document | 0..u | A previous document related to this customs procedure. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureAdditionalDocument | Document | 0..u | An additional document relevant to this customs procedure. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureConsignmentCustomsValuation | CustomsValuation | 0..1 | The customs valuation of the consignment of goods subject to this customs procedure. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureApplicableTax | Tax | 0..u | A tax, levy or duty applicable to this customs procedure. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureEntryCustomsOfficeLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of the customs office at which the goods subject to this customs procedure will enter, or have entered, the customs territory of entry. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureExitCustomsOfficeLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of the customs office at which the goods subject to this customs procedure leave or are intended to leave the customs territory of exit. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureTransitCustomsOfficeLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of the customs office which is responsible for transit formalities en route for the goods which are subject to this customs procedure. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureTransitReleaseCustomsOfficeLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of the customs office at which the goods subject to this customs procedure are released, or have been released, from a customs transit regime. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureDeclarationLodgementLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location at which a declaration has been lodged for this customs procedure. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedurePaymentOfficeLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of a customs office at which a payment relevant to this customs procedure is to be, or has been, made. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureStatementNote | Note | 0..u | A statement note for this customs procedure. | D08A |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureSpecifiedFinancialAccount | FinancialAccount | 0..u | A financial account specified for this customs procedure. | D08B |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureReportedStatus | Status | 0..u | A status reported for this customs procedure. | D08B |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureExemptionClaimantParty | Party | 0..u | A party who claims an exemption from this customs procedure. | D08B |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureConsignmentDestinationLocation | Location | 0..u | A consignment destination location for this customs procedure. | D08B |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureExportCustomsOfficeLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of the responsible customs office for export formalities for the goods which are subject to this customs procedure. | D08B |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureImportCustomsOfficeLocation | Location | 0..1 | The location of the responsible customs office for import formalities for the goods which are subject to this customs procedure. | D08B |
ASCC | CustomsProcedureApplicableCurrencyExchange | CurrencyExchange | 0..1 | The applicable currency exchange for this customs procedure. | D08B |
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ACC | CustomsValuation | Occ | An assessment of the worth of an object, such as its monetary value, for customs purposes. | D08A | |
BCC | CustomsValuationAdjustmentAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of an adjustment for this customs valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsValuationAdjustmentPercent | Percent | 0..u | An adjustment, expressed as a percentage, for this customs valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsValuationMethodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the method by which the customs valuation has been, or will be, determined. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsValuationWTOAdditionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying any additions necessary under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Valuation Agreement used for the assessment of this customs valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsValuationChargeApportionMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the method of the apportion of charges for this customs valuation. | D08A |
BCC | CustomsValuationBuyerSellerRelationshipPriceInfluenceIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the buyer seller relationship influences the price of the goods for this customs valuation. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsValuationSaleRestrictionIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is any restriction imposed on the sale of the goods for this customs valuation. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsValuationSalePriceConditionIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is any condition imposed on the sale price of the goods for this customs valuation. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsValuationRoyaltyLicenseFeeIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is any royalty or licence fee related to the goods for this customs valuation. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsValuationOtherChargeAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value added or subtracted from the total invoice price not previously taken into account for this customs valuation. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsValuationBuyerSellerRelationshipIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is a relationship between the buyer and the seller, such as a financial relationship. | D08B |
BCC | CustomsValuationChargeTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of charge for this customs valuation. | D10A |
BCC | CustomsValuationFreightChargeAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of a freight charge for this customs valuation, such as the costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. | D10A |
BCC | CustomsValuationTotalExportExitToImportEntryAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value of the total charge or charges of freight, insurance and all other costs and expenses calculated from the export exit location to the import entry location for this customs valuation. | D10A |
BCC | CustomsValuationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of customs valuation. | D10A |
BCC | CustomsValuationSaleRestrictionText | Text | 0..u | A restriction, expressed as text, imposed on the sale of the goods for this customs valuation. | D18A |
ASCC | CustomsValuationApplicableCurrencyExchange | CurrencyExchange | 0..1 | The currency exchange applicable to this customs valuation. | D08B |
ASCC | CustomsValuationLoadingEvent | Event | 0..u | A loading event referred to in this customs valuation. | D10A |
ASCC | CustomsValuationGoodsPaymentTerms | PaymentTerms | 0..1 | The terms and conditions by which payment has been or will be made for the goods which are subject to this customs valuation. | D10A |
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in ASCC | LossObjectDamageArea VehicleSpecifiedDamageArea |
ACC | DamageArea | Occ | A specific part of an object that has lost its original capability or condition, such as after an accident. | D10A | |
BCC | DamageAreaPositionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the position of the damage area, such as front of vehicle, back of vehicle. | D10A |
BCC | DamageAreaPositionDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the position of the damage area. | D10A |
BCC | DamageAreaSeverityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the severity of damage for the damage area. | D10A |
BCC | DamageAreaDamageTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of damage to the damage area. | D17A |
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in ASCC | NotificationConcernedDamage |
ACC | Damage | Occ | Loss or harm to persons, animals or the environment resulting from one or more hazards. | D13B | |
BCC | DamageSeverityIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this damage is severe. | D13B |
BCC | DamageAffectedSubjectCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying subjects affected by this damage, such as environment, animal health or human health. | D13B |
BCC | DamageSeverityJustificationText | Text | 0..u | A severity justification, expressed as text, for this damage. | D13B |
BCC | DamageAffectedCaseNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A number of affected cases for this damage. | D13B |
BCC | DamageSymptomText | Text | 0..u | Symptoms, expressed as text, for this damage. | D13B |
ASCC | DamageObservedHealthHazard | HealthHazard | 0..u | A health hazard observed in relation to this damage. | D13B |
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ACC | DangerousGoods | Occ | A hazardous or non-hazardous substance which may pose risks to people and/or the environment for which the transportation is regulated by dangerous goods regulations. | D07B | |
BCC | DangerousGoodsUNDGIdentificationCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the unique United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) number assigned to the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsRegulatoryAuthorityNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, for the regulatory authority for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsRegulationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a regulation applicable to the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsRegulationNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for a regulation of the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsTechnicalNameText | Text | 0..u | A technical name, expressed as text, for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsInformationText | Text | 0..u | Textual information for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsEMSIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique transport emergency procedure (EMS) identifier applicable for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsTREMIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique TRansport EMergency (TREM) card identifier for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsUpperPartOrangeHazardPlacardIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique upper part of the orange hazard placard identifier for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsLowerPartOrangeHazardPlacardIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique lower part of the orange hazard placard identifier of the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsMFAGIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG) identifier for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsPackagingDangerLevelCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the packaging danger level for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsMarkingIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the marking of the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsPackingInstructionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of packing instruction for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsPollutantLevelCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the level of pollution of the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsGrossWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the weight (mass) of these dangerous goods including packaging but excluding transport equipment. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsHazardTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of hazard for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsHazardClassificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this hazard classification for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsHazardClassVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the version of a hazard class for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsGrossVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height of the dangerous goods. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsPollutantIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not the dangerous goods have a pollutant content. | D07B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsNetWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the net weight of these dangerous goods. | D08A |
BCC | DangerousGoodsSubsidiaryRiskIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The subsidiary risk identifier for these dangerous goods. | D08B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsRemarkText | Text | 0..u | A remark, expressed as text, for these dangerous goods. | D08B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsMarkingText | Text | 0..u | Marking, expressed as text, for these dangerous goods. | D08B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsProperShippingNameText | Text | 0..1 | The proper shipping name, expressed as text, for the dangerous goods, such as chemical kit. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DangerousGoodsCompatibilityGroupCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the compatibility group for the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DangerousGoodsReportableQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The reportable quantity for the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DangerousGoodsTunnelRestrictionCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the tunnel restriction for the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DangerousGoodsSpecialProvisionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the special provision for the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DangerousGoodsCategoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the category for the dangerous goods, such as I-White, II-Yellow or III-Yellow. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DangerousGoodsIMDGSegregationGroupCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods regulation) segregation group for the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DangerousGoodsQ-ValueNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of the Q-Value for the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DangerousGoodsLimitedQuantityCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying facilitations for transport of limited quantities of these dangerous goods. | D10A |
BCC | DangerousGoodsPackageTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the package type for the dangerous goods. | D10A |
BCC | DangerousGoodsPollutantTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of pollutant for these dangerous goods. | D21B |
BCC | DangerousGoodsRadioactiveIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indicator of whether or not these dangerous goods are radioactive. | D21B |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsTransportExpertContact | Contact | 0..u | A transport expert contact for the dangerous goods. | D07B |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsEmergencyContact | Contact | 0..u | A person or department to be contacted in the event of any emergency related to the dangerous goods. | D07B |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsFlashpointTemperatureMeasurement | Measurement | 0..u | A measurement of the flashpoint temperature of the dangerous goods. | D07B |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsTransportedHazardousMaterial | HazardousMaterial | 0..u | A hazardous material transported in the dangerous goods. | D07B |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsControlTemperatureMeasurement | Measurement | 0..u | A measurement of the control temperature of the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsEmergencyTemperatureMeasurement | Measurement | 0..u | A measurement of the emergency temperature of the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsRadioactiveMaterial | Material | 0..u | A radioactive material in the dangerous goods. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsHandlingInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Handling instructions for the dangerous goods. | D10A |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsAssociatedTransportEquipment | TransportEquipment | 0..u | Transport equipment associated with the dangerous goods. | D10A |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsSpecifiedPackage | Package | 0..u | A package specified for these dangerous goods. | D18B |
ASCC | DangerousGoodsStatedCondition | Condition | 0..u | A stated condition of these dangerous goods. | D21B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | DataBackup | Occ | Information relating to media and data backup practices. | D17A | |
BCC | DataBackupFrequencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the frequency of data backup. | D17A |
ASCC | DataBackupSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified for this data backup. | D17A |
ASCC | DataBackupSpecifiedParty | Party | 0..u | A party specified for this data backup. | D17A |
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in ASCC | DataNodeSubordinateDataNode DataSetContainedDataNode HierarchicalStructureComponentDataNode ReportingThresholdAppliedDataNode |
ACC | DataNode | Occ | A single element or node within a data structure, usually a hierarchical structure. | D07A | |
BCC | DataNodeIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this data node. | D07A |
BCC | DataNodeNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this data node. | D07A |
BCC | DataNodeDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this data node. | D07A |
BCC | DataNodeHierarchicalLevelNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A number (integer) representing how deeply nested within the hierarchical tree structure the data node lies. For example, level 1 may mean it is a top level node, and level 4 may mean that there are three levels of nodes above this node in the tree. | D07A |
BCC | DataNodeCalculationMethodCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a calculation method for this data node. | D07A |
BCC | DataNodeSummaryExclusionIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not the values within this data node should be excluded from summaries at a higher level. | D07A |
BCC | DataNodeSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A number representing the sequence of this data node among all other data nodes at the same level in the hierarchical tree. | D07A |
BCC | DataNodePlanningLevelCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the planning level of this data node. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DataNodeCompletionPercent | Percent | 0..u | A percent of the completion of this data node. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DataNodeVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this data node. | D14A |
BCC | DataNodeValueText | Text | 0..u | A value, expressed as text, for this data node. | D14A |
BCC | DataNodeTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type for this data node. | D14A |
ASCC | DataNodeSubordinateDataNode | DataNode | 0..u | A data node that is subordinate to this data node. | D07A |
ASCC | DataNodeEffectivePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period of time for which this data node is effective. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DataNodeValueBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A value, expressed in a binary file, for this data node . | D15A |
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in ASCC | ProductIncludedDataSet SurveyIncludedDataSet |
ACC | DataSet | Occ | A collection of data, usually presented in tabular form. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | DataSetIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this data set. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DataSetDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description for this data set. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DataSetRawDataIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this data set is raw data. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DataSetOriginText | Text | 0..u | An origin, expressed as text, of this data set. | D14A |
BCC | DataSetNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this data set. | D14A |
ASCC | DataSetSpecifiedVersion | Version | 0..u | A version specified for this data set. | D14A |
ASCC | DataSetContainedDataNode | DataNode | 0..u | A data node contained in this data set. | D14A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | DataStructure | Occ | A collection of metadata concepts, their structure and usage, when used to collect or disseminate data. | D12A | |
ASCC | DataStructureManagerMaintainableArtefact | MaintainableArtefact | 0..1 | The maintainable artefact which manages the maintenance of this data structure. | D12A |
ASCC | DataStructureSpecifiedStatisticalDimensionSet | StatisticalDimensionSet | 0..1 | The set of statistical dimensions specified for this data structure. | D12A |
ASCC | DataStructureSpecifiedStatisticalDimensionGroup | StatisticalDimensionGroup | 0..u | A group of statistical dimensions specified for this data structure. | D12A |
ASCC | DataStructureSpecifiedStatisticalAttributeSet | StatisticalAttributeSet | 0..1 | The set of statistical attributes specified for this data structure. | D12A |
ASCC | DataStructureSpecifiedStatisticalMeasureSet | StatisticalMeasureSet | 0..1 | The set of statistical measures specified for this data structure. | D12A |
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in ASCC | ProcessedEntitySpecifiedDayBook |
ACC | DayBook | Occ | A book in which the debits and credits which occur day by day are set down. These are ultimately sorted into the ledger. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | DayBookIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this day book. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DayBookCommentText | Text | 0..1 | The comment, expressed as text, for this day book. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DayBookSpecifiedAccountingPeriod | AccountingPeriod | 0..u | An accounting period specified for this day book. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DayBookIncludedAccountingVoucher | AccountingVoucher | 0..u | An accounting voucher included in this day book. | D10A |
ASCC | DayBookIncludedAccountingJournal | AccountingJournal | 0..u | An accounting journal included in this day book. | D16B |
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in ASCC | InsurancePolicyUnderwritingDataUpdatedDeclarationRequirement |
ACC | DeclarationRequirement | Occ | A set of periodic declarations that have to be made, such as against an insurance policy or coverage to declare updated underwriting data. | D09A | |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of this declaration requirement. | D09A |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementItemTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying a type of item that is required in this declaration, such as turnover, number of employees, or fire system inspection. | D09A |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementSubmissionTolerancePeriodMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the submission tolerance period for this declaration requirement. | D09A |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementChannelCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the channel used to fulfil this declaration requirement. | D14B |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the method used to fulfil this declaration requirement. | D14B |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementObligationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of obligation to fulfil this declaration requirement. | D14B |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementRenderedToCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the party to whom this declaration requirement has to be rendered. | D14B |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementSourceCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the source of this declaration requirement. | D14B |
BCC | DeclarationRequirementStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the status of this declaration requirement, such as estimated, final or correction. | D14B |
ASCC | DeclarationRequirementAuditingParty | Party | 0..u | A party performing the auditing for this declaration requirement. | D14B |
ASCC | DeclarationRequirementSpecifiedDeclarationSchedule | DeclarationSchedule | 0..1 | The declaration schedule specified for this declaration requirement. | D09A |
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in ASCC | DeclarationRequirementSpecifiedDeclarationSchedule |
ACC | DeclarationSchedule | Occ | The scheduling of periodic declarations that have to be made, such as against an insurance policy. | D09A | |
BCC | DeclarationScheduleDeclarationRequiredDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the declaration is required to be made for this declaration schedule. | D09A |
BCC | DeclarationScheduleDeclarationRequiredFrequencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the frequency that declarations are required to be made in this declaration schedule, such as monthly, quarterly, six monthly, yearly, every two years. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Declaration | Occ | An act of notification by formal documentation or action, in any form prescribed or accepted, such as a goods declaration to customs. | D10A | |
BCC | DeclarationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this declaration. | D10A |
BCC | DeclarationSpecifiedDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value specified for this declaration. | D10A |
BCC | DeclarationAssociatedDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value associated with this declaration. | D10A |
BCC | DeclarationSpecifiedMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure specified for this declaration. | D10A |
BCC | DeclarationSpecifiedQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity specified for this declaration. | D10A |
BCC | DeclarationSpecifiedAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value specified for this declaration. | D10A |
BCC | DeclarationJurisdictionEntryDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the items which are a subject of this declaration enter a jurisdiction, such as the actual date of arrival of a means of transport. | D10A |
BCC | DeclarationVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The identifier for the version of this declaration, such as a sequential number. | D10A |
BCC | DeclarationTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of declaration, such as a goods declaration or cargo report. | D15A |
BCC | DeclarationProcedureCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a procedure for this declaration. | D15A |
BCC | DeclarationCurrencyExchangeRate | Rate | 0..u | A rate of currency exchange for this declaration. | D15A |
BCC | DeclarationSpecificCircumstanceCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a specific circumstance for this declaration. | D15A |
BCC | DeclarationIssueDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value for the issuance of this declaration. | D15A |
ASCC | DeclarationAssociatedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document associated with the declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationProcessingStatus | Status | 0..u | A processing status of the declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationSpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified for this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationApprovedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location approved in relation to this declaration, such as a facility or establishment approved by a government authority. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationAssociatedParty | Party | 0..u | A party associated with this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationSpecifiedPerson | Person | 0..u | A person specified for this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationApplicableTax | Tax | 0..u | A tax applicable for this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationAuthorizedParty | Party | 0..u | An authorized party for this declaration, such as a party to provide official assurances. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationSpecifiedPackage | Package | 0..u | A package specified in this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationApplicableFee | Fee | 0..u | A fee applicable for this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationApplicableRegulatoryControl | RegulatoryControl | 0..u | A regulatory control applicable to this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationRepresentingDocument | Document | 0..u | A document representing this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationStatementNote | Note | 0..u | A statement note for this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationRequestedService | Service | 0..u | A service requested in this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationReconciliationReason | Reason | 0..u | A reason for a reconciliation process in relation to this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationDeclarantParty | Party | 0..1 | The party acting as the declarant for this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationDeclarantAgentParty | Party | 0..u | A party acting as an agent for the declarant for this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationIncludedTradeTransaction | TradeTransaction | 0..u | A trade transaction included in this declaration. | D10A |
ASCC | DeclarationSubmissionLocation | Location | 0..u | A submission location for this declaration. | D15A |
ASCC | DeclarationApplicableCustomsValuation | CustomsValuation | 0..1 | The customs valuation details applicable to this declaration. | D15A |
ASCC | DeclarationPreviousDocument | Document | 0..u | A previous document for this declaration. | D15A |
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in ASCC | DeductibleSpecifiedDeductibleLimit |
ACC | DeductibleLimit | Occ | The limitation on the amount, quantity or duration of a deductible, and how it is to be applied. | D08A | |
BCC | DeductibleLimitTotalAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The total monetary value of the deductible limit. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitAmountApplicationBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis on which the deductible limit is to be applied, such as per claim, per incident per year. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitBasisDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the basis of the deductible limit. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitTimeUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of time units that make up the deductible limit, such as the number of days, weeks or months. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitThresholdAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary amount of the threshold above which the deductible limit starts to apply. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitMaximumPayableAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary amount of the maximum deductible limit payable when a percentage calculation is involved, such as maximum payable per year for flat rate claims. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitMinimumPayableAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary amount of the minimum deductible limit payable when a percentage calculation is involved. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitTimeUnitThresholdQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The time unit threshold number above which the deductible limit starts to apply, such as the number of hours or days. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitMaximumTimeUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The maximum number of deductible limit time units, expressed in days or hours, when a percentage calculation is involved, maximum per year for flat rate claims. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitMinimumTimeUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The minimum number of deductible limit time units, expressed in days or hours when a percentage calculation is involved. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleLimitApplicationBasisAmountRatePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The application basis amount rate, expressed as a percentage of the deductible limit. | D08A |
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in ASCC | BlanketCoverageApplicableDeductible CoverageSpecifiedDeductible InsurancePolicySpecifiedDeductible |
ACC | Deductible | Occ | A part of the risk that is deducted from a claim before the insurer becomes liable. | D08A | |
BCC | DeductibleTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of deductible. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of this deductible such as a clarification. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleSurplusLineQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of surplus lines that make up the deductible. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleSubjectMatterCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the subject matter for this deductible. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleSubjectMatterText | Text | 0..1 | The subject matter of this deductible, expressed as text. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleCategoryCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the category of the deductible, such as compulsory, voluntary or both. A voluntary deductible normally results in a discount to an insurance premium. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleCalculationBasisCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the basis for the calculation of the deductible, such as flat rate, maximum/minimum, percentage with threshold, flat rate with threshold, percentage. | D08A |
BCC | DeductibleSchemeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the scheme (identification of the deductible or deductible combinations) for this deductible, such as "liability - 1000 Euros for personal damage and 100 Euros for property damage". | D08A |
ASCC | DeductibleSpecifiedDeductibleLimit | DeductibleLimit | 0..u | A deductible limit specified for this deductible. | D08A |
ASCC | DeductibleSpecifiedIndexAdjustment | IndexAdjustment | 0..1 | The index adjustment specified for this deductible. | D14B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Defendant | Occ | A party who is required to answer a legal complaint. | D09A | |
BCC | DefendantClaimApportionmentPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage of the claim that this defendant is expected to contribute to the claimant. | D09A |
ASCC | DefendantSpecifiedAsParty | Party | 0..1 | The party specified as a defendant. | D09A |
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ACC | Deliverable | Occ | Specific goods or services expected to be delivered as the result of a contract award or project. The deliverable, or set of deliverables, can be identified in a request or response for bid, proposal, tender or the like. | D06B | |
BCC | DeliverableClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the classification of deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of the deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for the deliverable. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableOriginCountryNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of the origin country for the deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableProcurementAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the procurement deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableProcurementQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A procurement quantity of the deliverable or each deliverable within a set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableReferenceBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | A binary object that is a reference for this deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableReferenceText | Text | 0..u | A reference, expressed as text, for this deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableSpecificationText | Text | 0..u | A specification, expressed as text, for the deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
BCC | DeliverableVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this deliverable. | D14A |
BCC | DeliverableValuationAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of this deliverable or set of deliverables. | D14A |
ASCC | DeliverableApplicablePeriod | Period | 0..u | An applicable period for the deliverable or set of deliverables. | D06B |
ASCC | DeliverableSupplementaryDeliverable | Deliverable | 0..u | A supplementary deliverable within a set of deliverables. | D06B |
ASCC | DeliverableReferencedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file that is referenced by this deliverable. | D14A |
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in ASCC | ConsignmentSpecifiedDeliveryTerms TradeAgreementApplicableDeliveryTerms |
ACC | DeliveryTerms | Occ | The conditions agreed upon between the parties with regard to the delivery of goods and or services. | D06A | |
BCC | DeliveryTermsDeliveryTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of delivery for these delivery terms such as the INCOTERMS Terms of Delivery. | D06A |
BCC | DeliveryTermsDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of the delivery terms. | D06A |
BCC | DeliveryTermsRiskResponsibilityCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the risk responsibility for these delivery terms. | D06A |
BCC | DeliveryTermsDeclarationCountryRelationshipCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the relationship between a declaration country and the place specified in this delivery terms, such as whether the place is located in the country where a declaration is made, in another member country of the same economic or customs union, or in a third country. | D08A |
BCC | DeliveryTermsFunctionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a function of these delivery terms. | D10A |
BCC | DeliveryTermsDeliveryDiscontinuationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a discontinuation of delivery for this delivery terms. | D18A |
BCC | DeliveryTermsPartialDeliveryAllowedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a partial delivery is allowed for this delivery terms. | D18A |
ASCC | DeliveryTermsRelevantLocation | Location | 0..u | A location relevant for these delivery terms. | D06A |
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in ASCC | TradeLineItemSpecifiedDelivery |
ACC | Delivery | Occ | The action of distributing goods or services to their destination. | D06B | |
BCC | DeliveryDeliveredDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value when the goods or services are or will be delivered for this delivery. | D06B |
BCC | DeliveryDespatchedDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value when the goods or services are or will be despatched for this delivery. | D06B |
BCC | DeliveryDespatchedQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity of goods or services that are or will be despatched for this delivery. | D06B |
BCC | DeliveryBilledQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity of goods or services billed for this delivery. | D06B |
BCC | DeliveryWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a weight for this delivery. | D06B |
BCC | DeliveryUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity of a unit for this delivery, such as a good or service unit. | D06B |
BCC | DeliveryShippingMarksText | Text | 0..u | Shipping marks and numbers, expressed as text, put on the product or package units in this delivery. | D06B |
BCC | DeliveryTaxPointDate | Date | 0..1 | The date on which the supply of goods or services was made or completed for tax purposes for this delivery. | D06B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | DesignRegistration | Occ | The reporting of intellectual property to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or a national organization to protect the design rights. | D09A | |
BCC | DesignRegistrationIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this design registration. | D09A |
BCC | DesignRegistrationRevisionText | Text | 0..u | A revision of the design registration, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | DesignRegistrationEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | An effective date, time, date time, or other date time value of the design registration. | D09A |
BCC | DesignRegistrationNotificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the notification for this design registration. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BuildingApplicableDesign BuildingCompleteDesign BuildingPartialDesign CostApplicableDesign |
ACC | Design | Occ | A document, plan or drawing produced to describe the look and function of something before it is built or made. | D14A | |
BCC | DesignIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this design. | D14A |
BCC | DesignVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this design. | D14A |
BCC | DesignTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of design. | D14A |
BCC | DesignDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this design. | D14A |
BCC | DesignRankingNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A numeric order of the ranking of this design. | D14A |
ASCC | DesignApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this design. | D14A |
ASCC | DesignReferencedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file referenced by this design. | D14A |
ASCC | DesignActualComplexQuantity | ComplexQuantity | 0..u | An actual complex quantity for this design. | D14A |
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ACC | Dimension | Occ | A measure of spatial extent, such as length, breadth or height. | D06A | |
BCC | DimensionValueMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a value for this dimension. | D06A |
BCC | DimensionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of dimension such as thickness, area, or volume. | D06A |
BCC | DimensionDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this dimension. | D06A |
BCC | DimensionWidthMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a width component for this dimension. | D06A |
BCC | DimensionLengthMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a length component for this dimension. | D06A |
BCC | DimensionHeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a height component for this dimension. | D06A |
BCC | DimensionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this dimension. | D06B |
BCC | DimensionDiameterMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a diameter component for this dimension. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DimensionContractualLanguageCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the contractual language for this dimension. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DimensionUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of units with these dimensions. | D10A |
BCC | DimensionVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this dimension. | D14A |
BCC | DimensionDepthMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a depth component for this dimension. | D15A |
ASCC | DimensionComponentDimension | Dimension | 0..u | A dimension that is part of this dimension. | D06B |
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ACC | DirectPositionList | Occ | The list of coordinates for a physical location, expressed as a sequence of direct positions. | D17A | |
BCC | DirectPositionListCoordinateText | Text | 0..1 | The position of a point, expressed as text, using one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point for this direct position list. | D17A |
BCC | DirectPositionListNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the reference for this direct position list. | D17A |
BCC | DirectPositionListCoordinateReferenceDimensionText | Text | 0..u | A coordinate reference dimension, expressed as text, for this direct position list. | D17A |
BCC | DirectPositionListLabelListText | Text | 0..u | An ordered list of labels, expressed as text, for this direct position list. | D17A |
BCC | DirectPositionListCountNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A count for this direct position list. | D17A |
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in ASCC | LinearRingCoordinateDirectPosition |
ACC | DirectPosition | Occ | A physical location described within a coordinate reference system. | D14A | |
BCC | DirectPositionNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the reference for this direct position. | D14A |
BCC | DirectPositionCoordinateReferenceDimensionText | Text | 0..u | A coordinate reference dimension, expressed as text, for this direct position. | D14A |
BCC | DirectPositionLabelListText | Text | 0..u | An ordered list of labels, expressed as text, for this direct position. | D14A |
BCC | DirectPositionCountNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A count for this direct position. | D14A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Directive | Occ | The explicit declaration of compliance to one or more compliance directives inclusive of the exceptions to the compliance. | D09A | |
BCC | DirectiveComplianceCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the compliance for this directive. | D09A |
BCC | DirectiveExemptionText | Text | 0..u | An exemption for this directive, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | DirectiveLegalTypeText | Text | 0..u | A legal type for this directive, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | DirectiveLegalDefinitionText | Text | 0..u | A legal definition for this directive, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | DirectiveNameText | Text | 0..u | A name for this directive, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | DirectiveAcceptanceIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not this directive is accepted. | D09A |
BCC | DirectiveVersionText | Text | 0..u | A version for this directive, expressed as text. | D09A |
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in ASCC | ProductSpecifiedDiscrepancy |
ACC | Discrepancy | Occ | Any deviation or departure from the expected. | D09A | |
BCC | DiscrepancyTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of discrepancy, such as shortage, wrong material or shelf life expired. | D09A |
BCC | DiscrepancyOccurrenceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of the discrepancy. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Disposition | Occ | Action to be taken on records, material or assets at a specified time, such as destruction, recycling, or electronic wiping, reformatting, transferring, or permanent retention. | D09A | |
BCC | DispositionReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the reason for this disposition. | D09A |
BCC | DispositionReasonText | Text | 0..u | A reason for this disposition, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | DispositionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of disposition. | D09A |
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in ASCC | DistributionProfileSpecifiedDistributionProfilePoint |
ACC | DistributionProfilePoint | Occ | A point in time or space within a distribution profile. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | DistributionProfilePointNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this distribution profile point. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DistributionProfilePointAllocationPercent | Percent | 0..u | An allocation percent for this distribution profile point. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | ResourceAssignmentAllocationDistributionProfile |
ACC | DistributionProfile | Occ | A spread curve that defines how an item, such as a resource, is distributed over time or space. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | DistributionProfileIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of this distribution profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DistributionProfileNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this distribution profile. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DistributionProfileDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this distribution profile. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DistributionProfileSpecifiedDistributionProfilePoint | DistributionProfilePoint | 0..u | A distribution profile point specified for this distribution profile. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | CatchSpecifiedDistribution ProductSpecifiedDistribution |
ACC | Distribution | Occ | The way in which something is shared out among a group or spread over an area. | D15B | |
BCC | DistributionCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics within this distribution. | D15B |
BCC | DistributionClassCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a set of things having some property or attribute in common for this distribution. | D15B |
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in ASCC | DocumentFolderIncludedDocumentFolder |
ACC | DocumentFolder | Occ | A directory containing related documents or files. | D14A | |
BCC | DocumentFolderIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this document folder. | D14A |
BCC | DocumentFolderVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this document folder. | D14A |
BCC | DocumentFolderNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this document folder. | D14A |
BCC | DocumentFolderPurposeText | Text | 0..u | A purpose, expressed as text, for this document folder. | D14A |
BCC | DocumentFolderTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of document folder. | D14A |
ASCC | DocumentFolderIncludedDocumentFolder | DocumentFolder | 0..u | A document folder included in this document folder. | D14A |
ASCC | DocumentFolderIncludedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document included in this document folder. | D14A |
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ACC | Document | Occ | A collection of data for a piece of written, printed or electronic matter that provides information or evidence. | D06A | |
BCC | DocumentMultipleTypeIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not a document is an aggregation of different types of business documents. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of document [Reference United Nations Code List (UNCL) 1001]. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this specific document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentPurposeText | Text | 0..u | A purpose, expressed in text, of this document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentIssueDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for an issuance of this document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentSubmissionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value for the formal submission of this document to a receiver by a sender. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentReceiptDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value for the formal receipt of this document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentControlRequirementIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a document has specific control requirements. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentAttachmentBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | A binary object that is attached or otherwise appended to this document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentCreationDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value of a creation of the document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status of a document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentCopyIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the document is a copy. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentResponseDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, date time, time or other date time value for a response to this document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentItemIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of a specific item in this document. | D06A |
BCC | DocumentRemarksText | Text | 0..u | A remark, expressed as text, regarding this document. | D06B |
BCC | DocumentLanguageIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for a language used in this document. | D06B |
BCC | DocumentCurrencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a currency in which monetary amounts are expressed in this document. | D06B |
BCC | DocumentLineCountNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A count of the number of lines in this document. | D06B |
BCC | DocumentLineIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of a line in this document. | D06B |
BCC | DocumentLineStatusCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying a status of a line in this document. | D06B |
BCC | DocumentMultipleReferencesIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this document references multiple other documents. | D07A |
BCC | DocumentProprietaryInformationTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of proprietary information contained within this document. | D07B |
BCC | DocumentRevisionText | Text | 0..u | A revision, expressed as text, for this document. | D07B |
BCC | DocumentAuthorizationText | Text | 0..u | An authorization, expressed as text, for this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentChecksumNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of the checksum for this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentProcessingTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of processing for this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentItemQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity of items in a document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentAcceptanceDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value of the acceptance of this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentOriginalRequiredQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of originals required for this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentCopyRequiredQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of copies required for this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentOriginalIssuedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of originals issued for this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentCopyIssuedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of copies issued for this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentPurposeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the purpose of this document, such as request or reminder. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentInformationText | Text | 0..u | Information, expressed as text, for this document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentRelationshipTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of relationship between this document and another artefact, such as a replacement of an original document. | D08A |
BCC | DocumentAuthenticatedOriginalIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a document is an authenticated original. | D08B |
BCC | DocumentDispositionText | Text | 0..u | A disposition, expressed as text, for this document. | D08B |
BCC | DocumentElectronicPresentationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a document is presented in an electronic format. | D08B |
BCC | DocumentPageIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a page in this document. | D08B |
BCC | DocumentTotalPageQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The total number of pages for this document. | D08B |
BCC | DocumentCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the category of this document. | D08B |
BCC | DocumentLineStatusReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the line status reason of this document. | D08B |
BCC | DocumentRevisionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for the revision of this document. | D08B |
BCC | DocumentRejectionReasonText | Text | 0..u | A reason, expressed as text, for the rejection of this document. | D09A |
BCC | DocumentCancellationReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the reason for the cancellation of this document, such as cancellation due to a change in circumstances invalidating the document, or cancellation due to inadvertent incorrect document content. | D09A |
BCC | DocumentCancellationReasonText | Text | 0..u | A reason, expressed as text, for the cancellation of this document. | D09A |
BCC | DocumentCancellationDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of a cancellation of the document. | D09A |
BCC | DocumentSequenceIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for the sequence of this document. | D09A |
BCC | DocumentResponseTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of response for this document. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentResponseReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a response reason for this document. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentSectionNameText | Text | 0..u | A section name, expressed as text, for this document. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentExternalIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this document which is external to the document itself, such as the document reference number on an envelope. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentFirstVersionIssueDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the first version of this document was issued. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentExaminedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the document has been examined. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentVerifiedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the document has been verified. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentHandwrittenIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this document is handwritten. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentPrintedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the document is printed. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentSignedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the document has been signed. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentSignedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value that the document was signed. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentRequestedDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value when the document is or was requested. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentChannelCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the channel by which the document is sent, such as mail, email, fax. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DocumentSignatureLocationText | Text | 0..u | A geographical location, expressed as text, where the document was or will be signed. | D10A |
BCC | DocumentStatusText | Text | 0..u | A status, expressed as text, for this document. | D10A |
BCC | DocumentIncludedAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value included in this document. | D10A |
BCC | DocumentIncludedQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity included in this document. | D10A |
BCC | DocumentRejectionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the rejection of this document. | D10A |
BCC | DocumentReportCountNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A number of reports within this document. | D12B |
BCC | DocumentResponseCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a response in this document. | D13B |
BCC | DocumentVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this document. | D14A |
BCC | DocumentGeographicalSignatureLocationText | Text | 0..u | A geographical location, expressed as text, where this document was or will be signed. | D14A |
BCC | DocumentSequenceNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A sequence number of this document. | D14A |
BCC | DocumentURIIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of this document. | D14A |
BCC | DocumentApplicationIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not there is an application for this document. | D15A |
BCC | DocumentDecisionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A decision date, time, date time or other date time value for this document. | D15A |
BCC | DocumentMarkerCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a marker in this document. | D15B |
BCC | DocumentReportIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A report identifier for this document. | D15B |
BCC | DocumentUrgencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an urgency of this document. | D18B |
BCC | DocumentSubordinateLineIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a subordinate line of this document. | D18B |
BCC | DocumentPublicationDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for a publication of this document. | D18B |
BCC | DocumentLineStatusReasonText | Text | 0..u | A reason, expressed as text, for the line status in this document. | D18B |
BCC | DocumentTransmissionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value when a document is transmitted. | D19A |
BCC | DocumentTotalAmount | Amount | 0..u | A total monetary value in this document. | D19B |
BCC | DocumentReferenceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A reference date, time, date time or other date time value in this document. | D19B |
BCC | DocumentRatePercent | Percent | 0..u | A rate, expressed as a percent, in this document. | D19B |
BCC | DocumentTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type, expressed as text, for this document. | D19B |
BCC | DocumentSpecifiedQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A quantity specified in this document. | D19B |
BCC | DocumentUrgencyText | Text | 0..u | An urgency, expressed as text, for this document. | D20A |
BCC | DocumentConditionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a condition of this document. | D20B |
BCC | DocumentConditionText | Text | 0..u | A condition, expressed as text, for this document. | D20B |
BCC | DocumentIssueCountNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | An issue count specified for this document. | D20B |
BCC | DocumentTestIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this document is a test. | D21B |
BCC | DocumentUUIDIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) of this document. | D21B |
BCC | DocumentSubtypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a subtype of this document. | D21B |
ASCC | DocumentEffectivePeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period within which this document is effective. | D06A |
ASCC | DocumentAcceptablePeriod | Period | 0..1 | The period within which this document may be accepted. | D06A |
ASCC | DocumentReferenceDocument | Document | 0..u | Other documents referenced by this document. | D06A |
ASCC | DocumentIssuerParty | Party | 0..u | A party that issues this document. | D06A |
ASCC | DocumentOwnerParty | Party | 0..1 | The party that owns this document. | D06A |
ASCC | DocumentJustifiedAccountingEntry | AccountingEntry | 0..u | An accounting entry that is justified by this document. | D08A |
ASCC | DocumentIssueLocation | Location | 0..u | A location where this document has been or may be issued. | D08A |
ASCC | DocumentLodgementLocation | Location | 0..u | A lodgement location of this document. | D08A |
ASCC | DocumentContractualClause | Clause | 0..u | A contractual clause of this document. | D08A |
ASCC | DocumentSignatoryAuthentication | Authentication | 0..u | A signatory authentication for this document. | D08A |
ASCC | DocumentSenderParty | Party | 0..u | A party that sends this document. | D08A |
ASCC | DocumentIncludedNote | Note | 0..u | A note included in this document. | D08A |
ASCC | DocumentRecipientParty | Party | 0..u | A party that receives this document. | D08A |
ASCC | DocumentAgentParty | Party | 0..u | A party representing another party for this document. | D08B |
ASCC | DocumentAcknowledgingOrganization | Organization | 0..u | An organization acknowledging this document. | D09A |
ASCC | DocumentAttachedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file attached to this document. | D09A |
ASCC | DocumentProductionSoftware | Software | 0..1 | The software used for the production of this document. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DocumentReferencedAccountingVoucher | AccountingVoucher | 0..u | An accounting voucher referenced by this document. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DocumentNamedParty | Party | 0..u | A party named in this document. | D10A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedExemption | Exemption | 0..u | An exemption specified for a document. | D10A |
ASCC | DocumentSubmitterParty | Party | 0..1 | The party submitting this document. | D10A |
ASCC | DocumentAuthorizedParty | Party | 0..u | A party authorized to receive the rights or benefits under the terms of this document, such as the licence, permit or certificate. | D10A |
ASCC | DocumentAmendmentChange | Change | 0..u | A change leading to an amendment of this document. | D10A |
ASCC | DocumentContainingBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..1 | The binary file containing this document. | D10A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedArchiveParameter | ArchiveParameter | 0..1 | The archive parameter specified for this document. | D11A |
ASCC | DocumentChangedStatus | Status | 0..u | A changed status of this document. | D14A |
ASCC | DocumentReferencedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file referenced by this document. | D14A |
ASCC | DocumentRelatedQualityAnalysis | QualityAnalysis | 0..u | A quality analysis related to this document. | D14B |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic specified for this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedCrew | Crew | 0..u | A crew specified in this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedTransportCharter | TransportCharter | 0..u | A transport charter specified in this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentApplicablePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period applicable to this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentEntryIntoForcePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period when this document enters into force. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedParty | Party | 0..u | A party specified in this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedQuota | Quota | 0..u | A quota specified in this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location specified in this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentRelatedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document or documents related to this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentRespondentParty | Party | 0..u | A respondent party for this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentRelatedCategory | Category | 0..u | A category related to this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified in this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedTransportMeans | TransportMeans | 0..u | A transport means specified in this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedBatch | Batch | 0..u | A batch specified for this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedStatus | Status | 0..u | A status specified for this document. | D15A |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedActivity | Activity | 0..u | An activity specified in this document. | D15B |
ASCC | DocumentTotalPrice | Price | 0..u | A total price in this document. | D15B |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedFinancialAccount | FinancialAccount | 0..u | A financial account specified in this document. | D19B |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedFinancialInstitution | FinancialInstitution | 0..u | A financial institution specified in this document. | D19B |
ASCC | DocumentRelatedBooking | Booking | 0..u | A booking related to this document. | D19B |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedIdentity | Identity | 0..u | An identity specified in this document. | D19B |
ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | Instructions specified for a document. | D20B |
ASCC | DocumentScopeContext | Context | 0..u | A context scope for this document. | D21B |
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in ASCC | CoverageIncludedDriverCoverageLimitation CoverageExcludedDriverCoverageLimitation |
ACC | DriverCoverageLimitation | Occ | A coverage limitation specifying inclusions or exclusions regarding the drivers for the coverage within a policy. | D08A | |
BCC | DriverCoverageLimitationPermittedCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying who is covered (permitted) to drive, such as insured and spouse or insured and employees. | D08A |
BCC | DriverCoverageLimitationPermittedDriverQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of drivers that are permitted to drive the vehicle. | D08A |
BCC | DriverCoverageLimitationMinimumAgeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A minimum age a driver must have reached in order to be covered. | D08A |
BCC | DriverCoverageLimitationMaximumAgeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A maximum age above which drivers will not be covered. | D08A |
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in ASCC | BusinessProfileSpecifiedDriver IncidentVehicleActualDriver |
ACC | Driver | Occ | A person that operates a vehicle. | D09A | |
BCC | DriverBroadenedPIPAppliesIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not broadened PIP (Personal Injury Protection) applies to this driver. | D09A |
BCC | DriverMajorityDrivingCountrySubdivisionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the country subdivision where the driver most often operates the vehicle, such as a state in the US. | D09A |
BCC | DriverResidenceCountrySubdivisionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the residence country subdivision of the driver. | D09A |
BCC | DriverDefensiveDriverCourseApplicationCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying how an accredited defensive driving course credit may or may not apply. | D09A |
BCC | DriverDrivingValidityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the driving validity of this driver, such as that this driver is intentionally being excluded from coverage or is an unlicensed operator. | D09A |
BCC | DriverGoodDriverIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the driver is considered to be a good driver. | D09A |
BCC | DriverRelationshipToApplicantCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the driver's relationship to the applicant. | D09A |
BCC | DriverYearsDrivingQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of years the driver has been driving. | D09A |
BCC | DriverTrainingCompletionDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date on which the training course was completed. | D09A |
BCC | DriverTrainingCreditIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this driver is eligible for driver training credit. | D09A |
BCC | DriverLicenceSuspensionReasonCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the reason for suspension or revocation of the driver's licence. | D09A |
BCC | DriverDistantStudentIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the driver is a student who is attending a remote school. In the US, this is typically over 100 miles from the primary residence. | D09A |
BCC | DriverExposureClassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the class of exposure for this driver. | D09A |
BCC | DriverDOCCoverageIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not Drive Other Car (DOC) coverage applies to this driver. | D09A |
BCC | DriverHiredDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date this driver was hired by their current employer. | D09A |
BCC | DriverPremiumSurchargeFactorNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The numeric factor for this driver which when multiplied with the base premium gives the adjusted premium. | D09A |
BCC | DriverCommercialDrivingExperienceMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the length of time of commercial driving experience for this driver. | D09A |
BCC | DriverRelationshipToContractHolderCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the driver's relationship to the contract holder. | D09A |
BCC | DriverDrivingDisqualifiedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this driver is disqualified from driving. | D09A |
BCC | DriverBloodTestPerformedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a blood test was performed on this driver. | D09A |
BCC | DriverCoverageRefusedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the driver has ever been refused coverage. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverAccidentIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the driver has previously been involved in a vehicular accident. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverLicenceSuspendedRevokedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the driver has had his license suspended or revoked within the time period specified by the insurer or state. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverVehicleOwnOrPurchaseIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the driver owns or has purchased a vehicle. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverParentLimitationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the parents place any limitations on the young driver. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverResideWithParentIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the young driver resides with a parent or parents. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverTicketReceivedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a traffic ticket has been received by the driver. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverDaysDrivesToSchoolNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of days per week that the driver drives a vehicle to school. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverDaysDrivesToWorkNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of days per week that the driver drives a vehicle to work. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverDistanceOne-WayToSchoolMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the average distance that the driver drives one-way to school. | D09B.1 |
BCC | DriverDistanceOne-WayToWorkMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the average distance that the driver drives one-way to work or a commuting station. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DriverSpecifiedAsParty | Party | 0..1 | The party specified as the driver. | D09A |
ASCC | DriverGoodStudentDrivingCredit | DrivingCredit | 0..1 | Good student driving credit for this driver. | D09A |
ASCC | DriverMatureDriverDrivingCredit | DrivingCredit | 0..1 | Mature driver driving credit for this driver. | D09A |
ASCC | DriverYoungDriverSupplementDocument | Document | 0..1 | The young driver supplement document for this driver. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | DriverApplicableMedicalSupplementForm | MedicalSupplementForm | 0..1 | The medical supplement form applicable to this driver. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | DriverGoodStudentDrivingCredit DriverMatureDriverDrivingCredit |
ACC | DrivingCredit | Occ | A discount given for a motor coverage for a certain qualification of the driver. | D09A | |
BCC | DrivingCreditExpirationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value of the expiration of the driving credit. | D09A |
BCC | DrivingCreditQualificationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the driver qualifies for the driving credit. | D09A |
BCC | DrivingCreditEffectiveDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time, or other date time value on which the Good Student Certificate or other driving credit was effective. | D09A |
BCC | DrivingCreditQualificationDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value on which the driver qualifies for the driving credit. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ECIDReport | Occ | The Electronic Chip Identification (ECID) reporting of specific parameters. | D09A | |
BCC | ECIDReportComponentNumberIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of the component number for this ECID report. | D09A |
BCC | ECIDReportDecodedIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique decoded identifier of this ECID report. | D09A |
BCC | ECIDReportDecoderIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of the decoder for the ECID report. | D09A |
BCC | ECIDReportTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type of ECID report, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | ECIDReportResultBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | A binary object that is a result of this ECID report, such as hexadecimal raw bits. | D09A |
ASCC | ECIDReportComponentCoordinate | Coordinate | 0..u | A coordinate for a component in this ECID report. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BuildingWithinElevator |
ACC | Elevator | Occ | A transport device used to move goods or people vertically from one floor to another. | D09A | |
BCC | ElevatorTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of elevator. | D09A |
BCC | ElevatorTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type of elevator, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | ElevatorCapacityMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the capacity of the elevator, such as 950 pounds. | D09A |
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in ASCC | TransportMeansCertifiedEmission TransportMeansSpecifiedEmission TransportMovementSpecifiedEmission |
ACC | Emission | Occ | Pollution (including noise, heat, and radiation) discharged into the environment by residential, commercial, or industrial facilities or by a means of transport. | D13A | |
BCC | EmissionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of emission. | D13A |
BCC | EmissionDistanceMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A distance over which this emission is measured. | D13A |
BCC | EmissionWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A weight for which this emission is measured. | D13A |
BCC | EmissionPollutionMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the pollution for this emission. | D13A |
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in ASCC | OrganizationSpecifiedEmployeeCount |
ACC | EmployeeCount | Occ | The number of employees of various classifications for a specific time period. | D08A | |
BCC | EmployeeCountUnionIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the employee count applies to union employees. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountFullTimeQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of full time employees. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountPartTimeQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of part time employees. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountSeasonalQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of people employed only on a seasonal basis. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountTemporaryQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of people employed on a temporary basis. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountResignedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of people that left employment on a voluntary basis. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountTerminatedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of people that left employment on an involuntary basis. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountLeasedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of people employed on a leased basis. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountIndependentContractorQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of people employed as independent contractors. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountTotalQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The total number of employees working for an organization. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountExemptQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of exempt employees. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountNon-ExemptQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of non-exempt employees. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountCountrySub-DivisionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the country sub-division to which the employee counts apply, such as state or province. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountCountryIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier of the country to which the employee count applies. | D08A |
BCC | EmployeeCountLocationQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of locations to which the employee count applies. | D08A |
ASCC | EmployeeCountTimespanPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The span of time for which the employee count applies. | D08A |
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in ASCC | EmployeeSpecifiedEmployeeInjuryIllness |
ACC | EmployeeInjuryIllness | Occ | An injury or illness that happens to an employee at work and for which they may be entitled to worker's compensation. | D09A | |
BCC | EmployeeInjuryIllnessWorkBeganTimeDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The time of day that work began for the employee on the day of the injury or illness. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeInjuryIllnessSafeguardDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of any safeguard being used at the time of employee injury or illness. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeInjuryIllnessSafeguardProvidedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not any type of safeguard was provided for this employee injury or illness. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeInjuryIllnessSafeguardUsedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not any safeguard was in use at the time of the employee injury or illness. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeInjuryIllnessSafetyEquipmentProvidedDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of safety equipment provided for this employee injury or illness. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeInjuryIllnessSafetyEquipmentUsedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not any type of safety equipment was in use at the time of the employee injury or illness. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeInjuryIllnessSalaryContinuanceIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not salary continuance applies to this employee injury or illness. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Employee | Occ | A person that works for and is paid a salary by another person or organization. | D09A | |
BCC | EmployeeEmployerAssignedIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique employer assigned identification number for the employee. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeHiredDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date the employee was hired by their current employer. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeHiredCountrySub-DivisionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the country sub-division in which the individual was hired, such as U.S. Postal Service code. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeFullPayDayInjuredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the employee will be paid in full for the day of the injury or illness. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeReportingDepartmentText | Text | 0..1 | The name of the department or division of the company to which the employee reports, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeStartedCurrentJobDateTime | Date Time | 0..1 | The date, time, date time or other date time value on which the employee started their current job. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeEntitledTaxExemptionQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of tax exemptions that the employee is entitled to claim. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeExemptionWithholdingQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of tax exemptions that the employee claims in their withholding information. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeePremiumDeterminingCountrySub-DivisionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the country sub-division whose rating values were used in determining the premium for the employee. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeInsurerContestedClaimIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the employee claim is or ever was contested or disputed by the insurer. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeMedicalRecordReleaseAuthorizationIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is written authorization to release the medical records of the employee. | D09A |
BCC | EmployeeBorrowedDepartmentNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the department or division of the company that borrowed the employee. | D09A |
ASCC | EmployeeSpecifiedAsParty | Party | 0..1 | The party specified as an employee. | D09A |
ASCC | EmployeeSpecifiedEmployeeInjuryIllness | EmployeeInjuryIllness | 0..u | An injury or illness specified for this employee. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Employer | Occ | A person or organization that pays someone to do work on a regular or contractual basis. | D09A | |
BCC | EmployerPayrollRangeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the payroll range of the employer. | D09A |
BCC | EmployerSelf-InsuredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the employer is self-insured, in whole or in part. | D09A |
BCC | EmployerLessorIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the employer is a lessor. | D09A |
BCC | EmployerSpecificProductDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the specific product or products processed or produced by this employer. | D09A |
ASCC | EmployerSpecifiedAsParty | Party | 0..1 | The party specified as an employer. | D09A |
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in ASCC | ContractApplicableEndorsement |
ACC | Endorsement | Occ | A supplementary or official comment on a document which limits or extends its provisions. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | EndorsementPublishingOrganizationCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the organization publishing the standard text of the endorsement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EndorsementIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for the endorsement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EndorsementNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, for this endorsement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EndorsementDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of this endorsement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EndorsementDataAreaContentText | Text | 0..1 | The text entered into the data area of the endorsement. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EndorsementAppliedSequenceText | Text | 0..1 | The sequence, expressed in text, in which this endorsement should be applied, when there is a set of endorsements to be applied. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | MachinePoweringEngine ProductFittedEngine TransportMeansAttachedEngine VehicleInstalledEngine WaterCraftSpecifiedEngine |
ACC | Engine | Occ | A machine with moving parts that converts power into motion. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | EngineTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of engine. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EngineSerialNumberIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique serial number identifier of the engine. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EngineFuelTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of fuel used by the engine. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EnginePowerMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the power produced by the engine, expressed in a unit such as horsepower. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EngineCubicCapacityMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the cubic capacity of the engine. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EngineCylinderQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of cylinders in the engine. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EngineTurboIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the engine is turbo driven. | D09B.1 |
BCC | EngineRoleCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the role of this engine, such as main or secondary. | D14B |
BCC | EnginePowerMeasurementMethodCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the measurement method used for measuring the power of this engine. | D14B |
BCC | EngineManufacturerCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the manufacturer of this engine. | D14B |
BCC | EngineModelText | Text | 0..1 | The model, expressed as a text, of this engine. | D14B |
BCC | EngineManufacturerText | Text | 0..u | A manufacturer, expressed as text, of this engine. | D15A |
ASCC | EngineIllustratePicture | Picture | 0..u | A picture illustrating this engine. | D15A |
ASCC | EngineSpecifiedIdentity | Identity | 0..u | Identifying information specified for this engine. | D15B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | EngineeringInstructions | Occ | The technical data necessary for the processing of a device. | D09A | |
BCC | EngineeringInstructionsExpectedDaysPerLayerNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A number of expected days per layer for these engineering instructions. | D09A |
ASCC | EngineeringInstructionsAttachedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file attached to these engineering instructions. | D09A |
ASCC | EngineeringInstructionsProductPackaging | Packaging | 0..u | Product packaging for these engineering instructions. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | EngineeringResult | Occ | The specific outcome of a defined cycle of steps or measurements in an engineering process. | D09A | |
BCC | EngineeringResultTestCycleDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of the test cycle that produces this engineering result. | D09A |
ASCC | EngineeringResultSpecifiedBinaryFile | BinaryFile | 0..u | A binary file specified for this engineering result. | D09A |
ASCC | EngineeringResultSpecifiedComplexDescription | ComplexDescription | 0..u | A complex description specified for this engineering result. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Envelope | Occ | A structure containing a payload of information. | D21B | |
BCC | EnvelopeVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A version identifier for this envelope. | D21B |
BCC | EnvelopeCustomizationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A customization identifier for this envelope. | D21B |
BCC | EnvelopeProfileIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A profile identifier for this envelope. | D21B |
BCC | EnvelopeProfileExecutionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A profile execution identifier for this envelope. | D21B |
BCC | EnvelopePayloadIncludedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not a payload is included in this envelope. | D21B |
ASCC | EnvelopeMetadataDocument | Document | 0..u | A metadata document for this envelope. | D21B |
ASCC | EnvelopeIncludedPayload | Payload | 0..u | A payload included in this envelope. | D21B |
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in ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedEnvironmentalFactor MachineSpecifiedEnvironmentalFactor |
ACC | EnvironmentalFactor | Occ | An environmental hazard or benefit that may affect an object. Also used to express the distance between the risk object and the environmental hazard or benefit, such as the distance between the risk object and the hazardous or beneficial object. | D09A | |
BCC | EnvironmentalFactorTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of environmental factor, such as trees, gas station, river, hospital, fire station. ground movement, excavation. | D09A |
BCC | EnvironmentalFactorDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the environmental factor, such as trees, gas station, river, hospital, fire station. ground movement or excavation. | D09A |
BCC | EnvironmentalFactorLocationTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of location for this environmental factor, such as adjacent suite, adjacent building. | D09A |
BCC | EnvironmentalFactorLocationDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the location of the environmental factor. | D09A |
BCC | EnvironmentalFactorObjectAtRiskDistanceMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the distance between the object at risk and the environmental factor which affects it. | D09A |
BCC | EnvironmentalFactorExposureTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of exposure for this environmental factor, such as foundation undermining from roots or danger of falling tree. | D09A |
BCC | EnvironmentalFactorTreeSpeciesCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the species of a tree, such as oak or willow, for this environmental factor. | D09A |
BCC | EnvironmentalFactorInsuranceRequestedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not insurance is requested for this environmental factor. | D14B |
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in ASCC | GearAttachedEquipment IOTDeviceInterfaceEquipment |
ACC | Equipment | Occ | A necessary item or object for a particular purpose. | D17B | |
BCC | EquipmentTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of equipment. | D17B |
BCC | EquipmentIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of this equipment. | D20A |
BCC | EquipmentPollingCapabilityIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this equipment has a polling capability. | D20A |
BCC | EquipmentPollingRateMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the polling rate for this equipment. | D20A |
ASCC | EquipmentApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this equipment. | D17B |
ASCC | EquipmentRelatedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event related to this equipment. | D19B |
ASCC | EquipmentManufacturerParty | Party | 0..u | A manufacturer party for this equipment. | D20A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Error | Occ | Something done incorrectly or mistakenly. | D10A | |
BCC | ErrorTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of error, such as a data validation error. | D10A |
BCC | ErrorDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A description, expressed as text, of this error. | D10A |
ASCC | ErrorSpecifiedPointer | Pointer | 0..u | A pointer specified for this error. | D10A |
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in ASCC | EventSpecifiedEventElement |
ACC | EventElement | Occ | A structure for elements of an event. | D15B | |
BCC | EventElementIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this event element. | D15B |
BCC | EventElementUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number, expressed as a quantity, for this event element. | D15B |
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ACC | Event | Occ | A significant occurrence or happening related to a person, animal, object or process. | D06A | |
BCC | EventIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this event. | D06A |
BCC | EventOccurrenceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of an occurrence of this event. | D06A |
BCC | EventTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of event. | D06A |
BCC | EventDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of the event. | D06A |
BCC | EventDescriptionBinaryObject | Binary Object | 0..u | Binary object data such as a photograph describing this event. | D06A |
BCC | EventUnitQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A number of units for this event. | D08A |
BCC | EventRelatedDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value related to this event. | D08B |
BCC | EventFrequencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a frequency for this event. | D09A |
BCC | EventLocationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a location for this event. | D10A |
BCC | EventReasonCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a reason for this event. | D13A |
BCC | EventValueMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of a value for this event. | D13B |
BCC | EventVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this event. | D14A |
BCC | EventNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this event. | D15A |
BCC | EventRecordedDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value at which this event was recorded. | D15B |
BCC | EventActionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying an action for this event. | D15B |
BCC | EventStepCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a step, such as a business or process step, for this event. | D15B |
BCC | EventDispositionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a disposition related to this event. | D15B |
BCC | EventInstanceIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for the instance identification of this event. | D17A |
BCC | EventBusinessStepCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the business step for this event. | D17A |
BCC | EventSecurityLevelCode | Code | 0..u | A security level code for this event. | D19A |
BCC | EventDueDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A due date, time, date time, or other date time value of this event. | D20A |
BCC | EventExpectedIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this event is or was expected. | D20A |
BCC | EventReceivedDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value when information related to this event was received. | D20A |
ASCC | EventOccurrenceLocation | Location | 0..u | Location information where this event will occur or has occurred. | D06A |
ASCC | EventOccurrencePeriod | Period | 0..u | A period of time during which this event occurs. | D08A |
ASCC | EventSpecifiedInstructions | Instructions | 0..u | An instruction or a set of instructions specified for this event. | D08A |
ASCC | EventRelatedLocation | Location | 0..u | A location related to this event. | D08B |
ASCC | EventCertifyingParty | Party | 0..u | A certifying party for this event. | D08B |
ASCC | EventSpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified for this event. | D09A |
ASCC | EventDiscretePeriod | Period | 0..u | A discrete period for this event. | D09A |
ASCC | EventApplicableClassification | Classification | 0..u | A classification applicable to this event. | D10A |
ASCC | EventRelatedCountry | Country | 0..u | A country related to this event. | D10A |
ASCC | EventActualStatus | Status | 0..1 | The actual status of the event. | D10A |
ASCC | EventRelatedParty | Party | 0..u | A party related to this event. | D13A |
ASCC | EventAppliedProcess | Process | 0..u | A process applied to this event. | D13A |
ASCC | EventRelatedRoute | Route | 0..u | A route related to this event. | D13A |
ASCC | EventRelatedService | Service | 0..u | A service related to this event. | D13A |
ASCC | EventSpecifiedGeographicalCoordinate | GeographicalCoordinate | 0..u | A set of geographical coordinates specified for this event. | D13B |
ASCC | EventRelatedDocument | Document | 0..u | A document related to this event. | D14B |
ASCC | EventRelatedCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic related to this event. | D14B |
ASCC | EventRelatedTransportMeans | TransportMeans | 0..u | A transport means related to this event. | D14B |
ASCC | EventRelatedCatch | Catch | 0..u | A catch related to this event. | D15A |
ASCC | EventRelatedBatch | Batch | 0..u | A batch related to this event. | D15B |
ASCC | EventSpecifiedTradeTransaction | TradeTransaction | 0..u | A transaction specified for this event. | D15B |
ASCC | EventSpecifiedEventElement | EventElement | 0..u | An event element specified for this event. | D15B |
ASCC | EventRelatedQualityAnalysis | QualityAnalysis | 0..u | A quality analysis related to this event. | D16B |
ASCC | EventSubordinateEvent | Event | 0..u | An event subordinate to this event. | D17B |
ASCC | EventRelatedObservation | Observation | 0..u | An observation related to this event. | D17B |
ASCC | EventApplicableNote | Note | 0..u | A note providing information applicable to this event. | D17B |
ASCC | EventApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this event. | D19B |
ASCC | EventReportingIOTDevice | IOTDevice | 0..u | An IOT device for this reporting event. | D20A |
ASCC | EventResponsibleParty | Party | 0..u | A responsible party for this event. | D20A |
ASCC | EventAssociatedGeographicalFeature | GeographicalFeature | 0..u | A geographical feature associated with this event. | D20A |
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in ASCC | InspectionSpecifiedExaminationResult QualificationRequiredExaminationResult RegulatoryControlRecordedExaminationResult |
ACC | ExaminationResult | Occ | Results obtained by performing an examination. | D06A | |
BCC | ExaminationResultEvaluationPointNumeric | Numeric | 0..u | A numeric evaluation score of the examination result. | D06A |
BCC | ExaminationResultReasonText | Text | 0..u | A reason, expressed as text, for the examination result. | D06A |
BCC | ExaminationResultTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of examination result. | D06A |
BCC | ExaminationResultApprovalIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not the consequence of this examination result is approval. | D06A |
BCC | ExaminationResultConditionText | Text | 0..u | Any condition, expressed as text, that has been placed on the examination result. | D06A |
BCC | ExaminationResultBusinessTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of business being reported on in this examination result. | D06B |
BCC | ExaminationResultStatusCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a status for this examination result. | D06B |
BCC | ExaminationResultApprovalDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time or other date time value for the approval of this examination result. | D10A |
BCC | ExaminationResultStatementText | Text | 0..u | An examination result statement, expressed as text. | D10A |
BCC | ExaminationResultIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this examination result. | D14A |
BCC | ExaminationResultVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this examination result. | D14A |
BCC | ExaminationResultEvaluationScoreValue | Value | 0..u | A value of an evaluation score for this examination result. | D14A |
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in ASCC | DocumentSpecifiedExemption |
ACC | Exemption | Occ | An exclusion from a requirement, such as a regulation or a tax. | D10A | |
BCC | ExemptionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this exemption. | D10A |
BCC | ExemptionTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of exemption. | D10A |
BCC | ExemptionIssueDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value for the issuance of this exemption. | D10A |
BCC | ExemptionConditionalIndicator | Indicator | 0..u | An indication of whether or not this exemption is conditional. | D10A |
ASCC | ExemptionNotifyingOrganization | Organization | 0..u | A notifying organization for this exemption. | D10A |
ASCC | ExemptionValidityPeriod | Period | 0..u | A validity period for this exemption. | D10A |
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in ASCC | ReportSpecifiedExpectedInformation |
ACC | ExpectedInformation | Occ | A single datum or a compilation of data anticipated, such as an amount, percentage, date or comment in a report. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | ExpectedInformationResponseIndexIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique response index identifier for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationSpecifiedAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The monetary value specified for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationAmountWeightCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the weight of an amount for this expected information, such as thousands of currency or truncated amount. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationAmountDecimalDigitNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of decimals of the amount for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationReferenceIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique reference identifier for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationCommentText | Text | 0..1 | The comment, expressed as text, for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationSpecifiedDate | Date | 0..1 | The date specified for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationSpecifiedTime | Time | 0..1 | The time specified for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationSpecifiedQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The quantity specified for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationSpecifiedPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percent specified for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationResponseIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not there is a response for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationCurrencyCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the currency for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationCurrencyDecimalDigitNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The number of decimal digits for the currency of this expected information. | D09B.1 |
BCC | ExpectedInformationCurrencyUsageCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the usage of a currency for this expected information. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | BuildingInsuranceFactorSpecifiedExternalBuildingProtection |
ACC | ExternalBuildingProtection | Occ | The protection, by external means, that a building has against a threat, such as fire. | D09A | |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionFireProtectionClassCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the fire protection class of this external building protection. | D09A |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionPublicFireStationNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the public fire station that provides external building protection. | D09A |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionPrivateFireStationNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the private fire station that provides external building protection. | D09A |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionNearestFireStationDistanceMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the distance from the building to the nearest fire station that provides external building protection. | D09A |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionHydrantTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of hydrant or water source, such as standard hydrant, standpipe, pond or tanker, that provides external building protection. | D09A |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionHydrantTypeDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the type of hydrant that provides external building protection. | D09A |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionNearestHydrantDistanceMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the distance from the building to the nearest hydrant that provides external building protection. | D09A |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionNearestPoliceStationDistanceMeasure | Measure | 0..1 | The measure of the distance from the building to the nearest police station that provides external building protection. | D09A |
BCC | ExternalBuildingProtectionWaterAvailabilityCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the availability of water which provides a source of external building protection. | D14B |
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in ASCC |
ACC | ExternalWork | Occ | Work belonging to, situated on, or forming the outside of something. | D14A | |
BCC | ExternalWorkIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this external work. | D14A |
BCC | ExternalWorkVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this external work. | D14A |
ASCC | ExternalWorkApplicableMeasurement | Measurement | 0..u | A measurement applicable to this external work. | D14A |
ASCC | ExternalWorkComponentCost | Cost | 0..u | A component cost for this external work. | D14A |
ASCC | ExternalWorkApplicableCost | Cost | 0..u | A cost applicable to this external work. | D14A |
ASCC | ExternalWorkActualComplexQuantity | ComplexQuantity | 0..u | An actual complex quantity for this external work. | D14A |
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in ASCC | RepresentationFormatFacet StatisticalTimeDimensionFormatFacet |
ACC | Facet | Occ | Specification of the format for the content of a data object, such as the content of a data element when reported in a data or metadata set. | D12A | |
BCC | FacetTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of facet. | D12A |
BCC | FacetValueText | Text | 0..1 | The value, expressed as text, of this facet. | D12A |
BCC | FacetValueTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the value type for this facet. | D12A |
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in ASCC | FacilitySubordinateFacility LocationSpecifiedFacility PartySpecifiedFacility ProcessSpecifiedFacility ProductInstanceUsedFacility ProductSpecifiedFacility ProductionUnitDedicatedFacility |
ACC | Facility | Occ | A structure or place that provides a particular service. | D06B | |
BCC | FacilityCategoryText | Text | 0..u | A category, expressed as text, of this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityConstructionDate | Date | 0..u | A date of construction of this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityMarketingPhraseText | Text | 0..u | A catch phrase, expressed as text, for the marketing of this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityRenovationDate | Date | 0..u | A date of renovation of this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityStyleText | Text | 0..u | A style, expressed as text, of this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type, expressed as text, of this facility. | D06B |
BCC | FacilityTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of facility. | D10A |
BCC | FacilityCompletionDate | Date | 0..u | A date value of the completion of this facility. | D21A |
BCC | FacilityFunctionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a function of this facility. | D21A |
BCC | FacilityLicenceText | Text | 0..u | A licence, expressed as text, for this facility. | D21A |
BCC | FacilityCapacityMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the capacity of this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilityActualPicture | Picture | 0..u | An actual picture of this facility. | D06B |
ASCC | FacilityDefinedContact | Contact | 0..u | A defined contact for this facility. | D06B |
ASCC | FacilityDistinctiveFeature | Feature | 0..u | A feature that is a distinctive characteristic of this facility. | D06B |
ASCC | FacilityOfferedService | Service | 0..u | A service that is offered at this facility. | D06B |
ASCC | FacilityOperatingPeriod | Period | 0..u | A period of operation for this facility. | D06B |
ASCC | FacilityPhysicalLocation | Location | 0..u | A physical location of this facility. | D06B |
ASCC | FacilitySituatedAtSource | Source | 0..u | A source, such as a hot springs, that is situated at a facility. | D06B |
ASCC | FacilitySpecifiedUsageCondition | UsageCondition | 0..u | A specified usage condition for this facility. | D06B |
ASCC | FacilitySpecifiedProcess | Process | 0..u | A process specified for this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilityRelatedProductionUnit | ProductionUnit | 0..u | A production unit related to this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilitySpecifiedCertification | Certification | 0..u | A certification specified for this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilitySpecifiedCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate specified for this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilityApplicableInspection | Inspection | 0..u | An inspection applicable to this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilityApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilitySpecifiedEvent | Event | 0..u | An event specified for this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilitySubordinateFacility | Facility | 0..u | A facility subordinate to this facility. | D21A |
ASCC | FacilityApplicableAssessment | Assessment | 0..u | An assessment applicable to this facility. | D21B |
ASCC | FacilityApplicableCertificate | Certificate | 0..u | A certificate applicable to this facility. | D21B |
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in ASCC | BusinessProfileOwnedFactory |
ACC | Factory | Occ | A building or buildings with equipment for manufacturing. | D06B | |
BCC | FactoryNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, of this factory. | D06B |
BCC | FactoryIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier for this factory. | D14A |
BCC | FactoryVersionIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of a version of this factory. | D14A |
ASCC | FactoryDesignatedContact | Contact | 0..u | A designated contact of the factory. | D06B |
ASCC | FactoryPostalAddress | Address | 0..u | A postal address of the factory. | D06B |
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in ASCC | FailureSpecifiedFailureAnalysis |
ACC | FailureAnalysis | Occ | Logical, systematic examination to determine the nature of a failure. | D09A | |
BCC | FailureAnalysisFailureActionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the failure action of the failure analysis. | D09A |
BCC | FailureAnalysisFailureCauseCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the cause of failure in the failure analysis, such as intermittent failure. | D09A |
BCC | FailureAnalysisObservedConditionCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the observed condition in the failure analysis. | D09A |
BCC | FailureAnalysisSystemCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a system of this failure analysis, such as operating system or higher level assembly. | D09A |
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in ASCC |
ACC | Failure | Occ | A breakdown in functionality. | D09A | |
BCC | FailureCommentText | Text | 0..u | A comment for this failure, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | FailureOccurrenceDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of the occurrence of this failure. | D09A |
ASCC | FailureSpecifiedFailureAnalysis | FailureAnalysis | 0..u | A failure analysis specified for this failure. | D09A |
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in ASCC | BatchApplicableFault ProcessApplicableFault ProductApplicableFault TransportMeansSpecifiedFault |
ACC | Fault | Occ | A defect or logical grouping of defects that appear to be related or are showing the same symptoms. | D09A | |
BCC | FaultCategoryText | Text | 0..u | A category of this fault, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | FaultDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this fault. | D09A |
BCC | FaultDetectionDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of the detection of this fault. | D09A |
BCC | FaultUnitLastWorkingDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date, time, date time, or other date time value of when the unit affected by this fault was last in working order. | D09A |
BCC | FaultIdentificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code identifying this fault. | D13A |
BCC | FaultTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of fault. | D21A |
BCC | FaultTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type, expressed as text, for this fault. | D21A |
BCC | FaultSpecifiedQuantity | Quantity | 0..u | A specified quantity of this fault. | D21A |
BCC | FaultSpecifiedPercent | Percent | 0..u | A specified percentage of this fault. | D21A |
BCC | FaultCategoryCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of category for this fault. | D21A |
BCC | FaultClassificationCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a classification for this fault. | D21A |
ASCC | FaultApplicableTolerance | Tolerance | 0..u | A tolerance applicable to this fault. | D21A |
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in ASCC | BuildingDistinctiveFeature ChimneyFlueFeature FacilityDistinctiveFeature ProductMarketingFeature TravelProductSub-ComponentDistinctiveFeature TravelProductDefinedFeature |
ACC | Feature | Occ | Distinctive or characteristic parts of an object. | D06B | |
BCC | FeatureCapacityQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The capacity quantity for this feature. | D06B |
BCC | FeatureDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this feature. | D06B |
BCC | FeatureIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this feature. | D06B |
BCC | FeatureMarketingPhraseText | Text | 0..u | A catch phrase, expressed as text, for marketing of this feature. | D06B |
BCC | FeatureNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this feature. | D06B |
BCC | FeatureTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of feature. | D09B.1 |
BCC | FeatureMarketingMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A marketing measure for this feature. | D09B.1 |
BCC | FeatureUsageCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the usage of this feature. | D14B |
ASCC | FeatureApplicableDimension | Dimension | 0..u | A dimension applicable to this feature. | D14B |
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in ASCC | DeclarationApplicableFee InsurancePaymentPlanAdministrationFee PaymentAdministrationFee |
ACC | Fee | Occ | A charge that is payable as remuneration, such as for membership in a society. | D09A | |
BCC | FeeTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of fee. | D09A |
BCC | FeeRatePercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage rate of the fee. | D09A |
BCC | FeeActualAmount | Amount | 0..1 | The actual monetary value of the fee. | D09A |
BCC | FeeCreditIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this fee is a credit. | D09A |
BCC | FeeTypeDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the type of fee. | D09A |
ASCC | FeePaymentGuarantee | Guarantee | 0..u | A guarantee of payment of this fee. | D10A |
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ACC | FinancialAccount | Occ | A specific business arrangement whereby debits and/or credits arising from transactions are recorded, such as, a financial account with a bank, a financial account with a trading partner etc. | D06A | |
BCC | FinancialAccountIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this financial account. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialAccountTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of financial account such as savings, checking. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialAccountAccountNameText | Text | 0..u | An account name, expressed as text, of this financial account. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialAccountCurrencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the currency of this financial account (Reference ISO 4217 codes). | D06A |
BCC | FinancialAccountTypeText | Text | 0..u | A type, expressed as text, of a financial account. | D08A |
ASCC | FinancialAccountOwnerParty | Party | 0..u | A party that owns this financial account. | D06A |
ASCC | FinancialAccountServicerParty | Party | 0..u | A party that services this financial account on behalf of the account owner or owners. | D06A |
ASCC | FinancialAccountInformationRecipientParty | Party | 0..u | A party that is entitled to receive information about this financial account. | D06A |
ASCC | FinancialAccountAgentParty | Party | 0..u | A party that acts on behalf of another party related to this financial account. | D06A |
ASCC | FinancialAccountServicingFinancialInstitution | FinancialInstitution | 0..1 | The financial institution that services this financial account. | D06B |
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in ASCC | PaymentMeansApplicableFinancialCard PaymentMeansIdentifiedFinancialCard TradeSettlementSpecifiedFinancialCard |
ACC | FinancialCard | Occ | A card used to represent a financial account. | D06A | |
BCC | FinancialCardMicrochipIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not this financial card has a microchip. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialCardIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier of the financial card which is commonly known as the card number. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialCardTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a type of financial card, such as debit or credit. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialCardCardholderNameText | Text | 0..u | A name of the holder(s) of the card as it appears as text on this financial card. This may include both an individual authorized to use the card as well as the organization that owns the card. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialCardExpiryDate | Date | 0..u | A date of expiry up to which the financial card is valid. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialCardVerificationNumeric | Numeric | 0..1 | The unique card verification number for security purposes to help verify the card user is in actual possession of the financial card. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialCardValidFromDateTime | Date Time | 0..u | A date from which the financial card is valid. | D06A |
BCC | FinancialCardCreditLimitAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the credit limit for this financial card. | D09A |
BCC | FinancialCardCreditAvailableAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value of the credit available for this financial card. | D09A |
BCC | FinancialCardInterestRatePercent | Percent | 0..u | An interest rate expressed as a percentage for this financial card. | D09A |
BCC | FinancialCardIssuingCompanyNameText | Text | 0..u | An issuing company name, expressed as text, for this financial card. | D12B |
BCC | FinancialCardDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this financial card. | D12B |
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ACC | FinancialInstitution | Occ | An institution, such as a bank, building society, credit union, stock brokerage, or similar business; established primarily to provide financial services and financial transactions. | D06B | |
BCC | FinancialInstitutionBEIIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique Business Entity Identifier (BEI) as defined in ISO 9362 for this financial institution. | D06B |
BCC | FinancialInstitutionBICIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique Bank Identification Code (BIC) as defined in ISO 9362 for this financial institution. | D06B |
BCC | FinancialInstitutionGLNIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique Global Location Number (GLN) as defined by GS1 for this financial institution. | D06B |
BCC | FinancialInstitutionIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this financial institution. | D06B |
BCC | FinancialInstitutionNameText | Text | 0..u | A name, expressed as text, for this financial institution. | D06B |
BCC | FinancialInstitutionRoleCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying a role for this financial institution, such as intermediary or settlement agent. | D06B |
BCC | FinancialInstitutionClearingSystemNameText | Text | 0..u | A clearing system name, expressed as text, for this financial institution. | D08A |
BCC | FinancialInstitutionClearingSystemIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A clearing system identifier for this financial institution. | D19B |
ASCC | FinancialInstitutionLocationAddress | Address | 0..1 | The postal address for this financial institution. | D06B |
ASCC | FinancialInstitutionResidenceCountry | Country | 0..1 | The country where this financial institution is located. | D06B |
ASCC | FinancialInstitutionSub-DivisionFinancialInstitution | FinancialInstitution | 0..u | A financial institution that is a sub-division (branch) of this financial institution. | D08A |
ASCC | FinancialInstitutionOrganizationalUnitFinancialInstitution | FinancialInstitution | 0..u | A financial institution that is an organizational unit of this financial institution. | D14A |
ASCC | FinancialInstitutionSpecifiedIdentity | Identity | 0..u | An identity specified for this financial institution. | D19B |
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in ASCC | KitchenProtectionSpecifiedFireExtinguishingSystem OnsiteBuildingProtectionSpecifiedFireExtinguishingSystem |
ACC | FireExtinguishingSystem | Occ | A protection device or system used to extinguish or control fires. | D09A | |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemExtinguisherTypeDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the type of extinguisher in the fire extinguishing system. | D09A |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemPortableFireExtinguisherQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of portable fire extinguishers forming all or part of the fire extinguishing system. | D09A |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemExtinguishingAgentTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of extinguishing agent in the fire extinguishing system, such as Halon Gas. | D09A |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemSprinklerTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of sprinkler system installed as part of the fire extinguishing system. | D09A |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemSprinklerWaterSupplyPrimarySourceCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the primary source of the sprinkler water supply in the fire extinguishing system. | D09A |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemSprinklerWaterSupplySecondarySourceCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the secondary source of the sprinkler water supply in the fire extinguishing system. | D09A |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemSprinkleredPercent | Percent | 0..1 | The percentage, usually of a building, that is equipped with a sprinkler system as part of the fire extinguishing system. | D09A |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of fire extinguishing system. | D14B |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemAllHeatingSourcesCoveredIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the fire extinguishing system covers all heating sources. | D14B |
BCC | FireExtinguishingSystemMaintenanceContractIndicator | Indicator | 0..1 | The indication of whether or not the fire extinguishing system is under a maintenance contract. | D14B |
ASCC | FireExtinguishingSystemMaintenanceContractDurationPeriod | Period | 0..1 | The duration period of the maintenance contract for this fire extinguishing system. | D14B |
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in ASCC | BuildingWithinFireplace HeatingSystemSpecifiedFireplace |
ACC | Fireplace | Occ | An architectural element in a building consisting of a space designed to contain a fire, generally for heating but sometimes also for cooking. | D09A | |
BCC | FireplaceTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of fireplace. | D09A |
BCC | FireplaceHearthQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of hearths in the fireplace. | D09A |
BCC | FireplaceChimneyQuantity | Quantity | 0..1 | The number of chimneys connected to the fireplace. | D09A |
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in ASCC | TradeAgreementApplicableForecastTerms |
ACC | ForecastTerms | Occ | A set of terms and conditions by which a forecast has been or will be made. | D08B | |
BCC | ForecastTermsForecastTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the forecast type in these forecast terms. | D08B |
BCC | ForecastTermsFrequencyCode | Code | 0..u | A code in the forecast terms specifying the forecast frequency. | D08B |
BCC | ForecastTermsDateTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code in the forecast terms specifying the forecast date type. | D08B |
BCC | ForecastTermsCommitmentLevelCode | Code | 0..u | A code in the forecast terms specifying the forecast commitment level. | D08B |
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in ASCC | FormalityIncludedFormTemplate |
ACC | FormTemplate | Occ | A model or standard for making comparisons for a form. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | FormTemplateIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique identifier for this form template. | D09B.1 |
BCC | FormTemplateNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, for this form template. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | FormTemplateIncludedReport | Report | 0..u | A report included in this form template. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | BusinessProfileAccountingFormality ProcessedEntitySpecifiedFormality |
ACC | Formality | Occ | A compilation of gathered information to be remitted to official data collectors or interested parties, such as a tax or social return, statistical statement, financial report. | D09B.1 | |
BCC | FormalityIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | A unique identifier for this formality. | D09B.1 |
BCC | FormalityNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of this formality. | D09B.1 |
BCC | FormalityManifestText | Text | 0..u | A list of reports, expressed as text, that make up this formality. | D09B.1 |
BCC | FormalityNomenclatureIdentifier | Identifier | 0..1 | The unique nomenclature identifier for this formality. | D09B.1 |
BCC | FormalityNomenclatureNameText | Text | 0..1 | The name, expressed as text, of the nomenclature for this formality. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | FormalitySpecifiedAccountingPeriod | AccountingPeriod | 0..u | An accounting period delimited for this formality. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | FormalityConcernedOrganization | Organization | 0..1 | The organization concerned by this formality. | D09B.1 |
ASCC | FormalityIncludedFormTemplate | FormTemplate | 0..u | A form template included in this formality. | D09B.1 |
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in ASCC | HeatingSystemUsedFuel TransportMovementUsedFuel |
ACC | Fuel | Occ | Any material that is burnt or altered in order to obtain energy. | D09A | |
BCC | FuelTypeCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type of fuel. | D09A |
BCC | FuelTypeText | Text | 0..1 | The type of fuel, expressed as text. | D09A |
BCC | FuelTypeRankCode | Code | 0..1 | The code specifying the type rank for this fuel. | D09A |
BCC | FuelValueAmount | Amount | 0..u | A monetary value for this fuel. | D10A |
BCC | FuelVolumeMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the volume of this fuel. | D10A |
BCC | FuelWeightMeasure | Measure | 0..u | A measure of the weight of this fuel. | D10A |
BCC | FuelStorageDescriptionText | Text | 0..1 | The textual description of the storage for this fuel. | D14B |
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in ASCC | ActivitySpecifiedGear CatchUsedGear CategoryAuthorizedGear ProblemRelatedGear TransportMeansOnBoardGear |
ACC | Gear | Occ | An apparatus that is used for a particular purpose or activity. | D14B | |
BCC | GearIdentificationIdentifier | Identifier | 0..u | An identifier of this gear. | D14B |
BCC | GearTypeCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying the type of this gear. | D14B |
BCC | GearDescriptionText | Text | 0..u | A textual description of this gear. | D14B |
BCC | GearRoleCode | Code | 0..u | A code specifying a role for this gear. | D14B |
ASCC | GearIllustratePicture | Picture | 0..u | A picture which illustrates this gear. | D14B |
ASCC | GearApplicableCharacteristic | Characteristic | 0..u | A characteristic applicable to this gear. | D15A |
ASCC | GearRelatedEvent | Event |